Everything posted by strider117
[SoNE Ep. VIII] Eliminating the Competition
Excellent story and building and... building of the story. I really like your bantha
[MOC] Kylo Ren Lightsaber hilt made using LEGO
Nicely done! I recently made a life-size Prodigal Son hilt (Luke's RotJ green saber) but mine isn't nearly as accurate as this masterpiece . Great job demonhunter!
[WIP] Trying to modify my Millennium Falcon
This is a pretty bad MF... anyone...
Monstrum Maris
I love every bit of this, especially down to the water sculpting and SNOT throughout the ship. Nice build!
Custom Mace Windu Jedi Intereptor Made from 75135
Custom stickers! Very nice, reminds me of Mace Windu's eta-2 in that clone wars movie we got in what, like 2006? Anyone? Anyway nice MOC/D
Nicely done! Gotta love those legs/feet Btw where did you get that DC-15?
Could we ever see a remake of these UCS sets
My god that's the best Y-Wing I've ever seen! And $30.00?! I'm definitely doing that
[WIP] Trying to modify my Millennium Falcon
For its scale, this is on par with the UCS Falcon! Very well done!
Could we ever see a remake of these UCS sets
That Y-wing is sweet
[REVIEW]: 75141 Kanan's Speeder Bike
When I first saw this speeder bike it reminded me of Anakin's red bike in AotC and since they're so similar Kanan's bike just seems so oddly out of proportion, on par with the FO snowspeeder. Meh. Maybe it's just me. Thanks for the review Hygrotus!
- [MOC] ARC-170 starfighter (Instructions)
- MIDI-Scale Invisible Hand and Venator
MOC: Osgiliath
Perfectly relays the mood of this part of RotK... one of the best scenes amiright. Great little moc and I really envy your custom Gondorians -- they're awesome
Updating Your Minifigs
Anyone have ideas for a better Mon Mothma? Lately I've been building up a Rebel army and the old one from 2009 ( is just not doing it for me. thank you
Updating Your Minifigs
There's going to be an AT-TE (75157) in the summer wave That looks great!! What set does the hair come in though?
Bricklinking 10179 UCS Falcon. First BL. :)
Good luck Comptrekkie! I've always wanted to bricklink the falcon (or the imperial shuttle 10212) and have never thought of it as being this difficult . I'm glad everything has worked out pretty so far in the construction process and good luck on the rest! This is a big task
[Help] Cleaning Sharpie from Lego
Haha! I laughed when I read this, as I used to "customize" my clones too. Yours really aren't that bad, but mine look pretty terrible. I guess I should try some of the methods other people have posted...
- [MOC] Incom Corporations R-86 Freighter
- [MOC] Incom Corporations R-86 Freighter
- [MOC] Incom Corporations R-86 Freighter
- [MOC] Incom Corporations R-86 Freighter
[MOC] Rescue mission on Yavin 4
I love this!! Really reminds me of Battlefront on Endor
[MOC] Into the trenches of Hoth
Really like the 'sculpting' of the snow on this one well done
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars minifigures?
1. Old Boba Fett (w/ the bulky jetpack/helmet piece) 2006 #6210 2. AOTC Obi-Wan (really hard not to like that fig...) 2013 #75021 3. Poe Dameron (2015 #75102)
Favorite sets you own?
Well, looking at the rest of the responses I seem to be the only one who doesn't have a single UCS set, but here's my top 3: 1. 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge (w/Desert Skiff) 2. 75102 Poe Dameron's X-Wing Fighter (the only TFA set I like other than the Special Forces TIE) 3. 7676 Republic Gunship (One of my all-time favorite SW ships and it comes with Cody, so...)
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