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About Dazmundo

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    Classic Castle

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  1. Although these are not standard GBC balls, quite a lot of GBC modules will work with them so I'd imagine for this competition if it's all you have, you should go for it :)
  2. I'm really pleased that a post I made 8 years ago is still going strong and hopefully helping some people out. I don't work at the same school anymore as I did back then so don't have access to all the gear, I so should have taken it with me, I bet it's either sitting in a cupboard gathering dust or has been thrown out!
  3. I've just borrowed a Minstorms set with the intention of running a very basic backwards and forwards train. The idea was that it would run to one end of the line, stop for a 20secs then run to the opposite end of the line where it would dump its load (by running a different motor) and run back. I have the converter cable to enable me to plug my train motor into the EV3, I was planning on using IR sensor at the front and back of the train to know when I'd reached the wall. Unfortunately my inexperience with this programming is meaning that this is no as easy to get to work as I expected can anyone please give any guidance as to how to program this to work. Thanks
  4. I don't think I ever found instructions I just made it up as I went along, unfortunately I've moved schools since then so don't have access to any of it anymore :( I'd hate to think that they may have binned it all now, we had great fun playing very basic Lego Robot Wars with it all :)
  5. Hi I hope this is the right place to post but wanted to let people know about a new event that we are holding in Ware Hertfordshire UK, on the 14th April Details can be found on our facebook page www.facebook.com/WaresTheBricks/ and on our website www.brickcentral.org/events/wares-the-bricks/ we haven't finalised our displayers line up yet so if you would like to come along please fill in the form that you will find on the website.
  6. I have every figure from series 1-13 (I'll be getting 14 when available locally, maybe this weekend as we'll be in Legoland) I also have Team GB (3sets) both Simpsons series & TLM. I have the Toy Soldier so I guess the only one I'm missing really is Mr Gold, although I do have a custom so that I can pretend I'm complete :) D
  7. Noooo! Bay window campers have wheels on the front, but you can't spoil the lines of a splitty with a spare wheel, its just wrong! :-) Nicely done job though ;-) D
  8. That looks great, and i have to say I love the sound of your village tradition to do these display windows, such a fantastic idea for bringing a community together :-) Happy New Year :-)
  9. Picked up 7594 today for £4.50 (Missing Jessie) 7595 for £2.50 7590 for £2.50 (Missing Buzz)
  10. I think that this was my first minifigure I still love these classic knights and keep my eyes open to pick them up second hand, I've got a nice little unit now :)
  11. Hi a bit of a request, I was wondering if anyone had got an image of the logos for the two CMFs Baseball teams, I wanted to do a display and print off the team Logos but I can't find them online anywhere and don't have the skills myself to do them. Many Thanks D Thanks for the advice Luxor V
  12. Hi a bit of a request, I was wondering if anyone had got an image of the logos for the two CMFs Baseball teams, I wanted to do a display and print off the team Logos but I can't find them online anywhere and don't have the skills myself to do them. Many Thanks D
  13. Did you ask in the store about the figures? Some stores take them out and put the away safely to stop people stealing them, so they may all have been in a draw behind the cash desk. D
  14. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=30072 12 x 24 probably the biggest
  15. I feel like I should write LEGO but often just Lego very rarely lego that just looks wrong. And never never never NEVER LEGOs! That hurts my ears! D
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