- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
How much did the Falcon change from the previous one (other than the obvious, like the dish) and why did you make the changes? Also, I saw a recent article where one of the lead Hasbro people said all their stuff that's been released so far is just from the first third of the film. Was Lego under a similar restriction for the first wave of sets?
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I don't know this comic you speak of, but the guy who responded to you is right. The Avengers is an ever-rotating cast and many many different heroes have been part of it.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Space Marine Light Attack Flyer
Haha fair enough.. My only suggestion would be to up-armor and beef up the cockpit somehow. The pilot feels a little too exposed to me.
Space Civilians
I am wondering how people design their civilians for their MOCs? I don't want to just use uniformed futuron/ice planet etc figs for them, but I can't figure out how to take regular city folk and make them feel like they are from the future. I still use these minifigs, but I'd like to integrate figs from regular city sets. Ideally I'd like something that fits with SPIII in particular. So, how does everyone here overcome this obstacle?
Space Marine Light Attack Flyer
I'm assuming this was inspired by the newly announced stormtalon gunship for the Space Marines in Warhammer 40k?
Pictorial Review of Summer 2012 Star Wars Sets:
As awesome as the pics are, does anyone really think the Fury is worth the price? To me it's at least USD20 overpriced.
A Hairpiece for Loki
I picked up the Cosmic Cube Escape the other day and while I love the set a ton I find myself wishing Loki came with a hairpiece instead of the horns, especially considering the fact that he spends most of the movie without his helmet. My question for everyone is this: Which hairpiece works the best for Loki?
Space Marines Cuusoo
While the above poster is probably correct about that, I do have to say I love what you've been doing and would love to see more stuff from you! Also, if you can make guys in other colors and post them too that would be great!
Bulk Basic Bricks
I want to start building some space MOCs, but I need a whole bunch of various black, dark bley, and bley pieces. What's the best way to go about getting bulk lots that isn't super expensive? Bricklink? Ebay? Something I'm not thinking of? Thanks.
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