75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Agree, my biggest gripe with the offical set is the front panels aren’t “round” enough. The back is alright at creating the saucer shape, but those front two that sit on the mandibles are just too straight lined.
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Hi, been slowly tweaking my falcon based on the many great suggestions here. Only the basic obvious ones like the engine mod, rotated rear vent ports, few colour swaps etc. (docking ports are a definite future “fix” once I work out what the best complete solution is) But now I’ve found it’s final display place alongside Jerec’s ultimate xwing in my display coffee table (LED engines on motion detection of course), I need to add the missing piece - a decent cockpit interior, ideally with han and chewie + ideally Leia and C3PO. I remember seeing a few great renditions on here, but is there a settled on “best”, and importantly, is there a build that includes instructions and/or a parts list for my BL order? Hopefully there’s one “completed” version that someone can provide, as I plan to light it, so it triggers at the same time the engines fire up on motion detection. Cheers for any links, tips or even pics!
76161 UCS Batwing mods
Hi, first post about doing a mod, but I felt pretty passionate about this one. Having grown up with the "original" Batman films, I loved the UCS Batmobile, and while I also love the lego Batwing, the elongated cockpit really struck me as a bit NQR. I tried various mods on mecabricks, and while the most accurate "shrinkage" (based on the original studio model) of the length of the cockpit would require the removable of (two) of the sections of 1/4 clear wall elements, this would require a full blown redesign of the seat and cockpit to fit it all in the remaining one. I also tried utilizing the new UCS A-wing canopy, but it's width isn't the 8 studs required (6 only), and again, a full redesign would be needed (which is a shame as it is a more accurate shape compared to this sets design) So finally, I settled on removing 2x BOW 1/4 4X4X1 which effectively shortened the length by about 2-3 studs (along with removal of other parts that were between the two cockpit sections). This allowed me to move the front of the canopy backwards 1 stud (more screen accurate) and also move the back "shell" (WALL ELEMENT CONE 3X6X6) forwards - again more screen accurate. To complete the look, I'm planning on printing some back vinyl to make the rear section of the canopy a sloping black area (rather than clear all the way back then a vertical black where the shell starts). The other major change I made was to remove some of the dark grey "detailing" to remain more screen accurate - especially the spoilers. I narrowed them by a stud to take advantage of the void below them created by removing the two LDG 2x6 bricks, which then allowed them to sit much more flush when down (with some detailing underneath 1 stud lower than the rest of the wing area) Instead of writing more, maybe I'll just show what I'm talking about, as it will hopefully make more sense that way. Happy with the overall result. Original model: Original studio model:
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
No worries, I ended up partially pulling apart Effermans design, and then using some of the spare pieces from it to over engineer the supports (see photos lol). But I did achieve what I set out to do: lessen the "bank" of the Falcon, but still have a sturdy stand.
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Cheers, nah I have the stand, and instructions, but I thought I saw someone with a modded version that out it on the reverse angle/less aggressive bank. in other words, the mod would put the Falcon on a slight bank/tilt sideways, but only enough to give the illusion of flight, but still fit in a coffee table..
75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017 MOD/MOC
Hi, just finished the Falcon (unmodded at this stage other than the 1x2 blue trans plate engine mod) I’ve also previously collected all the Technic pieces to make Efferman’s amazingly structural display stand. Having built it, I’ve realised the pose/bank of his stand is far too aggressive to fit the Falcon into my display coffee table. If anything, it would need to be on the reverse angle (if the stand was laid down on its side), but this doesn’t work due to the attachment points and structure design. I’m pretty sure I previously saw someone who had modded his stand to achieve this (a slight angle of bank, with 7 landing gear/feet removed), but can’t find it. Anyone have any tips on how to achieve this (or photos), or is my only option trying to mod his stand, which I think would take quite some modding? Cheers for any help!
[MOC] Star Wars: The X-Wing Story
Having built this with the cheaper older coloured ones, I can definitely say that you don’t really notice it, and like you mentioned - if anything it actually looks like it is worn parts. It’s not like the rebels could afford parts all from the same manufacturer - there is bound to be discrepancies in parts like engine covers etc
[MOC] Star Wars: The X-Wing Story
Concur, any chance you could provide a quick list of the additional parts needed to pull this beauty off? Cheers
- [MF-MOD] "I've added some special modifications myself"
- [MOC] TIE Silencer
[MOC] [LDD] Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer
Hi @jameseilers any chance you could send me the Lxf files? Really want to upgrade my original set to your awesome build! Thank you (or if anyone else downloaded the now defunct Lxf file, could you please send it to me?) Cheers!
- [MOC] TIE Silencer
[BL - WIP] 10030 Imperial Star Destroyer
Azrielsc- I love your engine mod! I landed a 10030 in old gray, but unfortunately it didn't have the 3 giant wheels (hence my discounted price).. I prefer your mod to the wheels anyway- so I'm hoping you could possibly either provide an LDD file of how you did it, or perhaps more angles of the engine build (detached)..? Cheers, Tom
- [MOC] UCS CR-90 Corellian Corvette – Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
[MOC] My mini UCS Millennium Falcon
If anyone's interested, and if it's ok with itsnickg (absolutely cool if he'd prefer for me not to do so), I studied his build and attempted to re-create it in LDD, and could share the file with anyone else who's keen to build it. I'd say as a rough guess that I got approx 90% correct, and everything else seems to work (due limited info/photos)- the tunnel to the cockpit is a bit different, as is the mandibles, but I did use the same idea of the arches side on. If anyone is keen for them, and if then itsnickg says it's cool by him, I'll upload them to share :)
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