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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Fives

  1. The whole thing with Hutt-slayer Leia happened because an uninformed parent was upset when he found an action figure and couldn't believe a kids toy would showcase scantily clad women and the word slave (and the parent didn't know the context of the story, which is why I think it got out of hand). Disney shouldn't kill all references to that portion of ROTJ. Just rebrand the character as Hutt-slayer Leia, not Slave Leia.
  2. Anything from Otoh Gunga. Impossible to create the bubble buildings.
  3. Honestly, I'm quite pleased with this first wave of figs for TLJ. Lots of people seem to be complaining that there aren't enough of the main named characters for this first wave, saying it doesn't mirror the first wave for TFA enough. But is that so true? The first wave for TFA gave us Rey, Finn, Poe (but only in his pilot uniform), BB-8, Kylo, Hux, Phasma, and Han and Chewie. We had to wait till January 2016 to see Leia, Maz, Kylo without his mask, and then even longer till we saw Lor San and Unkar. I'd say this TLJ wave is pretty fair. This wave is giving us Rey in her full Jedi outfit, two versions of Poe, Snoke, new Finn, Rose, new Kylo, Hux (which is essentially identical to the TFA version, so yeah that's annoying), BB-9E, Holdo, and then of course all the new printed and mounded pilots and crew that help beef up the background characters for both sides. I look at this grouping compared to the TFA wave from September 2015 and say this is really good. We're getting both main baddies, Rey with a new hairpiece, two of the three (so far known of) new characters in this film, as well as new outfits for Finn and Poe that look absolutely stellar. I have no doubts that we'll see a location set similar to Maz's castle but based on the Ach To Jedi temple, which will no doubt include Luke, hopefully Rey in her Resistance outfit, and some Knights of Ren. I also bet, like some others have said, the A-Wing will be in that wave too, hopefully with Leia. I also think we should consider the chance for a Knights of Ren and Praetorian Guard battle pack. That's completely speculation for sure, but it would make sense for LEGO to want to get new troopers easy to buy, like the Death Troopers in the RO battle pack. Plus we still have yet to see Phasma and DJ. I can't wait for these to hit shelves. Hopefully we get some leaks of the boxes for the Finn and Rose set and Kylo's ship.
  4. I'm not sure if anyone here knows the truth behind this, but am I the only one who thinks this looks legit? Found it on google images. It's likely a custom judging from the shinyness of his hand.
  5. Am I the only one that finds the real reason the Snoke figure appears unappealing is because he lacks any accessories or weapons? We still don't know if he has a lightsaber or if he uses the Force. I can live with the gold robes, but he just seems boring without anything. I also hope we get some sort of unique piece for Phasma's spear. If they just use a plain silver spear I'll be sad.
  6. I have a strong sense that Luke and Rey will be in an Ach-To set together, with Rey wearing her Resistance outfit from the end on TFA. These larger sets we've seen so far look pretty fantastic to me. While the figure selection doesn't seem amazing (mainly in the FO Star Destoryer, should've had at least one more unique character like Hux or something) the sets themselves are amazing, particularly the Bomber. Kinda lame but understandable to see a piece reuse for Amilyn. I really can't wait to see those other sets. This wave is looking like it's gonna surpass the TFA wave in terms of quality.
  7. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I find it rather funny that with this years iteration of Qui-Gon Jinn from the Duel on Naboo set, LEGO still hasn't quite perfectly nailed the accuracy with his character. While the addition of the grey hair as part of his beard is a step in the right direction, there is now one final change they need to make: his hair colour. It needs to be dark tan. I also have similar gripes with the TPM Obi-Wan figure as well from the same set. The hairpiece itself is inaccurate (should be the same hairpiece used for Goyle in Harry Potter and on numerous spy characters throughout the years) in reddish brown. So I have thought of a set that, while however unlikely a remake, would be a perfect chance for LEGO to properly correct their designs. Trade Federation Ship Ambush: 50$, main build includes the door to the waiting room where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are escorted to by TC-14, including the table and two chairs, with a section of wall as well. I'm imagining this set to be similar in size and price to the Battle of Takodana. Minifigures include Qui-Gon Jinn with updated hair colour and a black lightsaber hilt, Obi-Wan Kenobi with corrected hairpiece and colour, TC-14, 1 Security Battle Droid, 1 Battle Droid Commander, 2 Battle Droids and 2 Droidekas. While I was thinking of this set, another The Phantom Menace set that could use a remake is of course Anakin's Podracer: 40$, a remake of the 2011 version of Anakin's Podracer, perhaps made slightly smaller and tighter to match the price point. Minifigures include Anakin Skywalker (helmet and hair accessories), Padme Amidala, Shmi Skywalker, and maybe Kitster.
