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About geezerman402

  • Birthday 05/01/1989

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  1. ^ I don't know about obvious... a weak old part can be broken in other ways. Either way, the seller needs to make things right.
  2. ^ You're right, they all look great! ... just me?
  3. That's really strange... were the parts packed well? I could understand accidentally selling a few broken parts, but not 80% of an order, unless the seller has zero knowledge of constraction and just got it in a lot, or something.
  4. What few used sets i have bought stay in a seperate bin. Partly because they are the only sets i have has with cracking pieces, so i want to see if any of the sets i bought new end up cracking as well.
  5. I loved that zeppelin so much, but Im not sure Lego would make such a large molded piece again... so it would likely be smaller and brick built.
  6. Always been a big Nintendo fan, my only hobby that never stopped for more than a year. A few years ago, a WiiU game called Lego City Undercover came out, published by Nintendo. Bought it and loved it, especially because seeing a living Lego city was what I wanted so many years ago on the living room floor. Saw there was a tie in set available, 60007, with Chase McCain. Bought it (shocked by the price when I took it to the cashier, but not about to stop), and loved it. Started looking into other City sets, saw many of them match vehicles from the game. Bought some more. Saw the Grand Emporium was a real set, after seeing it represented in the game. Buying that was when I fully committed to being an AFOL! Now I'm hopelessly addicted, but never been happier.
  7. Can't wait to see more!
  8. I have read on forums that those rereleases didn't sell that well, but no clue otherwise.
  9. I really don't think AFOLs have that strong of an effect. For every AFOL buying a set, there are a thousand kids getting one too. (made up statistics that are probably wrong as all heck) Short term supply, sure, jerk scalpels are causing issues (minecraft sets during Christmas, for example), but otherwise no.
  10. Words cannot describe how much I appreciated that Johnny Thunder's equivalent was named Jake Raines.
  11. Plus I want to see these grey Johnny Thunder hats! I know it came in brown and black...
  12. Two hospitals under the City line so far. Neither are too good... http://brickset.com/sets/theme-City/subtheme-Medical
  13. Preach! Nexo Knights may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they are miles ahead of many other themes.
  14. Not a 2016 set and shouldn't be discussed here. (but I think it's a good set)
  15. You're right, "Bioncle" is not a Lego product.
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