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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Oh yeah I heard that just a couple of weeks ago, damn I really hope they don't make him human in the future! My personal interpretation is that he's a muun (in my own canon at least). As for this AT-ST, I doubt it'll have any tree/log pieces as its from rogue one.
  2. No please Lego don't put one of those stupid launchers onto it!
  3. he's the muun on the separatist council (long skinny head)- from the intergalactic banking clan. Same species as darth plagueis
  4. Boss Nass, sio bibble, San hill (my personal choice), lama su, taun we, mass ameda, or as mentioned, bail organa- any of those take your fancy?
  5. why can't we have a mon calamari ship model to the scale of the 2014 star destroyer. It would be awesome cos you could use it for the alliance AND the new Republic, so for like the thrawn trilogy or something Thank you! I'm glad someone else wants a bit of variety. Also, don't forget a San hill muun head piece could be used for a custom darth plagueis!
  6. may the 4th Admiral thrawn should happen! either this or San hill
  7. The shadow stormtroopers, yes, but not the shadow saber guard. Also, the blue fighter with anakin and ventless isn't canon.
  8. This wave doesn't really interest me at all, it just makes me even more keen to go and buy the final duel from last year (good choice guys?). plus don't forget guys we have rogue one sets on the horizon! (tie interceptor and AT-ST PLEAASSEE!!)
  9. You are right, but TLG have proven that they aren't afraid to explore non-canon things. The shadow guard from 2015 battle pack is an example (the shadow stormtroopers are canon because of battlefront but not the shadow guard). Anyways, I would only hope for 1 set per year- just something like an old Republic sith battleship, with exar Kun and some massassi, or a set which includes darth krayt- basically something that would let TLG show that they care about older Star Wars fans. I'd hoped the yoda chronicles would be a one off, so it just annoys me to see Lego making these random builds when there's so much they could do (where the hec is the long overdue Tie interceptor!)
  10. who is that dark side user next to Dengar? I'm sick of these yoda chronicles/Lego licensed Star Wars sets, for goodness sake Lego if you're running out of ideas give us some old legends canon sets, like knights of the old Republic or admiral thrawn sets!!!
  11. I really want an opportunity to get more of the original trilogy stormies in reasonably priced sets (I know there's the battlefront battlepack but I mean non-battle-damaged ones). On a slightly different topic, does anyone else wish we could have a proper home one min calamari model like the star destroyer? It has even more significance cos of its role in the new Republic fleet
  12. I'm still not sure why you think it specifically belongs to the Massassi? But it would be so awesome, and not too unrealistic a possibility too, if the rebels connections to kotor are shaping up to be!
  13. Where did you here about a Massassi temple? am not criticising, if there was a set on this it would be amazing!!
  14. I hope so, want to see the Death Star so badly- but tbh more excited to get rogue 1 sets later in the year. I really want snoke to be plagueis because it'll make the entire saga link together as a whole- plus if it turns out he's a new character it just makes palpatine look irrelevant and he loses his power as a villain. Plus, as mentioned before, you wouldn't need to have to read into lore too much. Just a simple reference to snoke being palpatine's disillusioned master would sufice.
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