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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by Piranha

  1. Piranha replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Sorry Lord Vader I did not mean it as a gloat more of a joke If I find 5 or more I will probably have a drawing for one here :-) And remember all is is a gold painted 3PO a shiny high prised one though ;-) Good Luck to all Piranha I guess I was hoping for 200 a state If they do go by lowest population I'm heading to wyoming :-D Piranha
  2. Piranha replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Yes sadly it will not be avaible in europe That gives us americans a better chance of finding it hehe wait this is the european lego fans community oh no I shouldn't happy that we will get it, maybe X-D Anyway 10,000 means that if TLG divides them equally each state should get 200 Piranha
  3. Piranha posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    NEW: http://www.asmzine.com/toyfair07/gallery/L...ars/index2.html OLD: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemPic.asp?M=sw063 Which do you prefer? I own the two sets that the orginal was released in They are quite nice The New one I do not own but it also appears to look nice Also I beleive that it is more movie accurate, maybe Piranha yep your probably thinking thats like asking which darth vader do you like more The ISD face or the OT face :-D (hmm thats not a bad idea there ;-) )
  4. Well Thanks again for the review :-) Wow The NS was quite nicer than I expected Love the Coelacanth logo on the side Too bad it is a sticker :-( R2 can slide in and out,cool Ric Olie is very nice and so is Anakin The VD I like much better than the orginal The side wings open up with out having to take them off and move them Now all we need is an EPIII version A must buy Piranha (MTT 8-
  5. Piranha replied to xwingyoda's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Well First I would like to say thanks for the review :-) Instead of just keeping them to yourself and not telling anyone X-D I was not sure if I was going to buy this set but with these new Pics I am now for sure.Kitt Fisto looks awesome,Is his torso new?Obi wan same as always but with beige legs instead of brown.love the Jedi Starfighter, dark blue looks really nice .R4-G9 looks cooll too, is he chrome? The ring I thought would be dangerously unstable but it turned it isn't If I recall this is the ship that Obi flies to utapau Thanks again for the review Piranha Kitt Fisto Yup some changes Piranha Please next time don't quote the ENTIRE review... ~ Starwars4J Edit by *vader* : Piranha please use edit button instead of double posting.
  6. 8-
  7. Piranha replied to Piranha's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/legostar...updates;title;2 When Gamespot asked Jonathan Smith about Lego Batman he replied ANOTHER PROJECT??? Piranha
  8. Piranha replied to Piranha's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clone_Wars_%2...GI_TV_series%29 They are making a CGI series for 2008
  9. Piranha posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I was thinking about this the other day It would be cool if TLG made a third LSW But what would it be about Maybe the first LSW and second one would be combined with new levels or something Or an EU version like the old republic or something What do you think and got any ideas? Piranha :-)
  10. Sadly Yes, we will have to wait until 2008 They are making a sequel to Batman Begins it will be called The Dark Knight and opens in July 2008. TLG has also starting making sets for the new movie and will be released around the same time as the movie and game. How about a Lego Star Wars 3? Piranha
  11. Piranha replied to Sarg_Kulo's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I am busy copying the Droideka data so we can actually make some for our use It won't be easy as they are powerful and may take some altering I have also found plans for Magna Guards and I am copying the info on them too Made by the same company as BH IG-88 Piranha
  12. Time to get this started Again :-) Lets see there are so many sets that Lego hasn't done The possibilities are huge Epiosde 1 Trade Federation Ship hanger Naboo homes Naboo Palace Tusken raider homes Anakin's home Watto's shop Naboo Palace duel Bigger Naboo Swamp Gungan homes Gungan Sub Mos Espa podrace(redesign) ATT Battle Packs Epsiode 2 Senator Assination Dexters Diner Kamino Jedi Starfighter with hyperdrive ring Mositure farms Genosis sets Arena Battlefield Cattacoms Hives Marrige cermony Epsiode 3 Battle of courscant Utapau Kashyyyk Mustafar Corscant Jedi temple Senate battle Tantive V Order 66 Theta Shuttle Episode 4 Tantive VI Death Star Detention block DS escape Mos Eisley Hmmm I got more........... X-D Piranha :-)
