The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Loving the Batman variations here as I collect al the new Batsuits I can these days. Will look great to put them all on the suit rotator in the Batcave set and have Lobster Loving Batman sat at the Bat Computer. Brilliant and fun. Not quite sure if Catman is a variation or a different character altogether though like Batzarro. Might get him anyway.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
You can see rocket's warbird here and that is definitely not it. Rocket's has the flame emblem of the ravagers around the cockpit (which the Guardians seem to adopt for themselves in the film) plus two huge gun type barrels under the wings. I too would rather more sets like these ships as they look so cool and the Milano set is hands down the best Lego set I own. I love that they went for the classic Iron Man look here and didn't just try and make a kiddy version from the movies. Well done Lego these Mighty Micros are truly fantastic in every way.
- Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
Right now the only 2 ships we know will be in the film are The Milano and whatever this is (but I know I already want it) Still the original Milano is great so I hope they don't re-make it but I can't help but think they will as it's so iconic. I have a MOC of Rocket's Warbird to tide me over but I'm still desperate for more Guardians ships they are amazing.
- Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Does seem very steep
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
I would prefer Rocket's Warbird over the Milano but that is only because I already have it and think it's probably the best looking Lego ship I own. And that's high praise considering I have the Millenium Falcon too. Having said that I think it's highly likely we will see it pop up again due to it kinda being the star of the show in terms of ships and they have retired the old one. Plus it would be interesting to see what improvements (if any) they make on their already flawless design IMO. I would hope they release a realistic Warbird that isn't an SDCC this time around rather than two of the same but slightly different ships (Necrocraft). In fact, if they release a Rocket Warbird set with Baby Groot included in the set I will probably die of excitement.
Marvel Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
YES Baby Groot micro fig in a plant pot would be brilliant. I have the baby groot from the Rocket Racoon polybag permanently in my Milano at the moment but thats just a pot with a twig. I am certain I will buy all three Guardians sets without even seeing them yet as I freaking love them.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
I hope so. Thanks for the info mate. Also I heard some of the sets were due to be available from 1st Nov but cannot see anything on the Lego store. I will stop by the Lego store on my way home but if anyone has any news or info on this it would be greatly appreciated as I want that Batcave to add to my ever growing collection of Batcaves!
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Disappointed to hear that so far the only Two Face figure is his Arkham Asylum version in the jumpsuit. Two Face is the only key member of the Rogue Gallery I am missing from my collection and really need him! If anyone has any info on him then please let me know as I'm desperate for him!
- DC Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
- DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion
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