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  1. It actually does look pretty accurate, even though I hate the ship! Agree - looks fantastic.
  2. Just got the Gold Leader Y-wing new in sealed box. Promptly unsealed the box and built it!
  3. The CW Y-wing is pretty great - looks a lot similar. Same for the tie fighter and x-wing - the new X-wing coming out is rather spot on. As for the minifig-scale MF - the proportions are much too off, I think.
  4. What set do you think most accurately depicts the movie/series version of the ship? My main contender would be the Gold Leader Y-wing. . The design of the ship makes it appropriate for rendering in Lego. 9492 Tie Fighter or the 9493 X-wing are also good contenders. UCS naturally excluded - otherwise they would come close. For larger ships, perhaps the Tantive IV, though the scale gets rather wonky. What are your thoughts?
  5. Some extra pieces were used - two base plates and from the exo suit would be the key pieces needed. (http://www.funnybricks.com/images/default/493_1.jpg). Also used some other left-over bits and pieces, but mostly for greebling and details.
  6. Thank you! The Doctor Who set is fun - and the platform is probably the weakest part, but the control and the exterior are great. Dish is attached to the top of the Tardis control - removed for picture taking purposes though.
  7. Recently out of my dark ages, and got some nice Christmas gifts these holidays - the 75050 among it. However, the interior of the 75050 was... sparse. It needed some TLC. As luck would have it, I got the 21304 for Christmas as well - the two seemed like a match made in heaven!
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