Future Star Wars Sets
Crashed on Maridun: Minifigs: Anakin, Ahsoka, Aayla, Rex, Bly, Wagtoo. Vehicles,extras: CR70 ship, Republic tent, and escape pod. Cost:$120.00. 2 new figs. You all know what it says here!
Future Star Wars Sets
Idea: Shot down on Florrum. Minifigs: JarJar, Clone x2, and 2 pirates. Extras,vehicles: 1 speeder, and half of a NU shuttle (doubtful LEGO would ever do that though!) Cost:$70.00. Idea may vary this time.... No emoticon.
Future Star Wars Sets
Somehow, I know they would because over the years, they just make the same sets over and over again, why?
Future Star Wars Sets
This is a place for wishes remember!
Future Star Wars Sets
Another possible: Chasing Dooku: Minifigs: Anakin, Obiwan, Dooku, Pilot droid. Vehicles: Solar sailor, Sep. Shuttle. Cost:$90.00. This would be both old sets together, but the shuttle would have a larger cockpit.
Future Star Wars Sets
Future Star Wars Sets
Many of us do enjoy TCW.
Future Star Wars Sets
The Lair: Minifgs: Grievous, Vebb, Fisto, Clone x2, Magna x2. Extras: Rebuild area and 2 small rooms. Cost:$80.00. No new figs. And remember now, price may vary...
Future Star Wars Sets
Woke up this morning thinking about this idea: Tranquility Detention Center: Minifigs: Luminara, Ahsoka, Ventress, Gunray, Arguyus. Includes: Prison center on board the Tranquility. Cost:$80.00.
Future Star Wars Sets
You're ideas sound more out of it than mine! And your saying i'm crazy with my fantastic ideas! EMOTICONS RULE! Not clear to me, very sorry... EMOTICON YAY! Thank you... New idea: The Traitor: Minifigs: Padme, Onaconda, Gunray, B1 x2. Extras: Boogey monster and prison tower. Cost:$70.00. Realistic price and realistic figs! If you do comment badly on this, thank you, you've shown your true talent of being a jerk to a fellow member
Future Star Wars Sets
Next: Locatig Skytop Station: Minifigs: Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, R3S6, R2D2, Grievous. Vehicles, extras: 1 room on Skytop station. Cost:$60.00. PRICE MAY VARY YET AGAIN!
Future Star Wars Sets
Lets hope I'm on a roll... R2 Lost: Minifigs: Gha Nacht, R6S3, Anakin, Ahsoka, Ig86, R2. Vehicles: Nacht's ship. Cost:$80.00. 2 new figs only... PRICE MAY VARY FOR SOME!
Future Star Wars Sets
O.K. last one didn't go so hot with a couple people so let me try another time! Rishi Outpost: Minifigs: Rex, Cody, clone x3, and BX droids x3. Vehicles:Pod Hunter, and Rishi Base. Cost:$80.00. PRICE WILL VARY!
Future Star Wars Sets
Well , we have 12 in the Battle of Naboo, and we can just leave the Mini Twilight out then. Also, there would only be 2 new figs. in the set...
Future Star Wars Sets
O.K. last was a dud, so let me try again! Duel on Malevolence:Minifigs: Obiwan, Padme, Anakin, R2, C3P0, Grievous, B1 x2, B2 x2, Droideka, 1 firefighting droid. Vehicles: Malevolence, mini Twilight. Cost:$120.00.
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