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Everything posted by suffocation

  1. Thanks A very basic mod to the steering rack and hubs gives the setup Ackermann geometry; the trade-off is a limited steering angle. I do think, though, that the structure can be reworked to accommodate the former without incurring the latter.
  2. Here are a couple of ideas I came up with for a tow truck I'm working on. The first is a dual rear axle with portal hubs, intended for double Unimog wheels: bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/dual-real-axle/dual%20axle%2001.jpg bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/dual-real-axle/dual%20axle%2002.jpg bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/dual-real-axle/dual%20axle%2003.jpg The second is a steered and driven independent-suspension setup with portal hubs: bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/front-axle-with-portal-hubs/front%20axle%2001.jpg bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/front-axle-with-portal-hubs/front%20axle%2002.jpg bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/front-axle-with-portal-hubs/front%20axle%2003.jpg bricksafe.com/files/hateofallhatreds/front-axle-with-portal-hubs/front%20axle%2004.jpg Sorry about the dreadful (dirt-cheap) mobile-phone pics.
  3. Dumb question: are there any steering links other than 2739 and 2739b? A 4L or 5L link would be really welcome. I know part 15459 can be sometimes used but I don't find it very practical.
  4. Love it! It's just a pity some people can't help taking issue with the 666. Grow up, guys - hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia never led to anything good.
  5. You nailed it, mate. I was going to pass up the Porsche precisely because of its almost complete lack of playability, but Didumos69 has turned a mediocre set into gold. (Why is everything Netherlands-related so awesome?)
  6. I'm glad I'm not on the judging panel - I've never been too keen on ABS sandwiches.
  7. This is terrific! I've always loved the 42042 and I think your bulldozer would've been a far better B model.
  8. Oh my. Your reviews blow me away every time, Sariel. The lighting, photography, angles, competence and humour are ambrosial. As for the set, this - to me - is the real highlight of the year. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
  9. I don't get why some people complain about the speed (or lack thereof). I'm pretty sure the guys at TLG thought things through well enough to decide they'd struck a balance between realism and playability. In any case, even a novice could mod the gearbox with the existing parts and squeeze out around twice as much speed, should this really be an issue.
  10. 249 CHF in good ol' Switzerland. No trace of it in Italy, of course.
  11. Great work there. Love how you write, by the way.
  12. I'm usually keener on larger builds but this one's a beauty. It's pretty common to get burnt out and shelve a project for a while - I'm sure you'll find the inspiration and motivation to see it through eventually.
  13. I bought the instructions to this model mostly for the learning experience. I started with the drivetrain - I'm about two-thirds of the way through the section and I've already got far more than my money's worth. The sheer complexity and solidity (despite the half-stud fest) of this build are mind-boggling.
  14. Hi Jim, I'd love to see plenty of shots of the three-way steering mechanism as well as a thorough assessment of its sturdiness. Cheers!
  15. An EB user recently posted a brilliant 42030-C model - a pick-up truck, I believe. I reckon you could take it a step further with the parts from the 42039, adding suspension on all four wheels and maybe a gearbox of some sort.
  16. Could you list your sets? Knowing what you can source from is a great start.
  17. A 19-stud rear axle with independent suspension and differential lock (the latter by Sariel). Haven't tried it out yet but it feels pretty solid.
  18. This is terrific! I wish I had even just a fraction of your talent. Really looking forward to getting my grubby mitts on this set so I can tinker around with it and implement your mods.
  19. @nguyengiangoc: never, as far as I know. But it does seem to be in a different colour from the one next to it. @Saberwing40k: I reckon they used two because one wasn't enough to bear the torque coming from the motor. I had to do the same on my tow truck to get the RC steering to work.
  20. 48?! Wow - one BWE alone would double my supply of 5x7 frames On another topic, is it just me or is one of the two adjacent clutch gears here yellowish? http://zusammengebaut.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/lego-technic-bucket-wheel-excavator-42055-power-functions-international-toy-fair-2016-zusammengebaut-andres-lehmann.jpg
  21. I think that's a sound estimate. The 42042 has 48 links per track with 27 studs between axle, if I'm not mistaken. The BWE looks more like 29 studs. Addendum - has anyone tried to work out how many 5x7 frames it has? I get a splitting headache from staring at the screen for more than a few minutes but there must be at least 30 of them.
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