Everything posted by stacker9000
MOC: Water Tower
Thank you all for the encourageing comments, I am thrilled to hear it is liked so well! As for instructions I don't know where or how to create them.(the only program I am somewhat familiar with is LEGO's Digital Designer.) And,the design has a half a stud cheat to give the support legs a slight tilt,which,I haven't found to be possible in a LDD design. But if there is interest,I could do some disassembled photos. So if I done those photos, do I post them to this thread, or should I just PM to those who are interested? Thanks again!
MOC - Industrial Supplies & Workshop
Another impressive business MOC L.T. Looks like you have all the important equipment covered, seems to be a busy and well stocked shop.
MOC - Industrial Machinery
Well,for suggestions, you could try a sheet metal roller, tubing roller, sheet metal break, or a metal shear. Good luck, and keep the great builds coming!
MOC - Industrial Machinery
Items to trade
I'm willing to offer up some pieces I don't think I'll need any time soon. Preferably, I'm looking to trade for PF straight train track pieces or a PF reciever or newer CITY or Coast guard motorcycles(not dirt bikes) or Indiana jones or Pharoahs Quest motorcycles. But, would be willing to consider any interesting offers of CITY or TRAIN pieces. The wheels do not seem to separate from the axle bricks, the tan window frames(no glass panes)are from the Emerald Night, and a monorail motor I got from a lot purchase on Ebay(I have connected it to a battery box and it did work with some fidgeting around with the switch, switch seems very sloppy,but otherwise appears to be in working condition) Thanks for looking! 114 by stacker9000, on Flickr
MOC: Water Tower
I figured my Emerald Night needed a place to fill up after long runs, so I built her this Water Tower. I would have liked to build an elaborate, slat-sided tank similar to a couple of ones I had already seen in other posts, but lack of parts and novice builder skills led me to this design. So, hopefully it will get re-MOC'd in the future. As always, comments and criticisms are welcomed. 117 by stacker9000, on Flickr
Brickworld Fort Wayne
Thank you for this post, this is the first I've heard about it. I am hoping you are talking about Fort Wayne,Indiana. If thats the location, then, yes I would like to try to attend that show. Now that I know about it I am going to try to look up show details, and I'm hoping for some train layouts. Thanks again!
Lego Passenger Train Battery problem
Hey Marty, First off, Welcome to Eurobricks! As for your question, my best guess would be your rechargeable batteries. How old are they, how many charge cycles have you put them through, and are you mixing newer batteries with older ones, all of these are factors in rechargeable performance. Your motor and reciever are probably fine if they work well with regular batteries installed, and one more factor to consider is rechargeable batteries are usaully rated at about 1.2 volts or so, and regular batteries are rated at 1.5 so when you put rechargeables in the pack you lose about 1.8 volts right from the start. Hope this helps!
What do people think is next?
I would be thrilled to see any cargo related trackside structures, but as a new train AFOL, I wish LEGO would revise their boxes of track. Having released 3 train sets so closely together, I am wanting as much straight track as I can get to increase my layout to run all my trains at the same time. Flex-track is useful, but I don't want it packaged with straights. And I would like to see a new Holiday train released also.
REVIEW: 4564 Freight Rail Runner
Great review jd! I am eager to get the new Red Cargo Train set because of the similarity to this set. As I don't own this set, and have never seen it in as good detail as you have pictured, I am most impressed by the loading mechanism on the truck, it has inspired me to search out those pieces and build some roll-off trucks. Thanks again!
Does anybody else like Motorcycles around here?
Hey guys, just thought I'd jump in here with mine, 2007 Night Train, right after her first bath of the season.
MOC - New Mannum Ford
Simply a FANTASTIC MOC, L.T., as with all your New Mannum buildings, incredible detail and overall design! Looking forward to more!
MOD: Another Emerald Night
Thank you all for the great comments, As for having doors, all my designs to add them at this point make the SNOT endcap assembly very fragile. fluffybunny, I can take more pictures(I am not really happy with how fuzzy these ones seem), what exactly would you like to see, and do you need me to remove any pieces?
MOD: Another Emerald Night
Thanks for the great comments! Have you thought about the possibility to change the grey parts to green (at the side of the loc)? If you mean the IR reciever at the back of the coal tender,I considered extending the tender by one stud but I don't have enough green bricks to do it. So using it on my personal layout I'm not concerned about it, but if I ever run it on a layout at a show, I'll probably get it covered up.
