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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Kenny1

  1. got mine today and exactly the same, very minor nick but nothing to complain about
  2. 1. Orange Suit Guy (Banana Guy needs a fruit friend :P) 2. Golf Pro 3. Power Station Worker (With hard hat overalls etc) 4. Taxi Driver 5. Car Salesman 6. Invisible Man (I know someone has already said this but its a great idea) 7. The Monopoly Guy 8. Zombie defense team guy 9. Beautician 10. Lego Store Employee 11. Stunt Driver 12. Restaurant Server 13. Pilot 14. Air Hostess 15. Bodyguard 16. Political figure
  3. that would be amazing !!!
  4. The number of bat variants is going to be crazy ! Do you think we will get a game exclusive and any book exclusives?
  5. all the other sets i have received from s@h including ewok village and the millennium falcon came mint with no dents and those are large-ish sets. Im not too fussed about a minor mark and score but large dents etc would really bug me. Ill see what condition it is in when it arrives but not holding my breath now (i take it lego accepts returns for damaged boxes? ............
  6. Just ordered this in the UK but its on back order. How are peoples experience with the delivery of this set? I really hope that it wont be damaged while being shipped! Surely lego must package this really well due to the value and not wanting a massive number of returns !
  7. http://s32.postimg.org/qyyrha0rl/mickey.jpg' alt='mickey.jpg'> [/image] Picked up the majority of the figures this morning and overall very impressed with them. However one of the mickeys is mis-printed with his eyes squint, does anyone know if the other mis-printed figure ever sold? and is this worth anything more than a standard print? thanks
  8. Can anyone link me to somewhere i can buy a whole box of these from the UK? Everywhere i look it is only individual packets that you can purchase. thanks
  9. Nice set, maybe the first super heros set i will pick up
  10. The images are pretty low resolution. It's hard to make anything out
  11. hopefully now we il start to see more set images. Looks like the majority of the civil war sets have also leaked
  12. Lego Star Wars poes x wing in blue leaked photos on Instagram under hashtag #legostarwars - can't make out the figures though
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