Everything posted by MaasEffekt
- Help with identifying parts/sets!
- Help with identifying parts/sets!
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hello! How are you all doing fellow varlyrians? Sorry about my inactivity, but i am not at home, so i do not have Lego with me. Just in my heart. If everything goes well, i will be at home late June, and will start building and storytelling...
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Don't know it yet. If i can come up with a good idea, i might. Thinking...
- Prelude: Northern Conversation
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1A: Ein - Mýthos of Mervolk
Thank you! I love that "blazing orange".
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hello! My new moc for the Guild Challenge 2E Varlyrio Scenery - Sunken City. Hope you like it!
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 2E: Spring of Styx
Hi there! Would like to present my third (already?) moc for the Varlyrio Guild Challenge. It is for 2E: Varlyrio Scenery - Sunken City. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, it's you again! How do you blewe? You are becoming kind of a regular in these waters. Float a little bit closer, and i am going to share a secret with you! Can you keep a secret? Of course you cannot! However, it is imperative that i fin you in. Sooner or later, you would notice it anyway. Are you ready? Once upon a tide, long after mer folk moved into Lorelei Loch, they discovered something that completely changed our fate. They found a mersterious pond, filled with magic. In all likelihood, it is a consequence of centuries of magic used to make Horthol, the Sunken City liveable. All the preternatural powers the kolgari and others casted into the environs, somehow cumulated and made this supernatural pool. We named it "Brunnen der Veränderung" in our tongue- the "Well of Transformation" or something like that is the direct translation, but you mer friend can just simply call it the "Spring of Styx" on your common drylander language. Styx was the name of the mergygur who swam across it first. I mean a female finvolk. A nixe. A male is called a nix by the way. WoT01 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr Okay, okay, i won't swim around the kelp anymore! The place can transmute mervolk into surface strollers, and back. All hail Pontus! Now, what do you say about that?! I might add, mer folk weren't very enthusiastic to go dry, but it was too great of an opportunity to just ignore it. It was a small step for mer, one giant leap for merkind. The kolgari helped us a lot to acclimate, and we had the chance to meet a lot of other dust dwellers, who lived in- and around the Sunken City. I mean, we knew these people before, but now it was from a totally different perspective. Mer folk, the mervolk stood on two legs. It wasn't easy at first, but we learned a lot, and gained not less. We looking at the drylanders differently. I know, i know, we still don't fancy them. But it was worse in the past. Let mer hear your questions! I can see it in your eyes, you have some. No, it seems it won't work on other beings. Some kolgari, and non- elves jumped into the well before, but nothing happened, except they became wet. Don't have the slightest idea, why it is only working on us. I can tell you fish don't grow legs neither, if we carry them through. Who? Children of Ceto? They didn't try it yet, as far as i know. Wanted to persuade Octavia to give it a shot, but she wasn't so eager, so i let it go. Where is the well? Well, it can be found in an extraordinary place called Eventide Forest by the Kolgari. Huge dread ash, and midnight maple trees. Dread ashes with their dark red leafs, and orangish flowers. It has also a yellow fruit, the curvy finger. I like it very much, but the webbed winged filcher- which is a smaller flying animal- usually steals most of them. Oh, i saw some different dryland animals too! Well, partially dryland. There was the sun anuran- a very rare frog, and the mavros ophidian. Be careful with that sneaky serpent! Oh, and the drop skorp! That is especially a nasty one, when jumps from the tree into your hair! Lunacy! There were other animals too, like bugs! Big, ugly bugs! When i first saw them, i almost went back underwater immediately... WoT04 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr But we intend to stay above ground with this conversation for a bit more! Be nice now, because i would like you to meet a friend of mine. She is mer "link". Traditionally, when a marmennill, or margygur enters the surface world for the first time, the kolgari assign an aid/ guide to the new fin on the block. We call this person "link". A connection with the surface world. Her name is Coventina, and she is a kolgari circe- a sorceress, so do not offend her because you might find yourself in the shape of any aforemertioned creepy- crawly... May the water flow with you! WoTWP by Erhard Maas, on Flickr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More pictures can be found in my Flickr album.
