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  1. I've made this monster crane with a few changes. The wheels and steering aren't motorized and it's not IR controlled. I've made a custom box with 6 toggle switches and I've used a old sub D cable to power the crane. Instead of 2 L12 actuators I used a single L16. It's a beast of technic model, perhaps even to big. The outriggers are way to weak to push the crane up and the crane needs a lot of counter weight so that is stil a work in progress. But I had lots of fun with it and I'm going to keep improving it until I'm satisfied. Thanks to everybody who helped create this, you are all insane... but the kind of insane I like ;-)
  2. Hello, I'm new on this site because I want to relive a childhood hobbie. I was impressed with the standard 42009 I saw and decided to buy one. But before I started the build I stumbled upon this forum and I am blown away by the Grove GMK6400 conversion. I already downloaded several plans and decided to build the MK3 chassis with the superstructure with the actuators and extended boom. Everything is clear to me except one thing. Why did you choose for 2 smaller firgelli actuators? Isn't it easier to choose the L16-140-150-12 ? http://www.active-ro...16-140-150-12-s It has a bigger stroke, has almost twice the power of the smaller actuators combined and cost less than 2 and I think 1 actuator looks better. I don't think it's very hard to make a custom bracket to fit it in the lego structure. Or is there something I miss? regards Siyba
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