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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. siseon replied to Lars's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    By far the BEST upper air-brakes I've seen on a MOC speeder. Best T-47 period! I love all the updates you have done. You've certainly set the bar higher once again Mr. Lars. The design, aesthetics and clever use of pieces truly make this a work of art.
  2. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for the PM. I'll try and incorporate your thoughts on the next round. Although there may be some wait in order since I am in search of new parts to try out. Yes! that is an x-wing in the background... but that thing is so busted up proportionally that I am looking to rebuild it from scratch since it is based off of the LEGO 6212. I will probably not go that far. I think one of the most defining features of the T-47 are the brake flaps. I think by deleting them would certainly take the "soul" away from what makes it a T-47.
  3. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    drats... I don't have that part. time to order...
  4. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks Brickdoctor. I tried the idea of switching those sloped bricks as you had offered the last time around and it just never worked. I can see the logic in the idea but with the way my wings are built, I would not be able to add a wedge plate where that rotated 2x1 sloped brick would rest near the outside of the wing.
  5. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Here is another WIP update on my T-47's. Talk about illegal connections – check out the new transition from the canopy to the wings in the Gray version on the right. I refrained from editing the Red T-47, so I can take side-by-side comparison shots. Please let me know what you all think. My Thoughts: I am not entirely thrilled I ended up with more studs on the wings... but I can be convinced otherwise with some opinions in this board. Yes, I know the 1x1 cylinder block is a bit honkey on that new angle I added – consider those two pieces as placeholders for now until I figure out what parts to use for a better transition. I'm hoping to tackle the canopy next. FallenAngel... I think you were trying to PM me on the last round but for some reason my PM's were not working – I think I fixed it. Shoot me over a PM if you wish to share your thoughts. Thanks Everyone for all the helpful criticism
  6. siseon replied to Plissken's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    nice use of red
  7. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    in regards to the canopy, yes.... I'm afraid I'm stuck where I am with this current design. Quite honestly, when I revisited the canopy design a couple days ago, I inadvertently ended up with something similar to your canopy without using yours as a reference. I scrapped it and sought after another solution and ended up with the current one you see. I see what you are saying now about the sloped bricks – at first glance this looks to be a tough recommendation to try, but I'll give it a try and see where I end up.
  8. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Many Thanks BrickDoctor! I haven't messed around with the gun tips yet. It is on my to-do list for the next round. I won't deny it, but I'm having some difficulty with the canopy design. I think it is due to me having two different types of windscreens that offset the heights slightly. I think I will have to order a couple more windscreens before I can really tinker with a redesign. I'm trying to avoid adding a brick-high element on top the rear windscreen – I think it is just aesthetically wrong in my opinion to do so. I might just butcher the front windscreen on my other T-47 and sketch around with those parts. You lost me on the last bulleted comments though – can you please elaborate? I' am still a bit of a newb when it comes to the LEGO lingo.
  9. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Here are some WIP shots of my snowspeeder after taking into consideration some of the helpful comments I have received since it's unveiling several days ago. Please take note of the revised cockpit, repulsor units, rear gun platform area & power converters attached to the repulsor units. Overall, I cleaned up the greebling. I'm still playing around with it so let me know what you all think. here are some shoddy pics this time around. No time to conduct a photoshoot
  10. it's an easy fix I only knew because I own and I have spent a considerable amount of time working on the Lego 8129 set.
  11. Welcome to EB cool diorama. i think there may be a bit too many minifigs in there for my tastes. I do see something odd though – it looks to me that the body of the fallen AT-AT is backwards.... meaning the head is attached to what is supposed to be the rear of the vehicle.
  12. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks Brickdoctor. This will help me a great deal.
  13. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    does anyone have a full straight on shot (from the front) of the T-47? Or the closest angle you can get of that. I need one for the adjustments I'm making. Thanks in advance!
  14. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank You for your criticism as well DobbyClone. I hope to put it to good use as well. I still have to provide you a cutaway shot of the wing so you can see what madness lies beneath the plating. I'll try and get to that this weekend. Thank KimT. Much like with everyone's responses, I'm very flattered this has been blogged in other LEGO community sites. Your uploading to my Flickr set is perfectly fine. My Flickr account is not a dedicated "LEGO photo archive" like other users so hopefully just providing you the link to the set will suffice.
  15. siseon replied to siseon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    fallenangel309, Thank you for the much needed critique. I believe with your assessment of this build I can start to make more improvements to it's accuracy and further make it my own individual T-47. I'll make some tweeks and hope to post up an updated version in the near future. I think some significant tear down is on order to address some of the issues you have brought up – but like I said in an earlier post, this is the fun part for me.
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