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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. It could turn out to ba a cat-astrophe ☺
  2. It is something else, magnificent and huge. Great build
  3. All best, happy b-day!
  4. The belt is motorised by a large turntable, the new turntable - the yellow one is more like a track and the wedge wheel rides on it for stability From what I see
  5. Like I wrote on the LUGPol forum - it's great, brings back memories. Really love your work
  6. Specialised parts aren't good - they have a limited application. Lego could have of course used a couple of the rubber tracks in their set (42055), but than it would mean one motor driving multiple sprockets - not even sure it would work. BTW it's a MOC not a set
  7. I'm pretty sure the mining truck as B model was meant as a joke :)
  8. It was a great contest with some great works. Congratulations all.
  9. It is amazing, could be a TLG set
  10. Love the way tge boom extandes, got to use it somewhere sometime soon. Great build
  11. I'm afraid TLG won't introduce the so needed smaller tires with tractor tread - the new volvo was the perfect opportunity, instead we got the damn balloon tired which don't fit the great wheeled excavator. Hope I'm wrong
  12. Looks amazing, looking forward to next steps and a working model - should be a joy to look at and see it work
  13. It is a sticker in the real RS - to save weight. Read a bit about the RS since you like it so much.
  14. Some printed parts, like the logo are great, but all printed parts would just be silly - each piece could be used in only one place, otherwise the finished build would look stupid with all the lines going the wrong way. With all printed parts it would be the most irritating build in the world and no kid would finish it, many adults as well. It would be frustrating
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