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Everything posted by suffocation

  1. This is really great! My only minor criticism would be that the front is a bit too cluttered - maybe you could simplify the pattern or build it with system parts. An awesome model in any case
  2. I agree that it's lost its 8880-ish look. However, it does seem like the natural progression of your original model and it still feels rugged. If I really had to change something, I'd try to make the front - especially the bonnet - meaner, so to speak. Still, a masterpiece for the ages
  3. Looking forward to getting my grubby mitts on a few of these.
  4. Looks awesome! There's an elegance to your design that reminds me of Madoca's work.
  5. It works fine even in fast mode I guess having the first diff sandwiched between two z20 gears helps. Also, the BuWizz is an old one, so no ludicrous mode
  6. That's just insane I hope the size doesn't distract from the level of detail because you've clearly put a ton of effort and skill into both. I'd also like more details about the axles.
  7. My nephew wanted a fast, green RC dump truck, so I threw this together overnight with what little green I had. It came out kinda crappy but at least it's fun and (mostly) kid-proof.
  8. Stunning work! I also really like the modular approach.
  9. The steering mechanism is pure genius! My brain goes into complete meltdown whenever I try to work within fewer than 13 studs - you managed to pull off a perfectly functioning model in just 9
  10. This is amazing It's also nice to see that the new parts handle all the torque from 4 hard-coupled L motors so well.
  11. Threw this dump truck together overnight. Also just realised there's a protruding blue pin in the first pic. But there's also a kitty
  12. Awesome! Although I must admit I felt a bit queasy when I saw the word "windrower" (anyone familiar with Joseph McElroy will understand)
  13. Never seen so much grey look so enticing
  14. Got my order of 24 of these, ordered directly from TLG: Same alignment issues as other users. What's more, the plastic looks and feels different from the usual ABS.
  15. Brilliantly done! I actually prefer this to the A model.
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