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
We could use this, if we want an animal. Some kind of bird. It is two sided like a coin. Like Varlyrio. Beautiful, but got a dark side too.
Murder at the Golden Flag Inn
I like your builds. Nice! Congrats! More and more Varlyrio builds pop up these days. Cool! "Bribe the dwarves. Impress the goblin clans. Find the elusive Kolgari elves. It won't be easy, but it will be safer there until this dies down." It is safer there, i promise...
- Business is What you make it (Varlyrio 1C)
Knighting Ceremony - The Knights of Sana Argenta - Freebuild
Very nice! Congrats!
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1B: Daughter of Ceto
Hey! Thanks! Hello! Thanks! Glad you like it! I will try to build a 16x16 moc next time- for the Guild Challenge of course. Hi! Thank you! I am still adjusting to this underwater stuff, so i will try to find the balance for the surroundings. Greetings! Thanks very much! I am a fan of the bright colors, but also know that i have to be careful, and keep a healthy contrast with another darker one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you guys think about the plants are leant one way? I've tried to represent an underwater current with that.
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1B: Daughter of Ceto
Hello! Thanks! You are right! I do not know why i built it on the blue plate. Never did it before, never will again. I realized i screwed up with that move, when i took the photos. I redid the whole thing without the blue plate. I also retook the photos. Updated the original post. For my sins, and laziness i will kneel on Lego bricks for three days. Hi! Thank you!
- Fishery and Shrine at Prenmôr
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1B: Daughter of Ceto
Hello! Thanks! The lime kraken legs part is from the Alien Conquest theme. The Alien Commander minifig used it. There is also a dark red version of it from the Atlantis theme. The Atlantis Squid Warrior. Mainly i collect minifigures, so i do not have a lot of bricks- nor a lot of money for bricks, but i don't want to make mocs with LDD, because i like the real world Lego more. Of course sometimes i am using the LDD to make plans for a build. As for the unusual colors, i have a lot of "Nocturnus colors", so i am trying to use those to create this Sunken city underwater atmosphere- habitat. So these are the reasons why i think i have to focus on creating vignettes, and other small builds. And as a beginner builder, i have to start small. I was thinking about some microbuilds too, for the future. No, i am not a native speaker. My native is hungarian, but i have a passion for English (started to learn about 20- 25 years ago maybe). Also one of my hobbies is writing- in hungarian. One of my English teachers- who liked my English writings too, told me that non- native speakers think differently, so their writing style can be very unusual in a good way.
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1A: Ein - Mýthos of Mervolk
Hello! Thanks! Yeah, i was thinking the same about underwater builds. They are hard. I guess i've made my life complicated with the underwater stuff. Will do my best to create some nice mocs. I hope one day i will get the trans- blue dolphin too. Hi! Thank you! I love creating lore and stuff. Greetings! Thanks! I think so too. We can always use more diversity. There were water related species in Nocturnus too. The spoooky Drakarkan, and the Shkcklyk. But other than them, i could not find anything, so i went with the mervolk. But it is hard to build underwater stuff. I realized it after my decision. Hello! Thanks very much! I am glad you liked it! Hiya! Thank you! I am, and will try to use unusual stuff to represent the waters under the Sunken city and stuff. So it won't be just a normal underwater scene. Also have a plan on how to integrate the mervolk into Varlyrio's everyday life. Hi! Thanks! I will try! At the moment I am better at writing (i think), than building, so will give you people some lore, that is for sure. Yes, i intentionally used the same colors. Yeah, i need to work on my rock works and stuff.
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hello! Thanks for the welcome @Garmadon! My vignette for guild challenge 1B.
