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Eurobricks Vassals
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About FiliusRucilo

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  1. My Monorail on Exhibition at König Karls Forum, Bad Wildbad, Germany in May 2024. Enjoy the roundtrip.
  2. Next Stop: Steinhanse 2023 in Kaltenkirchen/Germany, April 21th - 22th. Preparations are ongoing. Will the Monorail fit in my smart? Yessssss..... @Masao: I'm interested how do you travel with your monorail. Do you have everything packed in the suitcase I've seen in some of your YouTube videos beneath the table?
  3. finally, here it is. The color-change-video. :-) Link to Flickr
  4. This is a good question. I have to make a video...
  5. Pirates exploring the finger cave island. Viewed from inside of the cave the pirates finally arrived at entrance after chop their way from the beach through the island jungle. Is the treasure of captain Blackbeard inside the cave? Framed by a maxi-version of a 4x1x4 Doorframe Element I've built my hand in front of a sea background. Between the two layers I've installed a LED-Chain. (and yes! you can change the color! :-) Vote for me at LEGO ideas SUPPORT NOW
  6. Snottingen Monorailways out at Inspiration Modellbau 2022 exhibition, Nieder-Olm, Germany
  7. Finally, after nearly 3 years. of "sleeping" in boxes, we're on the road again. My Monorail at Born2Brick 2022 exhibition in Rüsselsheim/Germany. A detail video can be found here: The Monorail starts at 12:10:00
  8. Hi Arefalalmani, You simply have to replace the motor. Both motor types will fit.
  9. Hi Arefalalmani, since macOS Catalina LDD is dead! I've ported the LDD files to Bricklinks Stud.io and updated them. You can download the latest Version from here: http://www.eweidner.de/downloads/Powertrain_6_small_tire.io and http://www.eweidner.de/downloads/Powertrain_7_small_tire.io
  10. I was out for display on RHEIN-MAIN-STEIN last weekend. My Monorail is now embedded into my city Snottingen.
  11. Hi Sed, For the clock post i've made a instruction. You can find it here. The golden borders are from a LEGO-Dice. Snottingen ist my modular town and not a real place. The Name comes from to SNOT (Stud not on top) an definitely not from snot. ;-) Cheers Filius Rucilo
  12. For the next exibithion i've built a "little" Monorail Station for Snottingen Monorailways: Find more pictures on Flickr. I'm very excite for the exhibition on June 22th and 23th in Rüsselsheim, Germany, when all my builds from the last 8 month comes together. Over all it will be a 20x8 Basplates Layout (5,12m x 2,05m) Cheers Filius Rucilo
  13. During my easter holidays i've done some preparations for the next exhibition in June. Just a little test if the monrail yard and the modular bridge elements i've build during winter season fits for layout and trains. The complete yard has a lenght of 11 building plates wich make a last 2.81m in total. I've build 4 of these bridge elements. You can combine it to a two way brindge with 2x2 elements and a lenght of 1.5 meters or a one way brindge with al lenght of 3 meters. There exists also 4 portals to give the bridge a perfect entry. The clou of the elements is, if you detach the monrail track you can use it with regualr trains. I've used railtracks for stabilzing the construction. ;-)
  14. This is a really cool mechanism. :-) Thumbs up!
  15. Easter holidays finally. I hav'nt built anything for so long that the trees grow out of the stones ... A similar MOC I've seen before many month ago somewhere on the net and i ever want to make one for my faktor4 collection. Et voila! Today's the day. :-) Unfortunately i've no clue where i've found original, so im sorry that i have no link to it.
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