Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
X0151 is a xinh number
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
wickedlemon, you rocks!
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
hello, I'm looking for the sets of enlighten figs. do you have a link?
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
always had issues with treasure case: order not delivered, paint defects on figures and so on. but my last order (abomination) was perfect
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
pogo or "KF" ? i think it's just a single sale version of that dlp set... Batman 3000 looks great, zebra is funny and i like cave bat too. and glam-rock batman, but that one is from pogo... by the way, Xinh version of that wave seems to have dual moulded legs
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
those zebra/rainbow batman was made by DLP only or differents versions exists ?
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
thanks, i wasn't sure if the eyes were green or blue
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
hello, now XINH Store has the rainbow batman for 0.65€ could you help me to find minifig of a female with blue eyes on AE? (i'm still making some custom figs of my kids). Ygritte from GOT is the only one I found so far...
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
it think that this one comes from xinh. x0125 wave...
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
They must have a large stock of old figs... they should sell it on single sales like xinh or pogo, I'm sure kopf would love that
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
SY288 (Fantastic4) on single sale at World Minifigures:
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
it's DLP9007 but i can't find it on single sale, Sangoku and Vegeta (i think) are available but not Krilin and Master Roshi
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
got it: the three eyed alien from toy story!
Compatible Minifigures Discussion.
that little guy from "nick knights" maybe too (I don't remember his name)...
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