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  1. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Evo: http://www.kmart.com/lego-hero-factory-brain-attack-evo/p-004W004434237006P?prdNo=21 Aquagon: http://www.kmart.com/lego-hero-factory-brain-attack-aquagon/p-004W004434237007P?prdNo=22 For those of you who are lazy to look them up.
  2. Not sure if these are final or prototype (Laval has normal feet, not the lion ones from that old pic). But yeah, the birds are ugly (seriously, Eris is whatthefuckamIlookingat) and Worriz is also...eh. BUT, Gorzan is awesome, and I'll probably pick him up along with Cragger. EDIT: Yep, they're prototypes. Cragger has those frost beast blades.
  3. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Well, the site is fixed. It's not glitchy, but it's the same. I also got the hang of it, and I can navigate it now. But still, it's confusing, and this new layout is a downgrade.
  4. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    As the guy above me said, Bolt has no slug. On that site there's also a picture showing an excavation site thing. Maybe bolt is an extinct creature that got brought to life somehow? (Ninjago-style mega weapon?) Dunno, but the absence of the slug is quite odd.
  5. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Dragonbolt EDIT:
  6. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Ok, the summer wave is gorgeous. Much, much better than winter. Dragonbolt is lessthanthree, and Jet Rocka is also amazing. Aquagon is interesting, looks like a piranha or something like that. Evo and Surge are <3. So yeah, can't wait til Toy Fair, and I'm pretty sure the guy behind the tower is Black Phantom, I mean, it looks like him. (has the same shoulder armor, I can see his extra arms with those knives and the head looks a bit like his, yes, I have very good eyes, thank you very much)
  7. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Jet Rocka seems...interesting.
  8. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Thresher can't be evil, they said, you're insane, they said. WHO'S THE INSANE ONE NOW?!
  9. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Remember when they called Voltix, "Dynamo"? Yeah....Wait until pictures guys.
  10. Ok, so opinion time. The sets are good, I really dig that temple. But, I'm more curious about Worriz' huge tank/whatever that thing is, it seems really good. That caught my attention first. The other sets (besides the tank thing and temple) are okay, I think Gorzan's gorilla mech isn't that impressive. It's okay, I suppose.
  11. Summer sets
  12. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Yeah, "The Doom Box" and "Legion of Darkness"
  13. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Professor Honeybee...Please. And I also have a theory that Nebbie, Thresh, Doc and Corey Hun-I mean, Core Hunter, are part of that "galactic conspiracy" Greg was talking about.
  14. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    About the guy behind it, I'm pretty sure it's Thresher. Since, in the books, he's on a planet (I think) working on brain control tech stuff. So I'm assuming it is Thresher.
  15. Jouster replied to Logan McOwen's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    More pics (not mine, so yeah, I hope my friend doesn't kill me for this, although, he has no reason to? right? no? okay)
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