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  1. Skystorm87 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Hello everybody going against any reasonable regolutation for construction, I decided to build a castle near my volcano. The Castle is also near the beach. Here some pics: There is an external wall and an inner garden with an old tree: You can see a video of my layout here: Hope you like and have suggestions for improving it
  2. Yes I totally agree with you. I will start the surfacing process now. I starter last yerar by buying lots of flower and plates for the beach. Unfortunately (or fortunately for my finance) I can work on my layout about 1month per year because I live in Paris while my layout is in Italy. And indeed surfacing is very expensive! I also want to add lights to my layout and motorise the wind mills and the lighthouse
  3. Thank you, the idea of the ruins come from several yellowed bricks I have got in my collections. I thought that, rather than clean them, I could have used them this way
  4. Hello everyone I think my layout is now at a stage that I can present it as a whole to the community. As you will see I have still some space to expand it and there are quite a few buildings that I wish to rebuild/redesign to make them better. My layout has a classic 80/90 inspiration and that's why most of the new sets I have are from the creator/expert line. here it is a video showing the whole layout with the trains and the new ferris wheel motorised: As you can notice from the video, since I love trains, a large parte of the table is covered by rails. There are three stations. 1) Legoland C.le (C.le stands for Centrale in italian, the main station) 2) another smaller station, located on the sea-side and near the vulcano called Lego Ville: and another station that serves the airport: The town centre of Legoland features a square with a Market, a Pizzeria, and a Carrousel, the ruins of ancient abbey, always crowded by visitors, the town-hall (the yellow-brown building) and - of course - a police station: There is a residential area, which is mostly restaurant and country-side with a small beach: The main Harbour of the town, with a bridge for the trains, and a restaurant in an ancient mill: Finally there is the city area, with two main tall buildings: well, there are more ideas to develop my city but I want to hear what do you think so far
  5. Skystorm87 replied to Heksu's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    very cool! And we hope that everybody survived in the end!
  6. Skystorm87 replied to LegoDakin's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Wow thé lights are wonderful, can u please explain how did u do?
  7. I have: 1) The metroliner + its panorama coach 2) The freight rail runner 3) The horizon express 4) The yellow cargo train 5) A custom ETR500 frecciarossa of 4 units 6) A custom E656 locomotive 7) A custom wagon lit car 8) Two custom UIC XMPR passenger cars :-)
  8. Skystorm87 replied to davidmull's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    I also prefer different looking carriage. One can be a restaurant wagon, another one a couchettes car, first and second class may have different color etc.
  9. Thank you for your suggestions! That's the airport: https://picasaweb.google.com/m/zoom?hl=fr&uname=106904936679251886866&aid=5557615981941661041&id=6145837304488458642&viewportWidth=320&viewportHeight=416
  10. Thanks. I would love to add some decals but how can I do that?
  11. Thanks. Everything is quite work in progress. The mountain looks quite square from the pics but in reality is a bit better. Do u have some suggestions to improve the look? Or what to build aside?
  12. Hello folks, I completed my small project for my Italian express night train with the UIC XMPR: this being the original: And I finally have an express night train like the ones we have seen in Italy in the late 90s: the loco is the E656 in the original colors: I am sorry for the bad quality of the pictures!
  13. Hello everybody, I am currently expanding my set-up and I have some space for another station, but the real attraction is the vulcano and the train tunnels. Anyway, I am not happy with the color (white), I would prefer to build it with tan bricks and green windows, but I am quite happy with the rest. Suggestions are more than welcome!
  14. My modest entry
  15. Skystorm87 replied to LegoDakin's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Amazing! And it looks l'île it is ready to je motorizzd :-)
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