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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by WampaStompa

  1. Excellent Work Brick Doctor, some great shots from one of my favorite planets! Over the last few weeks/months I have been sourcing figs and parts for scenes based on Tatooine. I really wanted a few Bantha shots for particular scenes and thought about building them in LEGO as there are a number of fantastic examples out there. In the end I decided to try and create a Bantha from clay in the spirit of LEGO's pre molded parts. It still needs some refining but overall quite happy with the result. It would be wonderful if LEGO produced a Bantha set, as I am sure it would be a very popular addition to a number of collections........ Bantha Attack - Set ???? Tusken Patrol
  2. Nice work Burman, Darth Yogi! Excellent Work on the Hoth Base Kaitan ! Here are a few from the Cantina ! Hey!...we don't serve their kind here! You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems. Going, somewhere, Solo ?
  3. "When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow"
  4. Thanks Pandora, The greenish tinge is from back lighting the set with a green filter over the light source (a small torch). And the liquid on the floor is a pot of Slime :)
  5. Hi, Thanks for the comments on my Grievous shot, I am glad you liked it! There has been some excellent work lately, nice shots from LINKO and very impressive shots from Darth Yogi. I agree with Brickdoctor you have done a fantastic job on the trophy a very inspiring idea :) Here is one I posted on the EuroBricks Star Wars Lego Photography Pool Hope you enjoy it! "The name's Rex. But you'll call me 'captain' or 'sir'."
  6. Hi, Great Shots Linko,Designholic and Smokebelch :) A couple of new ones from me! Grievous Intent Soulless One
  7. Hey Wayno, Thanks for commenting, Glad you like it ! Your Imperial shots are awesome, I like your set up shots on Flickr they really show how much time and effort you put into your photography Thanks Frolando =) Here is a new one from me!
  8. It's nice to see so many great photo's on the forum! Here's a shot inspired by two of my favorites =)
  9. Hi, The Scarab Attack 7305 is a welcome addition to my collection. A great set, fantastic value for money and the scarab is one bug I would not want on my back !! Thanks There's Something Behind me, isn't there?
  10. Hey, that's really cool Wayno! The background looks great, you have captured a real sense of movement :) out of interest what did you use for the background ? ........ I hope you are going to post your new shot on the forum it is just superb :) Heres another from me .... :) UH-OH
  11. I like the first one General Magma! Nice shots nine eleven Welcome to the forum, Looks like you had the same problem I had when I first started posting !! There are very helpful tutorials on how to post pictures on the forum http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=19193 If you have a flickr account you can grab/copy the HTML/BBcode from the drop down box above your photo "Share This" Then when posting on the forum you can paste the html code into the insert image box, click insert image and your picture should be in your post! I have only got the hang of it myself look forward to seeing your photo on the forum.
  12. Yep there is that , but it was a pretty grey and cold day today so not much chance of that!
  13. Yes I agree, perhaps if I printed the picture and used that as a backdrop, we may be looking at a different picture
  14. @WampaStompa:- some nice PP and great shot but have to agree it does look a bit "artificial" Thanks for the comments guys appreciate it , actually this had very little PS work on it! apart from erasing the S.T.A.P's stand, Yoda's Lightsaber effects and a litttle blurring :) the background is a picture on my monitor .........
  15. Hi Guys! Thanks for all the comments, I am really pleased you liked it :) Great work Wayno the lighting in your ARF Trooper shot is awesome and the White Fett is wicked! Awesome work I Scream Clone really love the sign for Plasmos Just another one from me .... Thanks for checking it out "The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has."
  16. Nice work Oky wan Kenobi Thanks for your comments guys! they are greatly appreciated LOL, yes they are Brick doctor. I have a small tribe of them, so I thought they wouldn't miss a headdress
  17. Great Shots Guys! Just wanted to share my new work with you! Thanks :) There's one, set for stun!
  18. Nice work Wayno, Vader knows how to make an entrance! Guess the game we were playing earlier! Stormtroopers are not so Tough............
  19. Thanks, I removed the shot from flikr :) not happy with that one in the end !
  20. Thanks George.... No rubberbands involved....its just the way he hold's himself :)
  21. Excellent work George G!..... Plissken I guess they will be having Calamari for tea! Obi always tried his best to fit into new Cultures! Do my montrals look Big in this ??
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