Everything posted by Javert
Friends vs Lord of the Rings
perhaps this topic should read Friends vs Monster Fighters? as Monster Fighters isn't a liscenced theme, and nor is friends
The Hogwarts Community Build
I am really sorry I failed to get this done, but exam study got the better of me, but now all of that is over you can count me in, I'll take number 36, as I did before and this time it WILL be built! you can count on it! :D (I'm Ravenclaw btw)
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
ah mybad still, it is a bit of a joke!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Middle Earth meaning Europe? That's a joke! Where's your evidence?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
WOAH! xD If those are freebies in the newspaper at some point, I may have to army build with those Uruks!
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
I see what you did there! well I have a few ideas of what I'd like to see Concerning the Hobbit (I didn't say that to copy you professor, nor do I intend to exhaust the joke)as I very recently read the book! The Hobbit: Bag End - It has to come out, it's the home of the main character in the Hobbit Bilbo and then also Frodo's Home in Lord of the Rings! maybe with a couple of dwarves, Gandalf and Bilbo Roast Mutton - The three trolls would make an awesome set, however I think having 3 trolls in one set is unlikely, however this scene is iconic in the book so will be in the film too! Riddles in the Dark - The most iconic scene in this so will probably most definately be made! Gollum and Bilbo being the likely ones included and of course the ring! Flies and Spiders - maybe another set like Shelob attacks but with 2 spiders and a few of the Dwarves Barrels out of Bond - again another iconic scene, could see potential for a small set with maybe 2 dwarves and barrels and a small section of river A Warm Welcome/Fire and Water - I see the potential for a Laketown Scene with Smaug rather than a lair with Smaug because there would be far too much gold to put into a set like that! probably with Bard and a couple of the dwarves The Clouds Burst - I have no idea how they would do this, it depends what happens in this scene in the film! and for Future Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: I would love to see a set with Gandalf and Saruman as they have their fight in Isengard! A Sauron from the flashback would be a welcome addition too (maybe with the guy who chopped his finger off, his name escapes me) The Two Towers: mini models (bit like the architecture series) of both Orthanc and Barad Dur with the eye of Sauron on the top of Barad Dur (someone can correct me if that is not the name of Sauron's tower as I haven't seen all the films yet, and the ones I have seen, I saw for the first time so missed some things) TreeBeard - brick built with Pippin and Merry! Rohan - couple of wooden huts maybe? Some set which includes an army of men (4 or 5) and Gandalf the White as they drive the Uruk Hai away Just a few ideas of mine and as I say, I've only read the Hobbit and seen The Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers both once, yet to watch Return of the King :')
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
And that shows you why this set is as amazing as it is! It's because a lifelong fan of Lord of the Rings designed it!
Which is your favorite LEGO set?
Medieval Market Village is my all time favourite set! It has everything in this set, and if this set had been released back in the days of the King Leo castle, it would most definitely have come into my possession back then, a set like this one was a childhood dream, which never happened until January this year when an unexpected late Christmas present arrived from LEGOshop! Before this one came out my favourite set ever was the 2nd Hogwarts Castle with the working clock, that was an amazing sets! I'm looking forward to Lord of the Rings coming to the UK as I think Helms Deep is bound to go down well! :D
Decal Wish List
wow! I never saw you had done this until now! That is a fantastic Emmy decal! I'm looking forward to seeing what Phantom will look like xD Thank you so much!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
or LEGOlas with an open mouth expression and a soundchip which allows him to say: THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I'd want a minifigure of Saruman for a promotional figure either that or he has to come out in the next wave!
What did you buy today?
Series 5 Minifigure - Grenadier Guard (which reminded me of the Sentry from Iolanthe which I performed in 2 weeks ago Series 5 Minifigure - Zookeeper
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
When these were announced, I was, ecstatic! Even though I had never seen the films, and when seeing the sets I wasn't too bothered at the time, but I knew that this would mean Hobbit sets to go with the movie release in December, but this was because I had read The Hobbit book and played the game on the PS2. On Monday just gone I found myself with some free time (I'm on exam leave at the moment)so I used it wisely and watched The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, for the first time ever! I mean I had seen bits of it before (The Ringwraiths entering Bree, Lurtz being defeated, Frodo getting stabbed at weathertop, YOU SHALL NOT PASS etc) but this was the first time I sat and watched the entire thing. I am so glad that I did! I am now eager to get these sets! Tomorrow I'm going to watch the Two Towers! I love these sets! The hobbits are so cute and it's amazing we get the entire fellowship in the whole wave! My only gripe is that we don't get Old Bilbo or Saruman, but they will probably come later! I love Gimli's minifigure! I kind of wished these had come out a few years ago, because I met John Rhys Davies, when I had no knowledge of the Lord of the Rings films... poor me! I've also met Billy Boyd, but again, I had no interest in LOTR at that point so I got a bogstandard picture of him signed... AND Billy Boyd is also now the patron of The National Boys Choir of Scotland, so appears at the concerts! sadly I left this choir the year before he was announced as patron... In a few weeks time I get to meet Sean Astin at Collectormania in Milton Keynes, and I am definatley getting a picture of Samwise Gamgee signed! Anyhow back to the LEGO... I really hope the Orc Forge is available in the UK and isn't an exclusive to America! All these sets bar perhaps the Orc Forge for me are must buys, but I do wish the Orc Forge came with Saruman. Other than that, I'm getting these sets! And that box thing with Frodo on it, I may have to invest on one of them too! just hope Toys R Us have that over here! A great theme! :D
Where to post my car models?
