WIP: MOC The Red Whale
She has a great fantasy galleon feel! The choice of colors is quite clever in my opinion and you did a great job on the stern! Love the medieval shields! Keep up the good work :)
W.I.P. Ketch
@Kurigan : Thanks for all these pieces of advice! I should definitely replace the Lego cannons with brickbuilt lighter pieces, as for now, even if I had enouch to fill all the hatches, they would'nt fit due to the hull being too narrow... I had initially placed the hatches evenly along the hull, but then I ran out of space for the side ladder, so I had to move every hatch backwards a few studs except for the foremost. But you're probably right about the ship being long enough to put one more hatch at the bow. Concerning the bow sprit, at first it was only made ouf the long technic bars, but I felt like making it a bit longer. Now that you point it out I should find a way to make it more realistic. @Warhorse47 : You can use whatever you please of course, that ship is open source :)
W.I.P. Ketch
Thanks for the feedback! As for the midsections, I'm afraid I had to replace them with regular square section bricks... In an ideal world I would probably have placed inverted slopes but I don't have enough dark grey ones. If I order bricks online in a near future I'll fix that annoying detail :) Anyway I'm glad that it's not as obvious as I had feared at first!
W.I.P. Ketch
Thanks Sebeus! The rigging is coming along pretty nicely. I still have some jibs to add, to complete the rope ladders on the side, and to link the sails so the masts.
W.I.P. Ketch
Hi everyone, Yesterday I just finished to work on the hull of my next ship, and placed the masts. I should be starting the rigging today, and my first idea is to create a ketch, hence the main mast being placed very far from the bow. The only thing that is not on the hull right now is the technic bar for my rigging to be attached, but that should also be added soon. I'm not entirely sure about the ship's setting regarding the sails, as her size could allow for a schooner or a brig. But I figured that a ketch would be nice as apart from a bomb ketch I didn't see a lot of them lately. Anyway, comments and criticism are very welcome!
The Mermaid II - Imperial Soldiers' ship by Pujo
Great looking ship! In my opinion the broadside would look even better if you alternated the 2 types of flags. The picture shows that you have just enough of each type to do something like that!
Warship project
The main problem is that I would be risking to reach prematurely the brick limit and therefore not being able to finish the project (although its already a risk right now). Another issue that I would have if I chose to widen the hull would be that I would have to completely redesign the bow and stern. But If I come up with enough time I could simply try to make each deck a bit lower, which could easily be done at least for the hold. Thanks for the feedback!
Warship project
That's a lot of interesting and probably very relevant comments, thank you :) I guess you did want to say "Height" instead of "Width", am I right? If not, please forgive my english^^ Thanks, I'll see to it, but I'm afraid that would give more height to the global build :S Just to confirm everything, I added side/bird's eye views of the project at its current side, which is probably more illustrative of your comments in this case that the perspective view. The zoom was exactly the same for the two screenshots so the proportions are as close as possible to the "real" LDD model.
Warship project
The orlop is complete! The two rooms close to the stern are for the ship's surgeon and the purser. In the corridor next to the surgeon's room stands his operating table, with a small closet to lock his tools and medicines and a bucket of sand to prevent blood from running everywhere. Close to the pumps is the first powder cartridges storage. The cartridges are stacked on several big shelves. I chose to use some grey to represent the cartridges, not because it's the best colour, but because the light beige and brown were already taken, and black would definitely have been out of place :) There is another powder storage at the bow, on starboard, while the port room is occupied by the weapons storage, in the brown lockers. The empty space very close to the stern should be welcoming part of the rudder mechanism. As I won't build an articulated rudder, I will leave it as such. That's it for the orlop, newt step is the lower gun deck!
Warship project
Some progress has been made! First of all, I tried to make the brown hull profile a bit smoother at the bow. I left the new parts in red so you can see the difference : And I finished to build the hold interior : The gray plates at the bottom of the barrel piles represent the sand used to secure the barrels and prevent them from moving. The big structure around the main mast is the shot locker. It doesn't actually open as I didn't want to spend too many parts on it. The large black columns are the chain pumps, they will be continued to the upper decks, as well as the two thinner columns that represent the elm tree pumps. Basically, that's it, although I could have added some sail and rope storage but I didn't want to overload the space and I think the current state is illustrative enough of a ship's hold. Comments and feedback welcome as always!
Warship project
Basically I'm going for a full hull model, but the part that I showed here is only the bottom part of the hull, without what will contain the orlop deck and still lacking some adjustments. As for the use of non-LDD parts, that doesn't bother me this much because with everything that ship will contain it will be way out of my financial means :) Anyway, thanks for the comments and the nice inspiration provided by your excellent ships!
Warship project
I think it could be stable outside the Universe mode if I used another color. As I built the basic hull section by section it could be quite quick to change the colors and make it buyable :) However I plan on using the cannons provided by Universe mode and probably the rigging pieces as well, so that ship is likely to become LDD only in a few steps Anyway, following the advice of Admiral Croissant, I changed the design of the hull midsections a little bit and I have come up with something better proportionned in my opinion : Feedback welcome!
Achille, a French frigate carrying 36 guns
A fine and amazing ship! Nice job on the SNOT for the mast platforms, and the galley, and of course the captain's cabin walls... And a very interesting colorscheme that gives your Achille a fierce look! Congrats
Warship project
Admiral, you're my hero That makes things a lot clearer now, and will help me a lot in my building. About the length/width ratio, I think you're probably right. I used the measures given in a wiki about L'Hermione, a French frigate, which stated a width/length ratio of 66/11.5 meters. But somehow the proportions don't seem right at the moment. I think I will try to make each section a bit shorter to get closer to a 1/5 ratio, or widen the sections at the top with inverted slopes, but I'm afraid that would give an awkward feeling about the hull. So I bet I'd better get back to LDD now, fortunately I worked with separated sections so it should be something doable :)
Warship project
Hi everyone! After a few trials on LDD and installing the Universe mode, I'm now thinking about putting together a quite ambitious project : a LDD frigate/ship of the line. One of the extra challenges would be to try and build a nice interior for it. That being said, I would welcome gladly any complete plan of an interior, or any tip regarding the inner organisation of an 18th century warship. The main question is : Where do I have to build the kitchen/oven and the sickbay? Thanks to anyone who would share info on that :) For now, only the most basic part of the hull has been completed. The next steps coming soon would be to design the interior, place the bottom part of the masts, and add the vertical part of the hull before the start of the tumblehome. Overall view : Side view : The stern : (The red pieces will be replaced as soon as I design the rudder) The curve of the bow : And a bird's eye view : Thanks for reading!
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