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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Actuallly, I could've bought a vintage real truck for what this MOC has costed me in total, but well... this one is more convenient to store away than a real one at least Noticed that I forgot to answer your question about the lights. The front headlights are those vintage white 1x2 bricks with built-in bulbs. The poppys, Michelin men, spotlights in cab and taillights are all the PF LED lights.
  2. I'd love to try one in real life... but that will probably never happen. There are differentials in the trucks axles, but no ability to lock them. So if one wheel on each axle would start to slip, I'm stuck. But the truck isn't built for terrain unlike the forwarder, it's built because I've always wanted a truck and can't afford a real one
  3. Some pics then... About the Forwarder, search on my Youtube channel for "Forwarder" and you will find some videos of it. (Why on earth does my quote end up in my picture post???)
  4. Hi and thanks for the comment! For some reason I don't suceed in creating an account at Brickshelf (when I hit create account, "The webpage couldn't be found", but maybe later on if I get it to work.
  5. Hi Lego friends! A short video of my Lego truck, a Volvo F12 Globetrotter log truck. I've been building it over the last couple of years, when money and energy has been present. It's close to 1:10 in scale and weight is 7,1 kilos. It's driven by two buggy motors and the steering is provided by one XL motor. Until the other day it also had a gearbox, but when making the video that gearbox failed utterly so I removed the whole thing and connected the motors straight to the axles for now. There's some more information in the video description if you are interested in the build. It's quite uncertain if I will work more on this truck or not, maybe it will be scrapped, but at least I wanted to share this short video of it here. Hope you enjoy!
  6. Well, it ofcourse depends on how long tracs you need to get the right fit for your tyres. And if your tyres are not as wide as the powerpullers, you'd need to build with other parts than me. But you can see in the videos how they are built up, one trac consists of 455 pieces right now.
  7. More mud is not an option. When inspecting the mess after that movie, I noticed that in the bottom of the XL motors there is a hole right into the electronics... I wasn't aware of that when driving into the mud, so it was pure luck that the motors survived. I can't seal of that hole without reducing ground clearence, which has high priority. Also, the wet mud almost destroyed my $250 tracs, it had penetrated into them in every possible way, they were extremly stiff when I got home. More suggestions?
  8. Thanks! It acyually took me some YEARS to come up with a design that fitted the powerpuller tyres and was strong enough for the task... However, a new video today! There will be another one in the next few days, however not this dramatic, but then my wallet needs to rest a while before next video can take place.
  9. Well, I like to try limits ? and when I build something I want it to be as close to perfect as possible, so I have to torture it to see if I have done a good job ? now I know that the turntables are the dealbreakers load-wise, and I can't change them, they are what they are. When they separated in the video the total weight was almost 13 kilos, and going uphill most of the load was at rear wheels. Add to those conditions that the tracs have quite high tension, so there's great force on the turntables from the tracs alone. A little rough terrain on that and they separate, sadly ? So if the machine gets going again, I'll have to come up with a movie theme that doesn't involve any load ? The tracs are now in the bathtub, I haven't dared to have a look att the wheels and hub reductions yet, but probably I will have to disassemble it all once again. I assume many parts are toast ?
  10. Any suggestions of theme for new movie(s)? Improving the creature on various points right now, but soon it will be ready for new challenges. But I have no great ideas... ?
  11. Okey, some help would be appreciated. Yesterday I tested the Forwarder with some serious load, and the rear motors cuts off very easy. Where is likely my problem? The setup for each pair of wheels is: 1 battery box ----> 1 V2 receiver ----> 2 XL motors (connected together at one of the receivers outputs). Which is the weakest link with this type of setup, the battery box or the receiver? Would it likely help me to run 1 battery box and 1 V2 on every XL motor separate (at least at the 4 rear Wheels)? I need more POWER The problems starts @3:00 in this video, the rear wheels won´t move, and there is no way the front wheels can move can move that piece anywhere by themself, especially with rear wheels locked...
  12. Another vid (I thought I accidentaly deleted this video file but found it yesterday, shot at same day as other two videos). Enjoy!
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