Everything posted by Dopplercb
Claw Coast
That's awesome!
- Classroom
- The adventures of Harry Potter
- it just me?
I just bought four shelves and brackets on Friday and we're going to mount them hopefully in the morning. I have no place to put any Lego without those shelves going up. I'm out of room again. Three bookshelves full.
how do I embed images?
I have an imigur or whatever it is called account and I don't know how to post imbedded images. Every time I try to use IMG tags it says I can't use that extension. Someone please tell me wtf I am doing wrong here before I lose my mind.
Using baseplates as background vertically, as a sky
Aren't there also 1x1 pieces that have "receiver" holes on there sides that you could attach them to vertically?
Room With A View
That's so fascinating. Really, you can build anything with Lego.
- Lego Room Build
I got my first official Lego set!
The birds set is on my buy list. I really want it!!
I got my first official Lego set!
Awe, she's a cutie! What set number?
My daughters Lego friends city
Very nice!
What did you buy today?
I bought a Lego spider that was on sale because it was retiring and I also bought a neat three in one called Lakeside Cottage because I loved the moose and general outdoorsy feel of it. Love that it comes with an axe. I can't wait to build it.
Enlighten Ice Cream Truck - Noy Lego, but Not Bootleg either
Have any of you ever put together a Eurasian brand Bionicle knock off? I ask because I'm putting together my first official Lego Bionicle model and I want to know if any of the knockoffs have the normal Bionicle pieces in them. I'm having a lot of trouble with the Bionicle model that I'm putting together right now. I wanted to know if I could get some practice in on a knock off or clone brand if they use similar pieces.
- it just me?
I was building things and leaving them all over the garage. Then I cleared one shelf and filled it. Now I have more space to fill. When that is gone, there will be a problem.
- Hi new member who wants to talk lego?
Pirate Ship Lucretia
Dang that's beautiful. I'm so jealous! Pirate ships are my favorite. I have two right now. Only one is built. I have two on the way. I'm so jealous.
- it just me?
I went out today and bought three shelves. And came home and cleared off two already existing shelves. And filled two large bins that I also bought with books that I never ever imagined I'd part with before I discovered legos (I'm selling them later this week and adding the cash to my Lego funds). I did this all simply so I could build something. I have sets piling up and nowhere to put them upon completion. And I bought a small Lego set today. Is it just me or do you guys do things like this and have people call you crazy too?
What did you buy today?
I managed to find a red creatures set at Walmart in a damaged box for $11. It was an excellent find. The local Lego store said they were not going to get this set in stock anymore because it is an old set. Sure was really excited to find it.
How do I imbed a picture?
No one?
How do I imbed a picture?
I tried using Flickr and img tags but it isn't letting me do this.
[SEARATS-FB] Bastion
That is so very awesome!!
- Container ship
- Modular Garage
What did you buy today?
I bought two enlighten pirate ships and an enlighten crocodile. Enlighten is my favorite off brand. I'm headed to the Lego store for the first time on Tuesday morning. My top budget is $60 pre tax, though I'll probably spend about $50 pre tax. I'm poor, so my funds are limited. I also have a Walmart run in my future. Need shelving for my collection.
What do you do for a living?
I'm disabled. Before that, I was a debt collector on a government contract. I studied philosophy, literature and politics in college and graduated 6th in my class with a 3.956 GPA. I also enjoy science.
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