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About FortNerd

  • Birthday 02/13/1988

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  1. Are you trying to tell me I won't see a Pocahontas set until 2020?
  2. Not necessarily; the Ariel castle is from 2015 so it could use a refresh.
  3. Are you kidding D: I was so hoping for a small set with Pocahontas, Grandmother Willow and a canoe. Hasbro made one, toy companies typically copy each other's ideas. Will probably buy one of the Jasmine/Aladdin sets and Tiana (maybe just the figure, if the set is uninteresting)
  4. The new spaceship set from TLM2 reminds me of this style a bit. But, as much as I like sci-fi, we *need* a fantasy theme. I always loved how Elves combined a fantasy style with technic functions to create various "magic" effects.
  5. Dear Lego, can you please make a child minidoll body for Vanellope so you can then reuse it for Friends and maybe Elves if it's somehow not cancelled ;(
  6. I want two things for the next year's wave: a set with Poca, her canoe and Grandmother Willow (teal pieces for trees, yey!) ; and a big proper Arabic palace for Jasmine. They can stick Tiana in a Juniors set to complete the big 11.
  7. Someone mentioned quidditch expansion packs, I love this idea. I'd love to have small "battlepacks" with students of various houses a'la Chima. Normal gray uniform, quidditch gear and robes with scarf. A small bit of terrain and accesories. Oh, and I absolutely want a full Herbology set with the mandragoras.
  8. I love the Nymph and the gravedigger, I'd buy them on day 1. But, the politician or the doctor should have been female. edit: I'd buy the hobbit-like figure as well :D
  9. I finished building the Elvenstar Tree. As always I made some small modifications. The black bat was turned into a custom dragon. Her name is Midnight and she is a Night element or possibly Chaos, but she's not "evil". She really needs bigger legs. PS. The stickers for this set are quite useful for MOCing.
  10. New sets are available for sale in the Czech Republic. Very tempted to pick up the Tree, but, it will need to wait a bit :) post pics, people!
  11. well, you can always bricklink...
  12. I KNEW IT! <3 new leaf pieces in gold! Just imagine how they would look on dark red or dark orange branches.... <3
  13. Thanks, this is even better! It didn't occur to me to use them because I don't have any Nexo sets. Here is my modded Lion and Wind Dragon. I gave them wings from the 2016 dragon sets to keep the look consistent. I didn't buy the original wind and fire dragon sets, because I didn't like how they looked, now I have a full set :)
  14. If anyone wants an even simpler mod for the Lion's mane, here's what I came up with (demonstrated here on the dragon head; I will post pics of my Lion once I get a bit of daylight tomorrow.)
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