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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Well I've just finished building this set and I was pleasantly surprised by it. After reading so many bad reviews and negative comments about it I was expecting it to be a horrendously bad and it just isn't. The price can't be argued with it is to expensive. The unfinished look, I think it looks ok abit more of a classic look where you can see the chassis and some if the mechanics through the open rear section. The performance issues, yes its a bit under powered for its size and some of the functions are abit slow but overall not to bad. No set is perfect and if they were there would be no room for a mod thread and let's face it lego is all about your imagination and creativity TLG just lay the groundwork for us to build upon but again I accept the price needs to reflect this. Anyway these are my personal thoughts and opinions on this set overall I think it's a decent set that has had some harsh reviews.
  2. That's a great help with a little playing around the perfect size can be achieved. Good job
  3. I see. I didn't realise it was only 7 days in I thought they were on for a lot longer than 30 days. In that case its not doing to bad at all.
  4. Looking at the amount reached on kickstarter and the limited amount of days left I think it is unlikely to achieve $50000, which is a shame as this looks like the making of an awesome bit of kit. What happens if it fails to reach the required amount ?
  5. I searched all using all the info from description in the status bar except the number doh!! In this case the description was wrong but if i'd used the number I would have found it. Still lessons learned for a novice LDD user. Cheers
  6. Wow that was a quick response and it included a link to the part. Luckily it was yellow I was after so it worked out. A big thank you to Buster-Haus you sir are a gentleman.
  7. Hi all. I have been designing an excavator using LDD i came across a panel which works perfect for me but i can't find it anywhere in the real world which is an issue as i wil be starting to collect the parts to build my excavator soon. This is the panel in LDD its called Panel Angular 3x5x3 I could change the design but I like the way it is now so it would be nice to find this panel and of course it needs to be the right colour but one issue at a time.
  8. Well I have completed my lift arm and bucket mods and i'm happy with how they have turned out overall. They are not perfect but I think a massive improvement on the standard setup. I also carried out the actuator mod for the steering which while a little slow and under powered is much better than the jerky servo idea. Lastly I added a few extra beams to fill the front and cover the grey on the side. Next I think i will mod the lift arm slightly so it goes closer to the ground and gives a higher reach. here are a few pics of what i have so far.
  9. It's still a work in progress but here are a few shots I missing a couple of gears for the second actuator but they are on order. The front of the loader will have to be modified slightly to accommodate the L motor.
  10. Hi all. I got this set a couple of month ago and it's the first set I've bought for myself in probably 25 year I've bought a few for my son but he has never really taken to Lego. (the xbox wins every time) Still i love it, so with my love of Lego and construction equipment this was an obvious set to buy. I was first amazed by it's size, much bigger than any other set I've had and while overall i was impressed with it there were a few things that seemed like they could be better. 1. The steering, I have the parts needed for the actuator mod on order. 2. The speed of the lift arms and the speed of the bucket curl. The problem with speeding them up by changing the gearing was they lacked any power. So i have replaced the lift motor with an XL motor and the curl motor with the large motor. The result of using the XL motor and 36-12-20 teeth gears are a much faster lift (I would prefer it to be a little quicker but still a vast improvement) and loads of lift power. At the minute I only have one actuator connected (waiting for parts for the other) and it is as powerful if not more than before. The bucket i went for a 1:1 gear set up with the large motor and again bags of power a little slower than i would like but way better than before.
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