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  1. You ok man?

    1. Stash2Sixx


      Bumpin’ Ya one more time, haven’t heard from you, hoping all is good. Let us know!

  2. Surely a bonus point to anyone MOCing that in their campaign build ;)
  3. That's the one. Although Faladrin says it is a supermarket chain we are going to go with it.
  4. I will get my thinking cap on then with @Mesabi :)
  5. Really good build Stash, loving so many little details, I won't list everything but special mentions to the "map room" and the street designs. Nice work.
  6. Infantry is made up of soldiers, and soldiers are one of the most valuable items the RoN Alliance has! True, tanks and helicopters can cost millions of dollars, but those don’t have the ability to assess a situation. A tank cannot decide, based on terrain, the best way to devise an ambush and capture/annihilate the CoAC enemy. Soldiers can! These men have devised an ambush, in the hills and forests of Briolui in grid E5 and intend to take down as many of the enemy as they can. Once the retreat is given by the command post, there will most likely be a cruise missile launch to cover the soldiers retreat. Lemar: Sarge, we've got Refnor forces inbound, small 5 man recon squad moving through the trees ahead. 1 by Phadeout, on Flickr Sgt Grimm: Good eyes Lemar, small enough for us to handle alone, Lobo, Chalk, hold until I call it. Reminds me of a joke I heard "What do you call a group of Refnor soldiers walking through a forest?" 3 by Phadeout, on Flickr Chalk: Dunno Sarge. Sgt Grimm: Hold on, hold on.. Ok green light men drop them. 5 by Phadeout, on Flickr Lemar: Four down, we've got a runner" 6 by Phadeout, on Flickr Lobo: In my sights Lemar: Five down, clean sweep. So what do you call a group of Refnor soldiers in a forest? Sgt Grimm: Corpses. Eyes open, they'll know soon enough their boys aren't going to check in be ready to pull back to the exfil site and call in the big guns, nice shooting fellas.
  7. I wouldn't dream of using clone stuff but it's nice to know that a small amount of 3rd party parts is acceptable. Thanks.
  8. Hi all, Apologies if this is written somewhere but I couldn't find anything about 3rd party pieces i.e. Brickwarriors etc. Forbidden under pain of death or allowed? If someone could help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  9. I think some of us have been spoilt by some of the other games here on EB and how many people are involved in running them - but even then they have issues - BoBS for example is great in theory but one key part has become a massive waste of space and heaven only knows how many hours have been spent trying to salvage that (and probably even more spent by other people whining about it on the boards). Stash and theBeeze are doing a lot already - I would be very wary of asking for too much more in one go, they have lives outside of this game and I think we can take it in small stages as we go and still be pleased at seeing progress. One limiting factor that I see here is the lack of opportunities to develop a character. This could be me but with the focus on conflict in the campaign builds and the varied roles a modern army uses I can't seem to find any "bond" with my sigfig - this might just be my problem though - I should probably just do more builds! BTW the two new side builds are both very good, I hope to be more active after the summer and do more than just the campaign builds, they have both captured my attention. For those asking for heads to roll if people miss campaign builds - that would be one option, at the moment I'm not aware of a lengthy queue of other people looking to get involved so I wouldn't be too quick to get rid of potential allies but I do understand the frustration - I know I should have put something out for the last campaign and I feel bad but if I didn't put something out for this one and got "punished" in some way I doubt I'd be back afterwards. This is a hobby after all, I get the frustration in losing out because of non-contribution but how do you fix it? If you win from an average score i.e Team A three builders score 8, 9 and 10 (average 9) beat Team B where 10 builders each score 8 I would be annoyed if I was in Team B to be told we had lost. But then I would be annoyed too if I was in Team A scored a ten and a load of people didn't bother at all and I got destroyed 80/27! Either way it is partly an issue with a scoring mechanism which has to deal with quality and quantity as valuable inputs - I think staff here naturally have a very tough job in balancing that, I think we all would.. The third point Jansued raises is very good - I'd really like that too - it would encourage us to mix things up a bit. I think I would benefit from it as a builder and I think the game would benefit from the shake-up - this would n't have to be something done constantly, just a few times through the year would be good from my point of view. Anyway, those are my two cents.
  10. Thanks @TitusV I found it and can work with that for sure. Will get cracking this weekend hopefully - see you all soon ;)
  11. Hello folks, I've been lurking about here for a while during a bit of a lay off from BoBS and Lego in general while I redo my cellar/man cave and I've been increasingly drawn to doing some GoH builds, Avalonia seems the right choice for me and I'm looking to get going soon but I've a quick question. Is the map on page 1 up to date, my main idea is based around a southern lord and his family living on the Kaliphlin border, if there are players using that space I might need to tweak things. Thanks in advance :)
  12. Yeah I liked the nod to Warhammer as well, oh the memories :) The effort you put into the presentation really strengthens the builds and I tihnk you have really improved the photography to the point where you are allowing us to see the best fo your builds. good job sir!
  13. Excellent! The surrounding build really helps frame the tank and adds to the overall presentation but the tank shows a lot of skill, I'm impressed, great job.
  14. I don't think you could call it "supporting the war effort" according to the current description and tbh that seems to be trying to get around the constraints of the side builds - Spec Ops is only unlocked around level 70 so I don't think we have much chance of seeing these types of build for a bit. TheBeeze111 showed, in his build, that it is in the way you tell the story. I had half built a sabotage build, it was going to be my citizens as some sort of "cell" in another country causing trouble but clearly that isn't right so I can either change the story to make them citizens of that country that might have support from a foreign power (I said might!) or do something else. My only complaint is that then you are writing the history or local politics of somebody else's country but to be honest I will just ignore it if I don't think it fits and keep building regardless! There are going to be things like this that crop up and I guess the builders have a choice of whether they go with it or ignore it..
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