Everything posted by SirSven7
[MOC] Rivendell
Amazing this is must have taken forever. All the beautiful waterfalls . Cheers
SoF - Olivia;s Haunting House
A fantastic Mod, I really like the roof effect with the rigging and all ther little details in the house ( hand in blender). Great work
REVIEW - Halloween Accessory Set (850487)
Its a really ncie set, thanks for the Review this will go well with the 3 S1 Zombies I already have and the Haunted Mansion I plan on getting for christmas, one thing I don't understand is why give a zombie a Radio? Its the strangest part of the set for me it just seems so out of place. Cheers
Review: 10228 Haunted House
I know what Im getting for christmas
Non-Pirate Mini-Figures Useful for Pirate MOCing?
I would say no to pirates in Ruff's it wasn't really their style, If however you have any Conquistador's then that would be fine as that was the style of their era (as the below picture shows). By the time the Bicorn was in fashion the Ruff had been out of date for over a hundreds of years (1550-1600 for the Ruff) (1700s for the Bicorn). I was all about Cravat and the stiff collar then. But if you really wanna be accurate with LEGO pirates all the Shako's have to go for a start, so its an ambitious task you have set yourself
Top Five Things I Miss About Old School LEGO
I'm getting some very interesting feedback on my points. Its funny but some people strongly agree on some things and strongly disagree on others (like flaps or baseplates) but the someone a bit further down the list will have the opposite opinion. Like I said I still love modern LEGO but this list is what occasionaly will cause me to sigh and go on Bricklink for something older. I was wondering if one of those lovely admin staff could put a poll in so people could click on what they miss about oldschool LEGO from my five points so I can see how accurate I was. If anyone has a suggestion on something I missed I would be interest to see that as well. (a gentleman on brickset mentioned missing the old school faces (mid 90s) which I thought was interesting). Im sorry if it came across as a Rant, it was supposed to be funny Don't worry infromative reviews will make a return soo.
Top Five Things I Miss About Old School LEGO
Thanks for the comments everyone they are all really nice (Miles especially) I will slowly do a look at a lot of the later themes eventually (Pharaohs Quest, POTC, Kingdoms and Monster Fighters are some I am paying most of the attention to at the moment). But sadly with everything it takes time. Thanks again everyone and I promise the wait will be shorter for my next post.
Licensed Themes Kinda Bum Me Out
See Im 50/50 with Licensed Themes I love some of the sets but I hate the whole "dummying down" of LEGO with the overreliance on detailed instructions and themed (Licensed) sets which do little to inspire detailed and imaginative thought in the young children the sets are designed for.
Top Five Things I Miss About Old School LEGO
Hello everyone in the LEGO world It’s been an absolute age since I lasted visited the site and seen all the wonderful things to see, you could also say I had a mini Dark Age lasting a few months. But that’s all in the past and to make up for my absence I have started back on my Blog again. I am finding it a real chore to track down all those old KK1 sets from the Castle theme so in the mean time I decide to post a blog detailing why I am such a fan of the classic sets. Here is the Link Top Five Things I Miss About Old School LEGO If you’re feeling studious give it a read and tell me what you think. Cheers everyone and now I’m off to read some of these amazing reviews I missed (series 8 CMF’s already ).
GREATEST Creation Helm's Deep by Korean
Ohh my lord That is amazing, I am almost speechless. Well done on a brilliant build.
The USS Constellation
Thank you for these pictures Skipper I'm guessing your not the biggest fan, these close up shots are brilliant however (I love the ships bell) could I impose on you to take a shot of this ship next to another (like the barracuda or flagship) so that I could get a sense of scale, is it at least fun to build? sorry about so many questions I am a bit passionate as believed that I knew everything about LEGO pirates and then this pops up out of nowhere, again thanks so much for these shots and the info. cheers
The USS Constellation
wow, you have just proved how much of a small world it is, thanks for the info, did you ever get the set?
Review: 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep
Thank you for doing this review, this is the set I have been craving ever since I saw the prelim pics. Now how can I justify buying two of these to my fiancee....hmmm a puzzler. Cheers
The USS Constellation
Hello everyone I have a question and I would be thrilled if someone could give me an answer, what is this? Apparently it was a set released in 2003 but seeing as that was way into my dark age I was wondering if anyone knew anymore about it I have looked at the brickset page and there's just one review about how it was from the 70s. I really never knew of its existence until today, he is the birckset page if you are also stunned by a ship you missed out on. Brickset link Cheers all
The LEGO Idea Books
Hello all, I am not sure if many people are aware of this or not, but back in the 80s and 90s LEGO released a load of idea books aimed at helping children explore with LEGO. Included within these books were one or two instructions as well. So to cut a long story short, I found all the old ones which focused on castle sets and complied them all together into one article on one page. Below is the link if anyone is interested in seeing a Classic Carriage, a sawmill, a forestmens blacksmiths and much more. The Castle Idea Books Cheers all
Eastern Camp
aaa, the classic ninjas, they look so happy in their little camp, I wish more people would include these figs in their builds. excellent work cheers
[MOC] The Colony
I agree the furniture is brilliant, I also love the style of the buildings with the over hangs, and balconies, if feels like a town that has grown over time into a metropolis, i would love to see the streets busy with LEGO figs. Great Work
wow this is a blast from the past, Im pleased it got blogged as its a really neat little build, I still love the coconut the best
Admiral Big Cam
Congratualtions Big Cam you deserve it, im sure all us pirates are in safe hands with you at the helm.
Selling A LEGO Legend Set (MSIB)
Yeah your right, Im ganna hold onto it for a while and then maybe sell it in a few years, for now its hapy were it is
Selling A LEGO Legend Set (MSIB)
Hello everyone I have in my possesion a Mint Condition still in box (sealed)Lego Legend Guarded Inn. Now I have seen the cost of these bad boys on Bricklink and I was considering putting mine up as well, what would be a fair price?? Any offers or ideas or interest would be most welcome, I am still 50/50 weather I want to keep it or not, however the New Joust set is also calling my name. Cheers all
Lego Log Cabin
Thanks everyone, like I said its not the best build ever but its a nice and easy way to make something that I have been yearning for. The all grey round the top has gone now (to be replaced with brown) but the set still looks a little stripy on the front. My whole aim was to make a house that could be easily purchased by anyone in a store, and i feel I have achieved that (though it by no means comes close to some of the masterpieces build here) I would advise anyone looking for a medieval house to consider the log cabin however. Cheers all
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
ahhh my wallet she is burning junes ganna be a lean month in my household, lean, lean, lean
Lego Log Cabin
Hello All, I have tried to convert the Log Cabin into a medieval house and was wondering what you all thought and if anyone had tried it before, its not perfect but its great for those who are a little budget shy or not a fan of massive bricklink orders. . An Easy Medieval House let me now what you think Cheers all
WIP Pirate Brigantine
This is starting to look really nice, the colour scheme is just so clean and pretty, your builds looking great too. Will there be an interior? If so I would love to see some pictures when its ready
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