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1B: Daughter of Ceto
Hello again! Thanks for stopping by! Here is my second moc for the Varlyrio Guild Challenge. It is for 1B Family and known associates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia... What can i tell you about her? I've defeated her pet kraken once. Nobody anticipated that! That is how i've got mer scar on mer face. I mertioned it earlier, if you were paying attention. I think she will never forget it, nor forgive it, but that is when we crossed currents for the first time, and later we managed to form a bond. A strange friendship i would call. Merbe more? She is an octopus lady or something, a daughter of Ceto. Scary creature of the deep. Like mer sisters... Did i mertion, she has eight legs? Strong, large, long, lime limbs, with sticky stuff on them. I believe its called suckers. Well, it sucks to be grabbed with those, i can tell you that! Squeezes you like you were a sponge on the waterbed. She was not friendly at first, and that is an understatement. So under, it's underwater. Utterly hostile, but nowadays she "tolerates" us. Mer, a little bit more. Her older sister Pri'Scylla is not like that, but she is getting there i presume. I'd like to. Until then, Octavia is the connecting link between our volk. We had our battles, and differences with the Children of Ceto, but these days there is a fragile truce between our people. Officially. Back to Octavia Oceana. That is her whole name by the way. Do not tell anyone, i told you! I will deny it! She would hug me to death with her tentacles. Not a bad death, but still a death. Anyway, she has long dark green hair like a garden of beautiful seaweeds. Eyes, as dark as the depths of the waters, a killer stare, which is one level less menacing than the petrifying gaze of her younger sister Echo. Alluring lips, pretty, but assertive face, with some shiny silverish lines all over it. She likes the deepest parts of Lorelei Loch. The ice cold water is her favourite. Not a big social... How do you dryskins say it? Social butterfly? She has a soft spot for abandoned places, especially ship wrecks of yours. Knows how to defend herself, but not a fan of fighting. Do you want to know more? Mer too! OctaviaIntro3 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr IMG_2902 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr OctaviaUW2 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr IMG_2917 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr More pictures can be found in my Flickr album.
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
I think he means, Flickr will limit the free user space to a 1000 images soon.
Free Builds. Make sure to post a link here, for the glory of your Guild!
Ein - Mýthos of Mervolk / MaasEffekt / Varlyrio Daughter of Ceto / MaasEffekt / Varlyrio Spring of Styx / MaasEffekt / Varlyrio
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Thank you! Here it is. My vignette for guild challenge 1A.
Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1A: Ein - Mýthos of Mervolk
Greetings! Thanks for stopping by! I would like to present my first varlyrian vignette. It is for the Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1A- Family Affairs- Who's in charge. Sorry, i do not have many bricks, nor skills. I tried to use all the advice you gave me on my other mocs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mer- ry meet! I am Ein. Take a note on that, because you will hear it in the future, i guarantee! I am a blewe elf. Yes, i am not blue. I live in the blue. Hope it is not too complicated for you. Some others would know my kind as finvolk, or marmennill, or something like that. First of all, excuse my incidental grammatical errors. Your common tongue, is not my strongest skill. Usually, i prefer to pick up just elvish languages. Hope you will understand mer. Let's get started, shall we? Mer father was born in the mernificent polis of Tethys. He swam in the waters of Kalypsō, what sadly, I didn't have the opportunity to do so. Came to this world looong after that dreadful catastrophe. You know which one i am talking about, right? The one that happened in the place you probably know, or heard of as Varlyrio. Mer home is the spectacular underwater city of Thalassa. Would be a fool to tell you the exact location. Keep it a secret for now. About mer birth... What do you think? Are we from eggs or born alive? Like fish, or like humans? I will let you figure it out by yourself, if you can. Good luck with that dryskin! Haha! So, where was i before i've got tidetracked? Oh, yes! Mer father is called Ægir, Protector of the Blewe. Mer mother's name is Rán. Queen of the Blewe. I know, i know. Those titles are not very creative... Just for the record. They are not blue neither! I also have nine sisters- imagine that, but you don't want mer to list their names here. Would be long and boring believe mer, and i don't want you to know their names. You probably not even worthy to lay your beady little dust dweller eyes on mer beauteous sisters anyway. By the way, they have terrible personalities, and i am sure all of them are much older than you. Not to mertion nobody in their right mind would want to be their