That police car is fantastic! I'd love to see you do a London bus or a Delorean DMC12 in that scale!
Lego Les Misérables
You may have seen this amazing video (Which is NOT mine) but this never came to light, which was disappointing considering how good it looked. So after a VERY long time, I have finally started it! I am going to make an entire, stop motion production of Les Misérables - The Musical with Lego! I started off with the minifigures, and what a better place to start, than with the convicts! Convicts If you have noticed, those decals on the figures are ones that I have made on the computer! These are currently stuck onto labels and the labels stuck on the minifigure but by the time I get to filming it, I hope to have the costumes printed onto the labels so it's easy enough to remove them once I am finished with them! Now don't think I'm going to stop there, because here come the Hero, and the...well I wouldn't call him a villan... 24601 and TEH LAWR I have also finally designed a prison set on LDD so hopefully I can print off instructions so I can build it myself! (I was careful to use bits that I own) Toulon Prison and finally! I have a due date for you! Can't tell you what it's for though Coming Soon... until then....
my 60 Custom Minifigs
I see Bicycle Race Radio Gaga We Are The Champions and Bohemian Rhapsody - (put a gun against his head) I'm a big fan of queen and I need to know how you made the red special!
Any musically talented folks on here?
I'm a singer, I have been singing for 9 years now, and I want to do Musical Theatre when I leave school! If anyone's interested, here's some of my vocal covers
The LEGO Bull Knights Sets 2000
hello SirSven7 and once again a great review! Unfortunately, this is the only one so far I disagree with. For me this theme was amazing! I remember the first sets I got out of the theme were the catapult crusher and the axe cart, which I got on my first ever visit to Legoland Windsor back in 2001. I remember on the car journey home from legoland, I opened the boxes and inside both of them was a leaflet, showing all the sets of the KK1 theme. I remember saying to my mum when we got back to our cottage in Surrey, "I love the look of all these sets, do you mind if I write my Christmas list early this year?" (I was 6 at the time) Jump to Christmas and I got the King Leo's Castle, The Bull's attack, The Defense Archer, The Guarded Treasury and the Royal Joust sets. I spent hours of building time on them that day. This was my second proper lego theme I collected. And I loved it! Jump forward to my birthday and I got the Dragon Rider, The Rebel Chariot and the Dungeon sets (never got the catapult on wheels). Those shiny pieces were brilliant! I still have the chestplate and helmet (my dog chewed the shield ). Then on a trip to York in the Easter holidays, I got given the Fire Attack set as a present for being so good that day (I know, I was a bad kid at times haha!) I spent hours playing with these sets, and building them up, and taking them down again and again. I got the computer game and played it so much (I loved the way the walls for the castle on that game were built!) I even spent time building the alternative ideas from each set. I have recently just completed building the King Leo's Castle again and I can understand why I loved this set! It has everything, a drawbridge, a portcullis, even a throne! But going back on topic to the Bull's theme... I think overall the best Bull set is the Bull's attack because of the mighty attack tower, I used to spend ages pushing it around my KLC set and didn't get bored! I was only 6 at the time but being a child, I loved these sets! Jump 11 years forward and I've started to try rebuilding them again, but I think a few bricklink orders are in order, as some pieces are scratched, chewed, broken and lost I'm looking forward to seeing your opinions on the Lion Knights sets of 2000/2001
Bruce Wayne Hairpiece
FANTASTIC! If I really wanted a black one (or a very dark brown one) it means I can always paint that piece! :D Thank you so much, I'll need to get a few!
Bruce Wayne Hairpiece
thank you Flitwick! I'm only after the hairpiece but I will go back here if I can't get it singularly
TSATS: LEGO Falkirk Wheel
Javert replied to jojoguy10's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modelingyou are doing a cracking job! can't wait to see it finished :D I live just around 40 minutes from the real thing!
Bruce Wayne Hairpiece
in the new batcave set, which I'm not interested in at all, I have discovered a hairpiece that would be perfect for Opera Phantom minifigures. I'm just wondering if this piece is available singular anywhere because I might like to get a few. Or indeed if they are in any other lego set, that may or may not be, cheaper. All help is appreciated!
LEGOLAND Windsor - Star Wars Miniland Experience Mini-Raffle
Question 1: 100 Question 2: I am looking forward to seeing how they have done the X-Wing fighters battle in the trench on the death star!
REVIEW: 21012 Sydney Opera House
fantastic review! I just read about flooding in New South Wales and I sincerely hope you aren't affected by it!
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
I am a Doctor Who fan, but I've gone off it recently, Moffat made it too complicated which is unfortunate but Series 5 is perfect! But then again I also thought that a lot of the RTD era was written for children (I mean Slitheen - farting? no? not childish?) When I fist saw the Eleventh Hour, I had to wait until the Wednesday after to see it as I was away with the choir that week. It was wonderful, it felt like a different TV show and it had magic that had never been in the show before! But now it seems like Moffat has used his magic up and is making the story-lines too difficult to follow. Even with the: felt like such a cop-out... The Classic series is way underrated!
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