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About BrokenEye

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    Escape from the Lost Tomb

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    Greater Los Angeles Area Area, Present Day
  • Interests
    Art, music, film, and literature. Learning new things. Creating new things. Stories, myths, and folklore. Legends, rumors and mysteries. Science, pseudoscience, mad science and nonscience. Language and humor. Visions of the future, tales of the past, and tales of visions of the future from the past. Things that make perfect sense, and things that make no sense whatsoever. And all sorts of oddities and curiosities.


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    of the Blind

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  1. Question: The latest update contains two DecorationMapping.xmls and two info.xmls. How should I handle this? I can't paste both into the same folder without one overwriting the other.
  2. They mightn't have switched to the new format yet.
  3. Hey, quick question. What kind of connection do the animal heads (like on the horse and the cow and the tiger) have? If I were to isolate that from the assembly, would it connect to anything other than other animal torsos?
  4. What, including the backs of the legs? When did they start decorating those?
  5. Do I see... the long arms and the double arms? This almost makes up for having to redo almost but not quite all six hundred and six of my custom decorations, though really, I did that to myself. I needed to redo about half of them from scratch eventually anyway. And some of them are from scrapped builds that I have no intention of revisiting which I've only been keeping for the sake of the numbering. So, yeah, I guess it more than makes up for it.
  6. Interesting. I never would've thought of that. @jester@suenkachun Anyhow, it sounds like you haven't made any changes to the minifig leg UV maps (or not yet anyway). Does that means the waist decorations are displaying weirdly for some other reason?
  7. Yeah, I think I'm just going to have to wait to try it out in practice and see how it works out. I'm not terribly good at picturing how UV maps relate to 3-dimensional objects. By the way, did you know your images haven't posting (as images)? At least for me (I'm using Firefox, if that's relevant), it's just been showing up as a link which I can't click on (unless someone quotes you, in which case the quoted version is clickable), but can use "Open image in new tab" on. Everyone else's images show up fine. It's the weirdest thing.
  8. I mean the front and back surfaces individually. Those are still flat squares that I can plop my existing back and front art down in without having to mess around with puppet warp and functions like that, right?
  9. I'm not sure how to feel about this. The dimensions of the decorable areas are still the same, though, right?
  10. A handful decorations don't seem to be lining up correctly since the last update, particularly minfigure arms and hips, Brick 1x2 (3004), Flat Tile 1x4 (2431). Not every decoration is effected, but those that are include both official decorations and custom ones I've created myself. In the case of the minifigure arms, almost but not quite every left arm is effected but only a few right arms are. Is this a bug, or have you just made changes to the decoration mapping that the decorations haven't been 100% updated to work with yet?
  11. Oh, I see. I always sort of assumed the number values assigned to decorations are arbitrary, but it sounds like that isn't the case. Now I'm kinda worried that if I keep adding custom decorations, eventually I'll accidentally hit on a number that conflicts with an official decoration and will be overwritten in a future update. Is there a particular range of numbers I should be using to avoid this?
  12. Hey, what are the optional stickers? I can't find any detail on them in the key topic or on the blog, other than that they're available. I'm not even sure which screenshot shows them. Are they something different from decorations, or have they been set apart for some other reason?
  13. Aw yeah, the skull head that accepts hair and the demon helmet. Hopefully I can get the POV Ray converter working again this time around so I can actually share some of the projects I'm finally gonna be able to finish.
  14. Ooh, I see several pieces in there that I've been wanting for a while. Including a few that I didn't even know existed but wished did. Now I just have to remember what I wanted them for.
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