So I've gotten into Mobile Frame Zero recently, and have had a blast getting some actual building done. I've only churned out a few frames so far, but once a rather large PaB order comes in, I'll be making some squads.
First up, the Super Chub, an obvious riff on Soren's original Chub design.
Super Chub (XKR-27 Artillery Cannon equipped) by HatRabies, on Flickr
Emphasis with this build was on articulation, and it manages to articulate pretty well!
Super Chub (articulated feet) by HatRabies, on Flickr
As seen in the first picture, I've made a few different systems for this frame. Here are a few more.
Super Chub Flight Equipment by HatRabies, on Flickr
A rear shot of the flight equipment. I was pretty happy with how the thrusters came together.
High Mobility Unit (rear) by HatRabies, on Flickr
Super Chub Siege Equipment by HatRabies, on Flickr
Next up is a much smaller, more nimble frame. The Sprinting Ghost.
Sprinting Ghost & Pilot by HatRabies, on Flickr
Shown above in a small vignette with its pilot standing in front of it. I was definitely channeling some Macross influences with this one.
SRM-79 "Sprinting Ghost" by HatRabies, on Flickr
And here is an optional melee variant of the same frame.
Sprinting Ghost Slasher Equipment by HatRabies, on Flickr
And finally, a frame build for a challenge presented. The requirements were to use no taps, pneumatic T's, or Travis bricks.
Introducing the Nightingale.
RTK-7 Nightingale by HatRabies, on Flickr
I hope you guys enjoy these, I've certainly had a blast building them and cannot wait to build some more!