Everything posted by Pcm979
[MOC] Starkiller Base Assemblage
"While secretly supporting the treachery of the LOATHsome RrRrRrRresistance!"They must've had to use CGI to touch up all the parts of the set that Dominic Gleason had chewed on. Great job, kylosuperfan! I really like this fierce machine which you have built!
- Incom-FreiTek T-70 X-Wing
- Incom-FreiTek T-70 X-Wing
- Mike Psiaki Lego X-Wing MOD and only one R2-D2 with three legs used
REVIEW: 75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
Yeah, the Cross-Sections book has a full two-page spread dedicated to a ship that appears on-screen as a dot on the horizon for three seconds then explodes. I'm not kidding. That's how short they were on material.
[MOC] TIE-Raider
Get out. Just kidding. That looks great! Do you have any instructions?
REVIEW: 75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
I'm not a hater, but I know I'd be more easily swayed to purchase if the wings were fixed but the colours were still wrong. I can Bricklink black pieces more easily that I can redesign a wing mechanism. Other people obviously don't have that problem.
[LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
It can also shoot energy beams and fly. Some things just aren't going to be possible.
[LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
Wow, I honestly thought that it couldn't be done! Great work! On my Loose Parts Watch, your changes to the nose dislodged the pilot's console. It's an easy fix, though. Simply remove the highlighted parts and replace them with the assembly shown, which is just a 2x2 plate on top of a 2x2 brick: There are also those parts you set off to the side, but I'm assuming that they're over there for a reason. One thing I noticed while I was messing with your design is this detail around the Psiaki wing mechanism you added: I'm not familiar with the mechanism, so I hope you don't mind if I ask, is that enough clearance for them to open?
- [MOC] Upsilon-class command shuttle
- Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle -- Black Edition
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
As Female Extra #15, I guess. Nobody important though.
REVIEW: 75104 Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
- MIDI-Scale Invisible Hand and Venator
Those all sound like great reasons. I'm prepared to be patient! While I don't want to get into an argument, I'd like to point out that having tried both LDD and MLCad, one of them was instantly easy to pick up and use, and the other one was beyond unintuitive and comparatively 'clunky and vintage'.What I'm saying is that, to an expert, MLCad may seem sleek and amazing, but to the average person you may as well be dropping them into the cockpit of a Jumbo Jet, slapping them on the back, and telling them that you'll see them in Manila in a few hours. As for the tutorials... Jumbo Jets come with instruction manuals too. You basically need instruction manuals just to understand the instruction manuals.- MIDI-Scale Invisible Hand and Venator
- B Wing Alternate Set Shown In Back of Instructions
I always used to get my dad to make the alternate sets. Oh, those were the days!- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
No problem, I'm glad to help!- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
Unfortunately, both of your T-70s have all of the loose brick issues that I've mentioned before, and the black one in particular- Somehow the nose is now in twelve unconnected pieces! I- I have no idea how to fix that; I suggest you delete the black one, apply my loose parts fixes to the white one, copy and paste it, and recolour it. I noticed two problems with your T-65 as well. On the backs of the wings, the parts I've highlighted in purple aren't connected to the rest of the ship: There are multiple ways of fixing this, but the strongest way would unfortunately involve losing those black and white stripes on the wings. Meanwhile, these parts on the nose don't attach properly. I don't know if that's a problem with LDD or not, and therefore I can't tell how to fix it. Speaking of the nose, I can't help you with adding the new nose, because I didn't move the new nose to my old model; I redid all the alterations from the old model onto the new one. Wow, I'm honoured that you added my alterations! I see you haven't been able to solve the loose parts problem on the nosecone; I'm starting to think that having a nice-looking folding front landing gear on this version of the model is impossible.Speaking of loose parts- how on Earth did that become my specialty? -I noticed that some of the rear blocks got loosened when you changed the wing mechanism. Here's an unmodified one next to your modified one, with the wings removed so we can get them in the same shot. You can see that a 1x4 Plate is missing. Unfortunately, it won't fit without making some room. You need to remove these parts: And this part: Then it'll fit. Luckily, cleaning up the resulting asymmetry is easy.- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
According to LDD colour picker, it's Medium Blue.- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
Oh, I'm just along for the ride.- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
Yeah, I'm completely stumped.Anyway, while I was failing at that, I noticed a couple of other things. First, there are still some loose parts. The cheese wedges in the cockpit are still loose, as is this side panel. The 1x1 and 1x2 tile. highlighted need to be consolidated into one 1x3 tile. While the wing was off, I noticed that the two 1x2 grilles you can see above where the top wing should be aren't mirrored on the other side. At that stage I noticed some other things about the wings too. First, one of the engine cowlings is coloured differently from the others- because it's constructed differently. Also, the clips used to make the intakes are coloured different shades of grey on different wings. From behind you can see that the shades of grey on the wings are asymmetrical here as well. Of course, this and the above could be intentional. This could be intentional too, but precisely two of the blue panels are coloured shades other than Medium Blue. Here they are. Lastly, this is just a curiosity, but when you pull the top wings off, one of them has slightly more pieces left behind. They must be constructed ever-so-slightly differently. I didn't notice this on the previous model I'd worked on, because back then I rebuilt that entire wing by hand based on the opposite one, as it had a different intake design.- [LDD] [MOC] T-70 X-Wing
Well, I almost did it. Hollowing out the nosecone to make room for the landing gear predictably made the nosecone fall off. I managed to reattach it with the parts in green and transparent yellow... Except for the panel in pink, and the counterpart on the other side. That's a big 'except', because without them, it looks like this: Eugh. I've tried for hours, but I can't figure out how to attach them. So, if anyone else would like to have a go, please feel free, because I'm out of ideas. https://www.dropbox.... Nose1.lxf?dl=0- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- MIDI-Scale Invisible Hand and Venator
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