  8. It seems to me that the new wave of sets have not been released yet in Canada. I called the Fairview LEGO store in Toronto today in the hopes of finding the Y-Wing in stock and was surprised to discover that they hadn't received any of the new sets, and also they had not been posted on the LEGO Shop site. I was under the impression these new sets were slated for a January 1st release. Is this incorrect?
  9. Fives replied to VaderFan2187's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Let us assume that this Han Solo anthology film will be set roughly 10 years before the events of A New Hope, making Han and Lando both in their early twenties. In terms of age, the casting works and I have a lot of faith in the acting ability of both actors chosen. The main thing I find people talking about is the chance of seeing how Han meets Chewie or Lando or the Falcon etc., but many people are forgetting a key person in Han's past that was just introduced to us last year: Maz Kanata. There is no way anyone can convince me Maz didn't have a significant role in helping Han become a smuggler. Even pirates need mentors, and the idea of getting to see that relationship in more detail, and maybe finding out why Maz refers to Chewie as her boyfriend, would be really interesting. Another particularly cool thing they could show is how Han became employed by Jabba the Hutt, or at least how they met. Maybe Lando drags Han to Jabba's to deliver some cargo, before Han inevitably wins the Falcon from Lando. Maybe Maz introduces the two of them? Anyway, sorry for the speculation, its fun and I digress. No matter the quality of the film, I'm sure the sets will be able to offer us tons of new amazing sets and figs. We're looking at a Star Wars movie likely completely set outside of the view of the war or politics or anything. It will hopefully be an intimate fun personal adventure with Han, delving into how he became the man who helped save the galaxy. We-re probably gonna get to see lots of cool new ships and aliens and all sorts of random things that will make awesome sets. Lets just hope that new Han hair piece still works, I'd love to see it in a few sets in the coming years.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, Thrawn is appearing in the new Phantom set alongside Kanan and Chopper, coming out this january.
  11. I was wondering if anyone who has the Jyn Erso minifig could post a picture of the minifigure without the goggles attached to the hat. I'd love to see what the mold looks like without the big oversized white goggles.
  12. I concur, and one particular character has been on my mind that needs the benefit of the dual molded arms: Rey. If they molded the top shoulder part of the arm flesh colour and then the rest grey as normal, it would give the look of her arm wrapping being separate from the rest of her outfit. It likely wouldn't be an expensive update and it would be worthwhile.
  13. I noticed that dark green seemed to be heavily used on both the build and the figures in the RO Rebel battle pack, but I hope we get a particular variation of soldiers. 2 of the Rebel soldier that appears in the Striker set, and 1 each of the two different Rebels that appear in the AT-ST and the U-Wing, which gives and plain yet varied grouping of plain Rebel soldiers. The Imperial battle pack honestly sounds amazing. I find it curious how people are upset about 2 Deathtroopers. Sure, they might not be everywhere all the time in Rogue One (I feel like they'll be around Krennic mostly), but why does that matter for army building? Having lots of Deathtroopers sounds awesome, and more Stormies is so fantastic. Also, I'm pretty sure but not quite 100% if the helmet mold used for the Shoretrooper is the same as the Hovertank trooper, am I right?
  14. Keep in mind, these leaks and EXTREMELY preliminary. Including a hood and cape for Obi-Wan and capes for Maul and Qui-Gon seems like a preliminary thing. LEGO has been pretty good with accuracy recently, so I really doubt there'd be such an oversight for the figs here.
  15. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'd really love to see a UCS Trade Federation blockade cruiser for the 20th anniversary of The Phantom Menace in 2019. It could include Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Nute Gunray with a new TPM hat mold, Rune Haako, 2 Droidekas, 2 Battle Droids, 1 Security Battle Droid, 1 Battle Droid Commander and a holographic Darth Sidious. The arms of the ship could be hinged at three points, and between each hinge could be rooms that could be accessed by opening the hull of the ship. Two hangars on each end, and then on one arm could be the waiting room Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escapade from and the hallway where they fight the droids. The other arm could have a barracks room for the droids and a room where the Neiomodians communicate with Sidious. The middle ball section would house the control bridge which could be accessed by removing the top hemisphere of the ball much like how the interior of the original LEGO Falcon was accessed, the whole roof of the sheer would detach.
  16. The Duel of the Fates set sound like its easily the best set of this upcoming wave. A small set based on probably the most iconic fight of all the prequels has never existed, and sets based on the duels have been rare until the recent Duel on Geonosis and Death Star Final Duel, which makes this set even more excited. It makes me hopeful for a set based on the Duel on Bespin set, which would be amazing because we need an update of Bespin Luke pretty bad. The one thing I really hope the Duel of the Fates set gives us is a more accurate update for Qui-Gon by simply changing his hair from reddish brown to dark tan. All they'd need to do is change the hair colour on the figure that was in the Sith Infiltrator set, its so simple and I feel like it would make the character look way more like Qui-Gon. A similar adjustment to the Obi-Wan figure would be a new hairpiece with a built in braid (which I know is something other people have mentioned before) in reddish brown rather than orange because thats better for Phantom Menace Obi-Wan.
