Everything posted by Javert
can someone help?
well that was a waste of time, he didn't even appear out of the venue then on the way home the bus broke down and they weren't sending for another one because it was so late last night! So I ended up walking home... which wasn't fun no need for this thread anymore
can someone help?
just built an MOC frame with 2 of those 8x6 large plates held together with some normal black ones, the beauty with LEGO is you can take it apart! xD
can someone help?
thanks so much for the help but I don't have any of those :/ (Which is a real bummer!) any other ideas?
can someone help?
hi there Ed Sheeran is in town tonight and I'm going to go and try meet him. I want him to sign a lego brick with a silver sharpie so I have a unique signed item (probably never done before) Trouble is, I don't know what elements would be suitable for an autograph on (or whether sharpie can write onto lego) It's an idea I had while thinking about what I wanted him to sign and he's a big fan of lego so it would be a bonus for him! I did think about maybe the following elements: If anyone can come up with a different suggestion I would be truly greatful! I only have till around 20:45 GMT before I have to leave
What are you reading?
as I am highly anticipating the film J.R.R Tolkein - The Hobbit Loving it so far!
The Future of Ninjago
I'm sorry but Ninjago is a really poor theme I mean, the figs are nice but the buildings, and the things you are meant to do with them (spin them for battles?) I find the idea a bit lame and a few others I know agree with me I think this theme may end midway 2012 depending on how successful it is
The Youtube thread
Ed Sheeran, nobody had heard of him until he had a hit with "Lego House". I love the video to this song because it actually shows Rupert Grint (Ron in Harry Potter and also one of my favourite characters from the HP films) playing with actual lego bricks and lego is included in the song. Ed Sheeran himself plays with Lego and even posted pictures of him and a few others building the Death Star set on twitter! but something I would love to know is whether Ed Sheeran has made an impact on people who have either never played with lego before or had played with it but not very much because you know what some fans are like! He is currently touring and tonight I was hoping to go, but tickets were sold out! so instead I am building "Building Bonanza" - Set 4886-1 I posted the same on facebook but people came back saying I was childish anyway back on topic (if this goes anywhere...)
Review: 10193 Medieval Market Village
my dad ordered me this set from LEGO Saturday night, it should be here tommorow with any luck xD I am so excited for this one!
How much did you spend on Lego in 2011?
well my first bricklink order in January was £3 Then after that I only really got freebies in the newspaper (X-Wing, Harry Potter, didn't bother with POTC) so paid the price of the newspaper each time, I reckon it's under £10 I spent on LEGO in 2011 BUT I have a Medieval Market Village on the way which my Dad bought the other day!
Decal Wish List
Thank you so much! I take it when printing it will come out the right size?
Decal Wish List
hello everyone I am here to request a decal of the sign that was in the Guarded Inn set (10000-1) it looks like this: I need a decal for this because my dog when he was a puppy got hold of this 1 piece and chewed it to bits If someone can reproduce this for me I'll be eternally grateful!
and I'm JAVERT!
hello all (I know this is rather late but I have been here for over a year but not been on very much) my name is Gordon and I have been collecting LEGO for many years now! My first proper set was the Alpha Team Helicopter and then I remember after that I got hooked so I got all the Alpha Team sets! My favourite themes are Castle, Harry Potter and Star Wars but I haven't been collecting much Star Wars since they changed the minifigures to more cartoon y versions which really don't bond well! My favourite set is 3739 Blacksmith Shop and I got this when it came out. It really is a beautiful piece when built! This was the first set I ever got ordered of and since then I do get a lot from that site. My next set is going to be the Medieval Market Village as it will go well with all my Castle stuff I have already (none of the trolls or skeletons, I have King Leo and Cedric the Bull instead of the skeletons and trolls). I saw it in the LEGO store in Cardiff while on holiday there and I fell in love with it so I'm really happy that we are ordering it soon! Aside from LEGO I love performing! Last March I was part of my first ever production in a real theatre (even though I was only chorus), The Mikado by W.S Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. I joined the Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society and I have never looked back since then. Our next production is Iolanthe at the Festival Theatre which has a much bigger stage so I am really looking forward to that! After The Mikado I was privileged to be given my first principal role in a production of The Zoo by Arthur Sullivan at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2011. I was playing and understudying a lead role but it was only for 3 nights and 40 minutes each time. This was such a fun experience and I really enjoyed it! Then just before Christmas 2011 I was cast as lead role Nick Piazza in Fame the musical at my school. this was my first proper principal role and again it was only for 3 nights but this time it was for over 2 hours! I thoroughly enjoyed this role and it awoke my passion for performing arts! I cannot wait until the next school production as it will be my last one in my time at secondary school! I dream to play inspector Javert (hence my Eurobricks Username) in Les Misérables in the future and possibly also Commander Khashoggi in We Will Rock You! Aside from the performing arts I am a big fan of Doctor Who! To all whovians on Eurobricks you may be seeing a lot of MOCs relating to Doctor Who in the future! My favourite Doctor is Matt Smith. I am also a keen collector of autographs and I have a real lot of them from Stage Door visits and Conventions and also through writing! 2 of the most memorable people I have met are Brian May (Queen's Guitarist) and David Tennant (the 10th Doctor). Aside from all my main hobbies I have many others including Reading, Drawing, Listening to Music (My music taste is wide), Figure customisation (including LEGO minifigures although I don't do a lot with them) and playing games (mostly platform, no shooting and most of all LEGO Harry Potter, Batman and Indiana Jones!) Anyway enough from me, I look forward to getting to know some of you better and discussing the brilliance that is....LEGO!
