Everything posted by SirSven7
I think he's the witness my favorite part is the smashed coconut I think thats well clever
21102 LEGO CUUSOO Minecraft
Im a minecraft fan and I like the idea of creating your world using whats shown but still I'm not sold either, there is just something about it and also the price is a little high (ever 30 would be better) I think if I had to chose this or a regular set with minfigs in for a similar price I would pick the regualr set, then again if every brick is a 1x1 of flat (which it is not) then you have got some interesting possibilities (though a structural nightmare). It might appeal more to non Lego minecraft fans (an interesting way to bring them into the LEGO world too). Just my 2 Cents
Lt. Hastings hastens back to the Diomedes...
I love the figure head and the gold trimmings, this just gets better and better, any chance of looking below deck?
Cutting Blackbeard's beard
one little point I wanted to add is that they are not tenticals but lit tapers (slow burning cloth things, or matches) it probably wont change your opinion to remove them but it might so I thought I would add that comment. I tried the beard on the two dwarf helmets and I have to say that it doesn't fit (its too bulky) but it does go really well onto a viking helmet and that still looks good on a dwarf body. I hope that helps cheers
LEGO Collectable Minifgures Series 8 Rumours & Discussion
Occasionally its ok just to bond online with fellow fans, if all the threads became this convoluted then yes, but Im sure no one cares about a little bit of joking around (I hope or else I am in the wrong place ), a serious lego site would just get depressing (which is why Im eating ice cream whilst typing )
MOC: Timmy?
man thats a deep moc, I was quite surprised how powerfuly it made me feel, its good though but half of me is a little sad now, Im ganna go have an ice cream to cheer myself up. That poor LEGO dad
La sémillante
This is a very nice build, I am not a huge fan of the bounty sails but they don't look bad here and the structure of the ship is so brilliant that it doesn't matter, I love the railing around the top and I was just wondering if there's any pics from inside. Great work
[pid][/pid] 204D Another Find on the world of the Web, which I thought was well worth a look. Witness By Owen_S I hope you all like it
[MOC] The Timeaus - Atlantis Deep Ocean Tender/Research Ship
This is a really nice ship, I was wondering why it was in the adventure section instead of town (at first) but then I saw all those cool sea monsters. really funny (especially the man in the big fishes mouth)
MOC: Expedition EmFiber
Now if they released some girls sets like this I would start thinking of buying them, love the coffee break pic, cheers for this
The Lego Dark Forest Sets
Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone, I am quite a fan of these guys and they are a wonderful addition to the Forestmens set. I really apericate all the feedback
ADU have some competition from the girls.
I really like all those pink space ladies, I must now collect my own
Monster Fighters 2012
Thanks for that I had never seen the Haunted House build before I will definatly look into this set as a future purchase
Future LotR and Hobbit sets
All I really want is a hobbit house, that would be the best ever (I would by like 10 and make The Shire)
[Retro MOC] Market By The Wall
Oh my god, Why have I not seen any of these before (I had a complete look back on all the others) these are brilliant builds I love all of them, its the classics that I find the most exciting and these are some great mocs. Thanks for building them
How old are the characters from Pirate theme?
That coule be quite true but to me they age as I age (its the only way I can handle getting older ) I would hate to think one day when I am in my 50's that I am older than RedBeard or Ironhook, Im already sad that Im too old to be a Redcoat or Bluecoat (I could be a lieutenant though). Like with the comic book world, to me those guys are all old or dead and any new stuff is just a dream thought up by companies to make money (hang on is that half right anyway ).
The "continuity" of recent action themes
I think over the last couple of years LEGO has realised that the majority of profit is made from the first wave of any series, as its new which is always appealing and comes with new parts which again excites. I know I often bought a couple of sets from most of the first waves (a diver here, a mummy there, a dino over there ) but I always lose interest after a bit and I would never collect all of one wave, I only do that with the Pirate or Castle sets (though I got most of Pharaoquest so I could be wrong). I wish we had some action themes with a bit of depth though (waves 2 and 3) however it is also quite fun getting a load of new ones every so often so I am on the fence as to weather I like this trend or not. That being said it is definatly a pattern that is forming 1 Dino, 1 Pharo, 1 Monster Fight, (hopefully 1 madmax theme I wish )
Gladiator games
Brilliant, this was such a fun read before I had to go to work (I was eating cornflakes), blasted LEON I knew He would fail me, he does a much better job when his oppentents are chained to tables and can't actually move. Thanks for doing this it was alot of fun.
Monster Fighters 2012
its cause they know that they sell, I kid will buy a set if it can have a little conflict in it, its just the way it is. They like to design the sets so that each of them have there own little conflict in one box (eg, 2 figs from one side against a fig or two from another side). Mankind is a violent creature
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
fifth movie, ahh, that explains a lot, thank you I will now start to look into that. Cheers for the info
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I can't believe how much of a deal Helms Deep is it seems too good to be true so many bricks such a small price, does anyone have a proof of the english prices any where as I want to make sure. other sets seem a little expensive but no more so than any other licence so I'm not complaining. Cheers everyone
Lt. Hastings hastens back to the Diomedes...
agreed I would love to see more too, I really like the sails (brick built I assume) as they look great and I would like to copy them for a build of my own .
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Has anyone got any proof that we will be seeing stuff soon (I thought POTC was being placed on pause or had just been removed in favour of LOTR) as I hear alot of different ideas but I can't find anything online (and I have looked extensivly). Cheers guys
Death of the Duke
Ha when i first saw that I thought 'Macbeth' (I did as show as duncan recently so its been on my mine), the poor fellow in blue next to him looks sader than he does, great little scene
My first castle diorama
This is brilliant as far as first build go I can see your going to go far here, well done far better than anything I could build
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