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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Legofan2001

  1. Tion Meddon should be included in a wheel bike and or Obi Wan’s blue interceptor remake……..
  2. They still haven’t made Yoda vs Sidious either🙃
  3. Look I’m all for new prequel sets themed after ROTS but you’re 100% correct. Where is the Wheel Bike with Boga remake? Where is an ACTUAL Mustafar playset? Where is a Palpatine’s arrest remake? Where is a Yoda vs Sidious set? Where is a Wookiee Gunship/Catamaran remake? Where is an Anakin vs Dooku set? I don’t understand why Lego is so scared to make anything prequel related that isn’t directly connected with clones. Also if Lego for WHATEVER reason can’t make ROTS Padme or Tion Medon why weren’t they instead made as anniversary figures?
  4. And if the figures are known why exactly are they not being talked about? A Turbo Tank at 300 pieces still makes ZERO sense considering that’s like 1/3 the size of the microfighter!
  5. These rumors are screaming fake tbh Both the prices and claimed sets are just outlandish and dumb tbh.
  6. Um how exactly does a 300 piece turbo tank work?
  7. Lego is so stupid 2025 sets are just flatout scams. 800 pieces for 150 dollars is bonkers worse then Ahsoka’s Interceptor or ARC-170 IMO.
  8. So Lifebricks and Childish Landino are hinting at a UT-AT??????????
  9. Supposedly we are getting a night trooper Battlepack with Enoch that makes me think that is the second set hinted at by Lifebricks.
  10. Lifebricks 3 sets remain yet to be revealed. One of them he says has potential to be one of the best sublines for LSW one of “was obviously going to happen” but will split the fan base due to one of the figures the other choice is a “wild choice” at least for the era figure is based on and should bring for a great figure.
  11. The imperial set is confirmed to be a Star Destroyer with 1,500 pieces!
  12. Lego also needs to stop with the blue eyes. Yes Ezra has blue eyes but he literally looks blind now. (If Lego HAS to give blue eyes why not use the design style they gave to Elsa,Marion,and Willie in the 2008/2009 Indy sets)
  13. Nien looks perfect! But if we are doing long over do mainline Skywalker saga characters where are Boss Nass,Dexter Jettster,Yaddle???????
  14. This would’ve been a great opportunity to include Sy Snootles,and Droopy McCool. Heck updated versions of Bossk and Dengar as well. But overall I think it’s a good selection and amount.
  15. I don’t see why Jabba would be a new mold…………….
  16. So Max Baut is claiming the Sail Barge has 10 figures including Slave Leia,Max Rebo,and Salacious B Crumb.
  17. Maybe it’s just me but outside Darth Malek the anniversary figures IMO are very bad picks. YES people have been wanting Fives,Saw,Cal but why not just put them into ACTUAL sets? People want new Rogue One sets yet lego is just scared for whatever reason of doing new Rogue One sets. Fives could’ve been included in a different TCW set. Cal should’ve been included in a Mantis,and Young Leia in a new Kenobi set. Like IMO Malek,Starkiller,Mara Jade,Dutchess Satine,Dexter Jettester,Holiday Special Boba would’ve been better picks because those are characters that realistically will never be released otherwise.
  18. R2-KT could’ve been the Astromech for Jedi Bob……….
  19. Cool deep cut but a terrible choice for a final figure in a set. Like R2-KT would’ve been better as a Book Figure or even a May 4th promo.
  20. This new Sith Infiltrator looks HORRIBLE and is way less accurate then the 2011 or 2015 versions. Just compare the entire back section to the model in Battlefront 2 and it’s not even remotely close. The figure selection is also terrible like yeah Saw is a great inclusion but only 3 TPM figures with no new characters 😐 like this would’ve been a great place to include Shmi……….
  21. lol Brickclicker just posted tons of leaks a couple hours ago.
  22. Honestly yeah because IF they had made it a retail set it could’ve included battle attire Padme and Boss Nass.
  23. Almost like Lego should’ve made a Duel of the Fates Diaroma and Naboo Royal Starcruiser.
  24. May 4th Promo confirmed to be a Battle Droid Carrier with 6-8 battle droids! Best Promo for May 4th of all time???????? Brickheadz confirmed to be Darth Maul,Qui-Gon,Captain Panaka,Queen Amidala,Kid Anakin,and JAR JAR BINKS!!!!!!
  25. So it is Saw that’s fantastic news!
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