  17. Its all because of the hype for Rogue One. If LEGO had released this update 2 or 3 years ago, it probably wouldn't have sold as well as this will because there wasn't a movie coming out that Christmas season all about the Death Star. This will likely become the most popular Star Wars set this Christmas and LEGO simply wants to cash in on that hype. Plus its getting close to 10 years since the first version was released (2008), so I can see why LEGO felt it necessary to update the ultimate mothership playset with current minifig detailing and slight changes. For all we know, there may be more structural improvements on areas not seen on the box art. I most likely won't end up getting simply because I already have the first one and the most important minifig updates are easy enough to get online [Han's hair (which I suspect we'll see plenty of in the upcoming Han Solo Anthology sets), Leia's torso print, and Tarkin]. Overall I'm actually happy they stayed with the A New Hope/Return of the Jedi characters, but I find it a shame that LEGO didn't take the opportunity to give Ben a hood.
  18. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This is one set I've always desperately wanted remade. I have the original one, but while I was building it I accidentally sat on it and destroyed most of my progress (I was about 8 years old building on the floor) and lost my momentum and never finished it. After the 2010 Slave 1 with the updated Boba Fett helmet I became very hopeful that a remake would happen, but felt robbed when TLG decided to just shoehorn Jango into the snail droid set back in 2012 when they did their big year of AOTC updates. Lets hope we get a cool special set with both Jango's Slave 1 and Obi-Wan's red spearhead fighter from AOTC, and maybe Taun We!
  19. If that list is real, then thank whatever gods there are because finally my dream of a Duel of the Fates set has been answered! I've been waiting all my kriffing life for a set based on that epic duel, and if it isn't the most insanely expensive set (I'm expecting something similar in size to the Death Star Final Duel) it will be a smash hit. Hopefully we get Padme in her red battle outfit she wears during the infiltration of Theed, as well as perhaps an updated Panaka and of course Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Maul. And lets hope they do away with that horrendously weird smile they gave Maul in the recent Sith Infiltrator.
  20. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Now that we've seen some wider shots of the settlements on Jedha thanks to the Rogue One trailer, I'd absolutely love to see a location set, like the Takodana set we got this year, based on Saw Gerrera's base. It could include Saw, Jyn, a couple of Stormies and maybe one of Saw's rebel comrades (perhaps an alien). Of course this idea comes from the fact that we know that Saw's rebel cell is based on this spiritual planet, so it would simply make sense to me.
  21. I'm not sure if someone has already thought of this, but what would the chances be of LEGO getting the license for Netflix's Stranger Things? If they're appealing to classic 80s sci-fi and horror with ET, Gremlins and Goonies, wouldn't it be cool if they could include characters from a show that is an homage to so many things like that? Plus the whole multi-dimensional theme of the show matches so well with the concept of LEGO Dimensions.
  22. Wow that new hair for Han is so fantastic. I may need to sell some of my current collection to make space (and money) for this new Death Star. There's no way it'll be anything short of a masterpiece.
  23. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    That doesn't surprise me. I doubt they'll bring Dash back into the canon, and if they were to touch any aspect of Shadows of the Emoire at all it would likely be Xizor. However, hopefully the smaller role the ship plays doesn't diminish the chances of getting it as a set. I can make custom Dash and Leebo figs easy, I've done it before. A system scale official Outrider ship, even if it isn't the Outrider (but pretty much would be in my eyes) would be such a gift. That'd be one of those rare ships that I buy literally only for the actual ship. Many sets I get are more for the figures, and the sets are just awesome settings for the characters. But the Outrider is probably my favourite Star Wars ship ever, and an official LEGO version would be so incredibly fantastic.
  24. Fives replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    After seeing that epic Rebels season 3 trailer, I'm really really hoping LEGO decides to make the Outrider, Dash Rendar's ship from Shadows of the Empire. It appears a couple times in the trailer, and honestly now my hopes have spiked for the inclusion of Rendar himself in the show. If they can resurrect Thrawn from the EU, why not Dash? The Shadows of the Empire game on the N64 was such a huge part of my childhood, and finally seeing Rendar's awesome ship in something canon brings such warmth to my heart, and hopefully they'll bring back the smirky merc for adventures with the Ghost crew. However, nothing would tickle my fancy more than an actual Shadows of the Empire-themed Outrider, with Dash (and his jet pack from the game of course), Leebo, his droid co pilot, and a couple Stormtroopers and maybe a Probot. While the actual chance to see this as a real set is pretty much non-existent, one can dream. One can dream...
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