  13. >:-( Hoth is overpriced and where is K3P0 BTY.Wait since it has around 500 pieces it is not too overpriced but still 60.00 is a little bit too much.The RC is 100.00 :-/ alright for over 900 pieces but I would rather get another MTT instead.The only good part is the green astro droid *sweet* So far it appears that the MTT will be the highlight of the year as the AT-AT should not be around until next year. 20 droids 8-
  14. Sorry I usually check back once a day Anyway I am looking for um er both :-D I like both of them, but deciding which one is somewhat hard I finally decided to go with Enchanted Island, wait that wasn't one of my choices............ Piranha :)
  15. Sure, why not. Piranha :)
  16. Sadly no, I haven't had the time But sometime ago I created a gold mine, stage coach, soldier office and other little MOCs I forgot what happened to them though Actually the best Lego buy I ever made was the Rapid River Village, got it for $20 at Kb's :-) Piranha
  17. I am thinking about getting the Imperial trading post and was wondering is it a good base or a bad base? Is eldorado fortress better? I guess it all depends on your opinion. I love the little merchant ship and all the buildings, it looks really nice Eldorado fortress is also very nice and has more soldiers :) What do you think? Piranha (I like the emoticons *sweet* )
  18. Thank you, I knew it had to have been done Now what to do................................ Must think of a new topic that is interesting and not boring........ The ever going search for the perfect topic :-P Piranha :-) ( I got it, how about another poll :-D )
  19. Wait before I start has this been done before.......... Ya anyone got any ideas for new sets I really like what Brickminer has done Here are some of my ideas Indian Ambush:39.99 The indians have ambushed the pioneers can you help them escape.Includes covered wagon, bridge, 3 indians and 3 pioneers. Gold Mine:99.99 Gold has been discovered in and abonded gold mine can you discover it first.Includes Gold mine with railways and gold carts, shafts, overseeing office, water tower, gold, bushes, various mining tools, 3 miners, 2 bandits and stagecoach with area for storing gold. Shootout:29.99 The bandits have just robbed the bank and are escaping through a canyon but the sheriff and his crew made it there before them.Who will win, you decide.Includes canyon, BURPs, 3 bandits, sheriff and 2 of his crew. Dodge City:159.99 Dodge city has everything an old western town would have had ,includes genral store, bank, saloon, sheriffs office, jail, post office, stage coach waiting area,stage coach,3 bandits, 4 cowboys,sheriff,banker,saloon bartender,postman and various other figs. :-)
  20. Piranha replied to Sarg_Kulo's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Piranha to General Scouts Excellent Idea,I will go there myself Yes indeed there once was a trade federation factory here Also I believe this is where the clone wars began I have located the main control room, there appears to be design plans for the droids Yes Droideka are indeed powerful,able to generate thier own deflector shield and armed with twin blasters on each side Should I copy the data Awating Instruction.............
  21. Piranha replied to Piranha's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Interesting, Thankz :-)
  22. Piranha posted a post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Yup this probably is a dumb question.... Anyway how do you change the no info part under your avatar? Like under mine it says no info well how do you change it If anyone can help Thankz. :-)
  23. Piranha posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I was just thinking about this the other day We need more sets with yoda, count dooku,palaptine, mace windu, jango, lando, upgraded version of boba, genosian droid, genosians, gungans, jedi council members, and every other figure that only appeared in one or two sets. |-/ (Well maybe just a few more or else they will end up Like Captin Redbeard who appears in every other pirate set) Hmm did I miss any other figs...........
  24. Very Interesting I like em.The medieval europe would be sweet. The high seas one would also be cool, I love that movie, king kong Finally, got some set ideas under the king kong subtheme New York:49.99 Includes the boat animal cages the captain,some deck hands and the other people like the girl and the main photo or movie shooter The Island cove:79.99 Includes the ship, various BURP pieces, some rowboats and plenty crew with Tommy guns. The sleeping area includes bunks that open to reveal automatic rifles 8-
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