MOD: Another Emerald Night
Thanks Capt., the color choice was actually a fluke, I started MOC'ing these up before I even had the EN. I happened to have quite a few of the white windows to start with, and the more I looked at it, the more I really started to like the white offset.
MOD: Another Emerald Night
Hello everyone, I finally got my E.N. to where I'm happy with its look and wanted to show it off. All mods are based off multiple ideas shared here and in Flickr/MOC pages, so Thanks to all who who posted their ideas and versions. So hope you enjoy the photos, any comments/criticisms are welcome. Chris
WIP- Used Car Dealer
Great idea Syn, I think you have a good start, but the changes I would make are: 1. change the office front to have a couple full length glass windows and a all glass door 2. need a large billboard sign on top of the office 3. remove the parking blocks and paint lines(they look to much like customer parking spots than cars for sale),and then slightly angle all the cars in the lot,maybe build a ramp/stand to showcase one of the vehicles out front. If I sound critical, I'm sorry..but these are the things I have noticed most the used car lots around my area have. So, I hope this was helpful, and I look forward to seeing future versions!!!
E.N. tan window frames to trade
I have the ten tan window frames(frames only,no glass)from the Emerald Night passenger car to trade. I would mainly be interested in trading for some sections of RC train straight track or the new style magnetic train couplers. Thanks, Chris
What did you buy today?
I also bought a Maersk train set,2 AAA battery boxes and a PF train motor from Shop@Home. Can't wait for them to arrive!!!
Ideas for trains in 2011
I completely agree with you Legoninja! To me,a train station goes with the passenger train,so we definitely need a cargo center for cargo trains! I like the office idea,but I'm not sure about the crane,I'd guess it might work depending on where/how it was positioned. I do think it should include a couple forklifts,loading ramps,and lots of various items/containers for loading. In regard to Lego marketing/sales for trains,I think Lego should create a "standard starter set" train set that is the minimum pieces needed to build a simple train with track. It should be priced $70-$90,similar to the TS and HP trains but with less detail. This is what I used to consider the passenger train set,until it jumped up in cost. And my last point is,the only places I have seen the train sets is, Toys R US and LEGO stores,maybe a cheaper set might make it to more retailers,and maybe they should be put on the shelves beside model railroad sets so parents considering a train set for their kids can see Lego makes train sets too!
Hello, I am a new member
Jaster... from COLTC? Glad to see another Ohioan join in! Welcome!
Hello everybody,I just done my "Introduce yourself" post,and wanted to register as a Train Fan also. I always wanted a Lego train as a kid(early 80's),But I suppose the expense Back then was not in my parents budget(they did do a good job of supplying me with smaller sets though).And as I grew up I lost my Lego habit,But have now returned,and am stunned by the detail and smooth look of all the recent sets(kills me to think I missed out on the 9v era).So,I'll try and post a couple pictures of what I have gathered so far(Thank goodness for Bricklink).Anyway, I love the site and look forward to communicating with all the other members. Thanks.
Hello to all..
Hello everybody, I have recently came out of my "Dark ages" due to buying Legos for my son. I loved Legos as a kid,but lost my way as I grew into a teenager(about 15,when I started saving for a car). But,now have found my way back and am a big Train and City series Fan. I have accumulated a small collection so far(I plan on posting a couple pictures in the Train Fan registry),and am looking forward to increasing it with the new MAERSK train. I work for a pet food manufacturer and I am one of the guys who loads MAERSK/SEALAND cargo containers with our product for export. I am proud to be a member here,and am thrilled to see how active this site is. I have seen some GREAT MOC's and hope to be contributing soon. Anyway,a little about myself,I live in Ohio and my hobbies are,Lego trains,motorcycling(I own a Harley),nitro powered radio-control cars,and 4x4 trucks(3/4 ton diesel Dodge). So,Thanks for reading this,and I guess I'll see you around the forum. Chris
The next evolution... ME Track
Being new ,I was wondering how these relate to 4.5v track? And greenmtvince,what do you meen by "feature you'll never use"?
The next evolution... ME Track
As I have missed out on the 9v years,I am hoping these are for the PF sets. Being new to Lego trains,I am finding it very difficult to amass straight lengths at a reasonable cost.And regardless of which series they're for,I would say if ME packs these in good quantity at a fair price,They will have a very hard time keeping them in stock. I am EAGERLY awaiting any new info. on these!!
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