Everything posted by SirSven7
Gladiator games
Veizlasalr Skógrhaukr
This build is so nice, you truely have a talent and you show it with every creation you make, that is one imposing yet homely and inviting embassy. Brilliant work
Bellringer's Isle
[pid][/pid] 205D My second intersting find of the day, below is an introduction from the builder themselves. "Trapped on an island far from home Yo-ho! Yo-ho! With naught but a bell to call hi' own Yo-ho! Yo-ho! No one tae hear th' soundin' brass Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Given fer dead by hi' bonny lass Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Hi' bones bleached dry hi' soul is gon' Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Hi' skull is set in a wicked smile Yo-ho! Yo-ho! Soundin' his bell on Bellringer's Isle Yo-ho! Yo-ho! " Bellringer's Isle By /TheBricks\ Cheers all
Prison Tower Escape
[pid][/pid] 206B Hello again all I know its been a while but I have found another interesting Build on the wonderful world of the web, below is an introduction from the builder themselves. "Not all, pirates are dumb. Some pirates took a lot of interest in history. These pirates used the idea of Icarus to make wings for escaping. They waited for the right moment to overpower the guards. Than they made wings out of the frame from the bed and strips of bed sheets. So now they can escape and look for safety. But is it really so safe in the water..." Prison Tower Escape by Ecclesiastes I hope you all like it Cheers
The Lego Dark Forest Sets
Yeah I like this idea, it could be next to the historical misprints post, we could call it 'theme overviews', yeah that would be great They did something similiar for me in the pirate index
How old are the characters from Pirate theme?
interesting topic, I would say that when I was 6 Redbeard was in charge and he looked about 45 so now that im 24 he must be about 63 (its time for him to retire) Broadside I would place at 35 (now 53) and Woodhouse at 30 (now 46, given his two year time delay), Bo,sum Will was sadly killed escaping the brig (which is way he's not in any other sets) and he was only 16 at the time. King Kahuku is immortal (hence the mask) so he has no age (or is over 5000 years old), and Iron hook is probably an Evil twin of Redbeard so his age is identical (63 now) Whereas Brickbeard (I assume thats the new guy from 2009) looks alot younger, at about 35 and as that was only a few years ago he is now only about 37 whereas the Governer looks well into his 50's (I would say 58) and as thats been a few years he's probably 60 now. All bluecoat and redcoat troops from the 90s are 20 (they are a clone army) and the lieutenants are all about 28. eyepatch pirate is 23 (its been a rough life) and the other one (also a huge clone army) is about 30. I like this topic cheers
The Lego Dark Forest Sets
you will not regret the hideout set its brilliant, congrats on your purchase cheers everyone for the wonderful comments, it really keeps me going when I know people actually enjoy what I say so thanks everyone man I love eurobricks
The Lego Dark Forest Sets
wow I didn't expect to get a reply so soon, thanks alot and cheers for tweeting them as well, I hope this one is as good as all the others were. Cheers
The Lego Dark Forest Sets
Hello again my fellow LEGO Fans, I have with me today my next instalment of my blog, The Drak Forest, click on the link if you fancy a trip down memory lane (p.s there should be no problems with it now in explorer). The Lego Dark Forest To any admins out there is it possible for me to get these put in the review index as I think they are quite relevent and most have now been relagateed to the back pages (which would not help a newbie looking for them), I am happy to put them all into one post if you like. Cheers again
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
Your welcome Ardelon I am sorry it took so long for the site to work properly (thanks for not giving up) I was a fan of he carriage set but just not so pleased with the build of it now I am a jaded AFOL rather than a youngester. palathadric / Artifex thanks both for the lovly comments its nice to know the reviews are apericated. Niku the sets your thinking of are fro Knights Kingdom 1 and yest they have the same shields printing (though in blue) so I can understand your confusion, that theme in general lacked something but it was when LEGO was going bankruped so they can be forgiven I guess (I will be reviewing those sets later too). Cheers again everyone, next up is Dark Forest and as there are only three sets for those guys, it will be up hopefully by Monday
The "classic" LEGO Town house
oddly enough it has the most hits on my blog (somewere in the region 5000+) so its a very popular article, if you ever have anymore of these let me know and I will add them to my blog if you like as this one was very good indeed. Classic Lego Houses cheers
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
good to hear its working, btw, I forgot to say thank you to everyone leaving nice comments, i am pleased its being so well recieved. Cheers all
Hunters Log Cabin
Love the little hut, civilain builds are always my fav, the hunter must be pretty good though if he uses a crossbow instead of a bow
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
you left out your opinion on the orc forge? that looks like one of my favorites, it will go well in my dwarven caves
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
Just to let you all know that it is now working in all formats, explore, google chrome, firefox and so on. Sorry about the problems before. Cheers all
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
Yeah its not working through explorer for some reason but I have taken it off for now and am installing some updates for my blog and then I will put it back again, give me a few hours and it should be working darn this is frustrating
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
Thats so strange about it not working, I have checked it all (logged off and found it through google) and its all fine, it could possibly be that I had lots of people viewing it in the first few hours whcih might have slowed the load time down, but I really don't know. If your still interested, I urge you to try again as its a fairly good read and I am sure it should work now. Sorry for the inconvience Cheers all
The Lego Royal Knights 1995-1998
Hello my fellow Eurobricker's, I have now completed my next article looking at the Royal Knights from 1995, give it a look if your a fan of all things classic. The Royal Knights 1995 feedback and comments would be most welcome. Cheers all
Redcoat Outpost
Nice little story, but was the pirate stupid enought to stab himself in the stomach during the fight as I see bob is still holding onto his sword
The Sad Night by Hardegon
Wow you guys posted this quick, I really like the way there is just so much to see in this build. Personally I am a fan of the giant head bolder as its a really nice almost unseen centrepiece to the build. Ohh and the guy is not quite being pushed into the water hes more following the natural force of the spear sticking out of his backside brilliant!
