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  1. Bleh on the actual sets. Bleh, Bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh. Yay for the parts! Wonder when these will be released? I really want the medium green pieces, and the gold "Villain Cores" are sure to be useful. EDIT: Also, as these are prototypes, I'm pretty sure all the gunmetal pieces on Hulk will be the same green as his chest piece in the release version. EDIT#2: Anyone notice that there are two ball joints sticking out from the backs of both Green Lantern and Batman? Is that a new piece or just not a widely used one?
  2. I'll probably get all of them eventually. The real question is which ones will ever get to see the light of day as a built set.
  3. Barrage replied to Aanchir's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Bit of a noob question.. How did you get the parts into colors that aren't available when you click the paint button?
  4. Barrage replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    It's not even Bionicle anymore. Hasn't been for two years. Literally.(bionicle has been cancelled, Hero Factory is NOT an extension of it.) It is now aimed at littler children and shouldn't be compared to Bionicle. It's it's own stand alone series.
  5. Barrage replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    BTW, while the hero recon system itself isn't up, the new parts are on LDD and are available for use.
  6. Barrage replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Looks like Hero Recon Team is gonna launch April 4th. Which is a shame, would Have loved to mess around with it before the school week started, but hey, i shouldn't be complaining, because it's better then launching, on say, April 14th. http://designbyme.lego.com/en-US/news/default.aspx?id=301294
  7. Yeah, but it's one letter away from Ben 10s ArmorDrillo.
  8. Barrage replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
  9. Barrage replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Could someone please tell me what the Hero Pad system is/was?
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