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Eurobricks Vassals
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  • Birthday 03/25/1983

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  1. Unfortunatelly LIFCreator does'nt works in my Windows7....
  2. Octan Office is a modular building based on LEGO 10264 Corner Garage set. There are an Octan office and an automotive shop on the ground floor. On higher floors there is a pet clinic. I used 39 different kinds of pieces to achieve high-pitched roof. The whole model consists of 2542 pieces and 91% of them (2303 pieces) are out of Corner Garage set. Octan Office by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Corner Garage - Alternative build by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr
  3. It is my own idea / design. I Don't search for inspiration building :P Thanks, but I don't like "ideas", and any others Lego contests. I am more happy when people build the same building using building instructions :)
  4. This is my first modern building - LIBRARY. Front walls are mostly glass from their bottom to the top. They are completed with shutters and ivy and formed in a best way to show the corner shaft of the lift. The whole building is covered by the steel metal roof hemming. The building consists of two levels only - the ground floor and the 1st floor. In the inside of the library we can find lots of bookshelves, a reading room, a customer service and a toilet. A minifig can go to the first floor by the lift which works automaticallly and is based on a power function set (comprised of typical motor and battery box only). When the lift reaches the top or the bottom of the building it turns off automatically. The whole modular consists of 2734 pieces so it's only a little bit bigger than the official Lego sets. Modern Library by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Modern Library by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Modern Library by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Modern Library by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Modern Library by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr
  5. Here is my old cars from 20's years last century Lancia 1922 by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Lancia Lambda by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Lancia 1928 by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Lancia by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Lancia Lambda by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Mercer by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Mercer 5 Sporting 1920 by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Georgia Team by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr georgia tech ramblin wreck by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr
  6. Now, thanks to Zabadak, you can watch the review of Bike Shop on Youtube.
  7. OLD TOWN PUB consists of three different buildings inspired by Prague architecture. In the budilding on the right there are Dio Pub on the ground floor and museum of old town on the first floor. In the same building there also is a cashpoint which really works.The museum is connected to the look-out tower (by staircase) which overshadows other buildings. The tenement house on the left is abandoned. The side walls are easy to disconnect as well as the backside of the tower. This modular can be easily connected to official LEGO modulars by connecting it from three different sides - the connectors are on the side walls of the modular and on the rear wall, too. This model requiers 4035 elements. OTP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr OTP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr OTP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr OTP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr
  8. Hi Do you know which number of material represents which colour in scene.sc file? I would be very grateful for your answeres to this question.
  9. Hi This is my second modular i have built. There are 6 moduls. Thanks to this, you can easily remove two rear moduls to see the interior. The model requires 2384 pieces and it can be easily connected to official LEGO modular buildings. ICP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr ICP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Ice Cream Parlor by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Ice Cream Parlor by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr ICP by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Ice Cream Parlor by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr Ice Cream Parlor by Łukasz Libuszewski, on Flickr
  10. OK No problemo :) BIKE SHOP building instructions
  11. In back elevation there is a axle to connection with the gear. So we have 2 options to run elevator :) All interiors have a rooms :) On facebook you can find more pictures of interiors and information about building instructions "what can we expect in the future? " hmm Next modular 16x32 is in progress :) It will be yellow with a dffrent roof construction
  12. builiding instrucions will be avaible in this week :)
  13. I am introducing my first Lego modular building - "Bikes Shop". The main concept was: how to find a good relationship between classical and modern architecture. So I designed this modular with glazed elevator. The lift shaft separate this modular to 2 different builindgs, but both of them contains "ILIO" hostel Ground floor contain also a Bikes Shop with round signboard which we can bring eleator up or down. Elevator working by technic bricks (only manual, not engine). We can take minifigs by the working elevator from reception (ground floor) up to the first floor. more pictures
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