Gladiator games
Baron Manfred has decided to honour you all by allowing his own torture to compete in the games. Leon Berger will prove he is more than able when his oppenent is not tied up or chained down.
What % of your Lego Collection is Pirate?
About 35 percent is Pirate, but that is most of the sets the rest 50% Castle 15% assorted Western, Ninjago, Ninja, Adventurer, prince of persia, and Pharoh Quest. I Like my sets to contain a hint of violence
Pirates in new LEGO Ideas book...
yes please
The Lego Dragon Knights Sets 1993-1995
Wow this has caused some interesting and indepth discussion Im so pleased TheLegoDr: Thank you for your lovely comment, I also suffer from liking too many factions from classic castle, though I am not a hugh fan of combining my armies though I do use the new helm from these sets on a few key figs in other armies (to symbolise importance of course ) p.s I would love to see your armies posted, I keep hopeing to do the same thing but I ordered a camera from amazon ages ago and it never a arrived so since them I have been a bit camera phobic (I will get over it eventually). Aanchir: Thanks for clearing up the question of the cardboard castle, I agree that the workshop is a wonderful set but I can't fully let it hit my own personal top ten because of the lack of a door (once I mod it I can though). as for other set designs with the dragon masters I apericate that LEGO tried to do soemthing different and I love they way these guys stand out from alot of the other factions, something different is always interesting and often good. Thanks for the info on names that helps alot, however with these guys we get our first identifiable minifig, some of the sets have different names on them (like Black Monarchs Castle for example) however we don't actually get a fig to identify with the name (whos the Black Monarch?), if you ask online who the robin hood fig is and you would get a whole bunch of different answers, ask about Majisto and you will mostly get one, that was the point I was trying to make, in germany for example he was called Cerlin link, so I was more saying he is the firsted named fig not that his name is Majisto (I should probably make that clearer). If you post your list I would love to see it, just one final question what did you actually think of my article? is there anyway I could improve de Gothia thanks again, its always nice to hear from your p.s you have my condolencees about your favorite faction being userped drakke, I am quite similar I was biased towards the classic sets until I started seeing castle and kingdoms in the shops, these sets brought me back to LEGO castle (just like Pirates 2009 brought me back to LEGO) Mencot: I never saw them as oriental.......Until Now! OMG, still I think the golden age lasts a bit longer for me. The_Cook whats wrong with a set being all baseplates? I love baseplates, as for BURPS Ican do without them and some of the sets are a little BURP covered. I like using the old fig as a peasent becsue of the torso sadly the new wiz dosnt hae it so it doesn't look as good with a plain blue torso piece. still its fun to experiment. lego tipper: I was six when the Dragons came out, so you can guess I was mad for them, at the time they all lokked so much more exciting than my drab uniformed crusaders with the plain faces, I saw them as good guys as a kid (and they always fought the dragons never sided with them). Again when I got older I looked back on them and much prefered the older factions, Dragon masters is a brilliant childrens faction and others are great for all. Cheers for all the comments everyone
Kingdoms 2012?
I'm just ganna add my two cents into this whole discussion. point 1: I am so sad that Kingdoms is going, I still need to pick up the darn castle and it flew off the shelves so fast it looks like its ganna have to be a bricklink order (got the rest thought so its ok) point 2: at the mo the Lord of the Rings look but that is just cause they are prelim images, I had the same fellings about POTC and now I own and love every set (still a tiny part of me wishes Lego had not created them and given me a few more years of the 2009 pirates) Point 3: I don't know about you guys but the set I am most excited for is the Vampire Castle from monster fights, sure its not classic castle but its still a castle and we get to delve a little deeper into the fantasy theme (and don't have to pay the Licening Mark up for a set) Cheers all
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