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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Didumos69

  1. Nice thing is that the gear ratios can be tweaked to one's needs, all without needing extra parts. In order of appearance: Road-buggy ratio, off-road ratio and crawler ratio Btw, here is a render without the wheels, showing how the wheels are confined and a render showing the main structure. All angled elements are 'in system'.
  2. Last change I did was to slightly lift the rear to make it lean forward a little. Made some outdoor photos of the final model:
  3. Thanks guys! @Philo, yes I will be making instructions. This weekend I finished building what I designed. Some minor modifications, but the concept did not change much. Itook it outside for a test drive and everything works fine. I'm content. I used 792 parts of the 958 parts, used all pins that come with the set.
  4. Time for an update. I moved the battery / control unit to the center, because I needed it to lock the center structure. The functional side is done now. This is what I have in mind for coachwork:
  5. Great! Is this also for sharing (links to) helpful generic building insights, like
  6. I would first build it without any mods and then decide how to continue.
  7. The result is stunning! It breathes the spirit of the contest very well imo. Job well done ! And with a time limit as well. I use Movavi for video, but it's not free.
  8. The shark's eyes pierce every one who stands in the way.
  9. Great, thanks for letting me know this worked out fine Not yet, but who knows?
  10. Some inspiration: Source: https://www.totf.nl/mad-movie-cars/
  11. Don't know exactly what you mean. I don't have many parts left, it's a b model, so it won't get much heavier. The main structure is also very strong. I added exhausts and did some work on the nose.
  12. That's one way, but having angled links will make your steering sensitive to bumps. The links secure the hubs best when they are place perpendicular to the wheels. Another way to implement Ackermann steering is by moving the ball joints connecting the links to the hub closer to the wheels when the steering rack is in front of the wheels, or away from the wheels when the steering rack is behind the wheels. @Clev, your hubs are friction locked, meaning the hubs may come apart by applying downforce only.
  13. Okay, I'll keep the wheel lift . @Sleepy, okay, do you have a WIP topic already? I will be using the panels to give it more shape. And I've got some suspensions arms, differentials and CV-joints left to finish it. Here is a video of the latest state. Steering and drive are now behaving as desired.
  14. That's quite a menacing build! I like the cabin. The roof leaning forward only adds to its character.
  15. Interesting. Curious how this will evolve.
  16. Made my first test drive. Speed is okay and the wheels stay put. It has a bit trouble with most of the weight being behind the rear axles, which causes one of the front wheels to lift. I will add weight off course, but if this won't approve, I will need to move the battery / control unit to the center column. Something that sure needs improvement is the steering. It sometimes slips, which requires re-calibrating every now and then, not good. A little more background: The idea is to make something out of the ordinary, something speedy which is also a 42099 B model. To make it speedy I decided to skip the portal hubs and simply attach the wheels to the axles. To avoid the wheels from gradually sliding off their axles, they are locked up with arms along the outside of the wheels. To make these arms sit firmly, so they actually keep the wheels in place, I needed some kind of triangular structure. The 6.5L suspension springs where the perfect solution for that.
  17. Interesting build. Good luck with the contest!
  18. Designed the front axles and a center column. On new year's day I will start building
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