boyfriends. Not to mertion... husband. Enough of those margygurs! Let's talk about mer, merself, and i. Grew up in the eerie waters of Lorelei Loch. Had an adventurous childhood. The Children of Ceto always stirring up the deep waters yonder. There weren't many boring moments i can tell you that. Fortunately these days, we have less and less problems with them. Guess what? Even befriended a few. Who could have foretell that. I will speak to you about them another time, i promise. If you behave yourself well. Be nice, you hear mer! It is no secret, we are not a fan of your kind. Maybe one day, this will change, but in the mertime i will tell you about mer useless titles. Yes, i have those, like mer parents have. Let's see. I am the Lochagos of the Warriors of Vortex order. Lord of Lorelei Loch. Guardian of Thalassa. Have a few more, but those have no interest to you. Oh, i have one more, which is a "cool one"! Krakenslayer! If you were wondering about the scar around mer left eye. While my dad is somewhere in the great waters of Ōkeanós on some diplomatic mission to contact other finvolk, i am trying to build connections with your kind. That is why i revealed myself to you. Do you want to know more? EinIntro by Erhard Maas, on Flickr - Many- many tides ago, there was Erda. The dust dwellers call it Varlyrio, or was it Valrylio, or Varilyo? Well, it doesn't really matter! Erda it is named in our ancient tongue. Two lands, one with an inland sea, what was known as Kalypsō. That is where our ancestors were born, in the beautiful city of Tethys. The water was crystal clean, and warm. Full of life in it, and in its vicinity. The drylanders didn't bother us much. Our neighbours, and distant relatives the Kolgari lived close by. Sometimes dwarves came to trade goods, and news in return for the fruits and rare treasures of the deep. Other than that no two legged people dared to walk those lands, and swim or sail those waters. Life was good, because the water was good! Then out of the blue, cataclysm hit! Erda quaked, cracked, and shattered, deadly gases leaked from the deepest parts of the underworld into the waters, and up in the air. Soon, Tethys was destroyed. As the ground opened, most of Kalypsō drained. Ran down into a cavern that might wasn't even there before. Many of our volk swam for the last time that day, crashed on the rocks by deadly currents, or swallowed by hazardous maelstroms, engulfed by the abyss. But others survived and just let the flow to take care of them. The water takes, but it always brings. So, they found themselves in this huge new cave, in a subterranean lake fed by underground rivers, and hot springs regularly. Other survivors of the catastrophe arrived too! Even the Kolgari couldn't continue their lives on the surface. They moved into this great cavern, we call Horthol. Those were hard times on them, and on our volk. On everybody, who found refuge there. Magic was used on a daily basis to help establish a new life. The Kolgari built an amazing place, what is known in the legends as Sunken City. We built our new home, the magnificent city of Thalassa, on the bottom of the lake we know as Lorelei Loch. We were lucky. Very lucky to survive. Water is vital for all of the beings. With the new place, came new discoveries. Ones that changed the fate of our volk forever. Found waterways which connected our new home with the vast water Ōkeanós, so some of our brave ancestors departed. Ōkeanós... The final frontier. Those were the longest voyages of our volk. Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilizations, to boldly swim, where none one has swam before. To find new adventures, to meet never seen distant relatives. We also met new creatures, for example the Children of Ceto emerged from the depths of Lorelei Loch. Some of them were friendly, others are not so much. Water can be wild. Recent times, the surface strollers constantly grew in numbers. Not just in Erda. Don't have much respect towards the land, towards anything! They spill, and drink the waters, even fighting over it! Kill, murder for it! Sometimes they contaminate the wells, springs, rivers, and oceans! Litter the whole world! All that matters to them, is what can they take, what can they destroy! Almost always at war, those dryskins! Want power more, and more. Want everything! It is never enough! They know nothing! Nothing yet... Our volk are everywhere. We are watching. Where water is, there are we. Water is life, so we are! You cannot crush water, so you cannot crush us. We were here before you, and will be after you. We are the Elves of the Blewe! blewelves2 by Erhard Maas, on Flickr More pictures can be found in my Flickr album.
Book III - Varlyrio: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hello again! I came up with a few questions, if you don't mind. How do i have to present a guild challenge moc? Does it need its own topic, named properly which guild's- which challenge is it? For example: "Ein the merman prince - Varlyrio Guild Challenge 1A, Book III." Does a guild challenge build registers also as a free build for GoH? Thanks in advance!
Kaliphlin at Work - Day 15: Mophet market
Congrats! Very nice indeed!
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