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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Anyone save this pic? Seems it was taken from public view - and i missed it...
  2. Apparently LEGO is saying that those of us in the US are finally going to get the remainder of the Winter 2016 sets in March. Its about time...
  3. Funny how they have no camera signs around - while a LEGO rep knowingly talks to a guy holding a camera.
  4. Not sure - my guess would be LEGOs new Star Wars animated series being the reason. They likely didn't want to reveal it yet but needed to present the sets to retailers for ordering purposes.
  5. So I just spoke with the guy/gal who runs Promobricks and was informed that no one was allowed to take pictures of anything Star Wars. Looks like we might have to wait until NY Toy Fair to get photos.
  6. Apparently 4 new figures were announced at the Pre-show press conference. Not sure what they are yet.
  7. I don't understand why LEGO requests the descriptions not be made public - do they clearly not see people taking notes? What do they think they are going to do with those notes? Why even invite media members at all if your not going to allow them to report on what they see. I love LEGO, but they need to relax a little here - being the world's largest toy maker is starting to go to their heads.
  8. Yep. Sorry - must of missed them when browsing through the past posts. :) I usually praise everything LEGO does - but the Star Scavenger and Eclipse just look like something from a cancelled "SPACE" theme that they slapped a STAR WARS brand to. I'll wait until the tie-in IP launches for final judgment - but they just don't look very "Star Wars" to me.
  9. I have some pictures of the box art, but they have "confidential" written on them - am I allowed to post them here?
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