While I posted this on another forum I lurk around, I thought after the reaction to some of this stuff some you might take interest in this also. The following information is presented in order of the show's development.:
Work on Project X presumably began sometime in 2001 with Dave Edwards and Fred Gambino:
Presumably, the LEGO person was Michael Carrington of which I, in fact, found out about this on his site: http://michaelcarrington.tv/
The show was designed to have tie in sets, though I have ran into nothing stating how far they got if anywhere.
and would have been centered around a story that would have been somewhere in between Tron and ReBoot:
Also for art not made by the people who did the soon to be explained pilot here’s some art of Fred Gambino's:
Now to the pilot, it was being made at Mainframe and what I’ve heard about its length has varied from a couple minutes to 10. Heck peoples memories even differed, for instance, take how Kevin Gambles memory (Understandably) changed:
Also, this costume designers site has yet another runtime:http://www.ffionelinor.co.uk/:
As for the live action it would have been used when the kids were in our world:
With a transformation bit to bridge stuff:
For 3D imagery from the pilot we have a couple of images:
And some hoverboard stuff found here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/646993/Vehicle-Design
After the pilot was made LEGO took it to the market, but it, unfortunately, didn’t have enough traction to go further:
After this, the show was canned until around 2008 when Dave Edwards somehow began working on this without LEGO, not entirely sure what went down there but noting that Little Robots TV show went on after LEGO sold Create TV & Film (Which kept rights to the show) to Vanessa Chapman it doesn’t surprise me
Other notes:
Kevin's site called it Project X: Cybernet Surfers, though I’ve not seen it called that elsewhere
And this page used to have a video that got removed: http://web.archive.org/web/20080925145622/http://www.tinopolis.com:80/Animation/ProjectX/?pid=37&id=61
Blog post with raw messages: https://thebrickome.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/raw-project-x-emails/
Also a shout out thanks to jamesster and Professor Brickkeeper for help at some points