- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
How well do the Hero Factory joints hold up?
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Are the racers sets good for anything if not looking for cars?
Tiny Turbos are great for parts. Lots of 1x1 slopes.
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle
Action IV Cargo Transport by Rook Lukes Landspeeder by Lars TIE Shadow by Walter Kovacs UCS TIE Defender by Cavegod UCS Chiss Clawcraft by Cavegod
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
I got my keyring today guys, cheers. I'd just like to add, thanks for the bubble wrap too, I love popping it.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
Final thanks to everyone involved in this. Can't wait to get my Plo Kloon keychain.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
Yay I won! PM sent Sinner. Thanks a bunch guys.
Mystery FREE Raffle!
In all the way.
Batman theme in 2009
*SPOILERS* yeah, he, magpie, orca and kgbeast were all taken out by tally man pretending to be two-face, right?
Batman theme in 2009
I don't want the ventriloquist, mainly because everytime i looked at him i would get sad, because of the fact that his head juices are all drained down his kitchen floor boards....>_>
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
*enters raffle*
Adam Tucker´s great architecture models now produced by TLG
so these are only available at gift shops at lego related places? that's a shame, i'm interested in these...
'50s car based on set 10184
i don't know, i'm getting more of a, 1960's cadillac vibe from it, not criticizing, just saying >_> it looks nice
Guidelines on image content?
more words, from this topics infinitely wise creator. just a heads up, my project has been postponed due to lack of functioning camera, lack of funds, and lack of photoshop. i'll try to sort it out if anyone was interested in seeing it. but for now, it's on hiatus.
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