Friendship hairpieces good for Pirates?
when I saw it I personally thought it would look good on a minifigure of Brian May
MOC Medieval House
Another LDD MOC from me and today it is the medieval house. i was playing around with LDD in the early hours of this morning until 5am but I was really happy with the result I was getting with this one... (I already had the Blacksmith Shop set 3739 built in LDD so I painted it different colours, I know it's not much of a difference but I bet with more work on the interior It could look superb) (a tavern maybe?) anyway take a look! Medieval Building Back Interior Side (When Open) Other Side (When Open The Back (When Open) Medieval House Medieval House (Chimney Side) Front The Back
The Knight Bus (MOC on LDD)
I have no idea how to post an LXF file plus my computer didn't save once I had finished it!
The Knight Bus (MOC on LDD)
hello all I was disappointed by the new Knight Bus set and I preferred the old one but I still felt something was missing. I took as many screen shots as I could but if all goes well I could probably come back with more if you ask me. I tried to give this one a much rounder look and also tried to make a scale replica of the one used in the film but I think it's alright It did have stairs but with the stairs inside it made it too long so I had to take them out, but it still has the Chandelier :) anyway here you go! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Overall this took about 4 hours to make, I started on the front and worked back. It includes 8 sliding beds but for some reason I can't put them inside Hope you all like EDIT: Sorry! I had no idea there was a size limit for pictures! Won't happen again
11th Doctor's head
The Character Building sets are great! I have a small collection including a TARDIS but because these are compatible with LEGO you can build ANYWHERE for them to roam about. If you would rather have minifigures who look inaccurate, thats up to you, but at least get the Daleks from the CB range, these solve a heck of a lot of problems when it comes to LEGO Daleks :)
Javert's Decals
I thought I would set up this topic to show you what decals I can come up with. I have already posted one in the Pirates forum but I shall bring it here too! I hope you like them and maybe even use them First up is a new one from me of Willy Wonka. I know this is a weird one to start off with but I am making an entire Willy Wonka group for my little brother (who ADORES the 1971 film) Second here is Horatio Nelson (also posted in the Pirates forum) I hope you like them
Horatio Nelson Decal
I think I would yes, however I do not know how to resize decals to the size required so any help is much appreciated :)
Horatio Nelson Decal
MOC: Clifton Suspension Bridge Bristol
please dont go there
MOC: Clifton Suspension Bridge Bristol
hehe NO, my brother hates LEGO and No unfortunately this MOC is no longer, It got broken down a couple of weeks after build because there was nowhere for it, it was nearly 70 cm long
MOC: Clifton Suspension Bridge Bristol
I went to Bristol on holiday last year and I loved it so much. We went all sorts of places including the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Here is a pic of me on the bridge: and I thought about building it in lego when I got back home as I loved it there! I first tried with Brown Bricks but I ran out so I went for a beige colour. I did have the supports but they looked terrible as they were multicoloured (I built this after the pandorica so was limited in dark grey elements). Please note, I DO NOT SUPPORT LIVERPOOL, this is my brother's bed. looking through the bridge: and thats it for this one, feel free to comment :)
MOC: Pandorica from Doctor Who
Last Summer I got busy, I finished this ages ago but have not shared this with you all yet. Here she is, THE PANDORICA as seen in the Pandorica Opens and the Big Bang: The Pic Below shows how I created the opening doors Amy and the Doctor Hiding From a Cyberman The Daleks Guard the Doctor to make sure he does not escape (please note, the stone dalek figures were not available at this point.) The Seat I created, I had to build this around the Doctor figure to ensure he fit. Strapped In... And Thats it for pictures, I do have a link to a Video on Youtube in which I review the Pandorica but this channel is my old one. Please excuse the mess The Sides are paper downloads stuck on with blu tack, I tried creating the circles but I ran out of bricks very quickly. Hope you like it :D
Back at the barricade
Martin Neely?
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