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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by TeamThrifty

  1. Just try... and try again, and keep trying.... The best part of technic is trying and figuring it out. Someone else figuring it all out for you isn't really what its all about...
  2. I love tractors! Can you post some pics of the internals.. its great to see how others have solved the problems This feels like its channelling the spirit of a Zetor Crystal - and i mean that as a compliment! Something about the styling...
  3. This is where the pleasure is for me.. trying and failing, and trying and failing.. and eventually succeeding (sometimes!) But the fun is in the challenge, persisting and not giving up.
  4. I think this is great advice.. when something is very convoluted, its probably not the best way. I prefer to build with trial and error, version after version - some prefer an electronic process - but i suspect the end goal is the same.. the word i like is elegant. I rarely achieve it!!! But thats the goal, simplify and make as efficient as possible, mechanically and the parts used... when you rebuild and everything drops into place, the sense of satisfaction is awesome. Now if only i could do that all the time i could send my job application off to TLG!!
  5. I do and it was inaccurate.. you said they don't, when in actual fact virtually all of them do... Son. ?
  6. Not true... John Deere and Fendt have twin wishbone front suspension, all other brands have some kind of front suspension too...
  7. @Sariel and the rest of this forum... if the good and helpful of this forum are driven away by the 'offended snowflake' minority then whats left isn't worth logging in for. If any member of this forum feels compelled to not participate then the group collective needs to look very hard at itself. Criticism, if constructive, should be welcomed. Those that can't handle that are the ones that should perhaps reconsider their involvement... ... and this has nothing to do with how good a builder you are, how many posts you make, how long you've been on the site. Everyone should be as welcome and valued as everyone else. In a word, Kindness. Whats wrong with a grown adult that they throw a strop at constructive criticism? Are they like that in real life or just behind a keyboard? The industry i work in - software - moves so quickly that virtually everyday i speak with someone about how best to do something. And they may correct what i've already done, or i might correct them, but no one sulks about it.. because we're grown ups. I would urge everyone who is an adult and enjoys learning from the experience of others to stay active on the site and smoother the nastiness with kindness, whether its your first post or your 2052nd... Kindness should be the winner here, not nastiness driving good people away. ..just my thoughts.
  8. It does, you're right!! Its better than i thought... still a shame about suspension, but its a definite buy for me.
  9. It doesn't.. look at the gearbox. One side goes to the LA's for tip, the other goes somewhere else... its not a 2 speed driving gearbox The black 24z's are mini turntables as some suggested above.. they're the LA mounts
  10. You make your decision.. I'll make my own Lack of suspension is very disappointing, but i much prefer £200 construction model with 3 functions, to a £350 'super'car with 1 - steering. Maybe the gearbox counts as its complex, so 2 functions then. £175 per function vs £66.. Volvo looks better value than the cars do! I agree.. very confusing. Unless part of the design spec was to include the horizontal motor as part of the C+ roll out?
  11. All that just to power the XL LA's? ..and no suspension at all. Thats a terrible omission. What are those black 24z (?) - is it a new part? There's a gearbox selector in there... what function apart from the LA's is there?
  12. You're totally correct. Anything but praise is cause for people to be offended - not just on EB, but in society in general. Its the snowflake mentality. And that has nothing to do with anyone's perceived 'ranking' on this forum. Its a fact and @Sariel is right to point it out (and if people don't like it, it kind of proves the point!), people spit their dummy and get all offended at anything other than total agreement with their own opinions.. its the petty world we currently live in.
  13. it needs a ball joint on each end to handle the pivot and oscillation, so i did it with a 9l steering link arm.. but easy to do.
  14. It is.. think its been visible from the first leaks? However, a similar pivot is used on big articulated tractors.. these often use a bracing beam above the pivot to stop the sag. On CaseIH Steigers, they call it tri-point oscillation. i've implemented it in a moc, and it was needed as the turntable has a fair amount of sag in it.. Wonder if TLG have done something similar to support the pivot/oscillation point?
  15. Aren't your 'king pins' on different planes? Surely it doesn't turn... hard to tell. Many parts make it confusing!!
  16. The guy she tells you not to worry about...!!
  17. Wow... I'm a tractor guy, love them and moc them all the time. But you've just WON!!! I get bored with the aesthetics. Love building the mechanics, but then lose interest... but what you presented here with the Challenger MT965E is brilliant. I am blown away!! The 3 point linkage is a realistic geometry, (i used 2 mini LA's in the same way ), diff locks on both axles.. love it. I half did a steiger a couple of years back and used large LA's for the steering but they took up sooooo much space. You're solution with the small LA's is much better. I'm not so motivated to start a new moc now!!!
  18. Sometimes i think i'm the only person in the world that likes Control+..!! PU was old, outdated and limited. C+ isn't perfect but has massive potential, is hugely scaleable and uses far better comms protocol.... can't wait to get my hands on the new horizontal motor. Hey C+, I still love you!!
  19. (3rd party tyres! Shhhh not everyone is a fan!!! Case IH Steiger... On big 3rd party tyres!!! Thats my next project. Got some 150mm tyres. 8 of them so its on duals!!! It will be big thats for sure!!
  20. I'm loving the recent tractor action on here!! They are my favourite and what i usually build... I know its controversial, but i think there's a special challange with tractors. Cars are 1:8 scale, big with loads of room to fit basic suspension and a gearbox in. Tractors are 1:18/1:20 ish.. and need 4wd with a clutch, diff locks, front and rear 3 point, pneumatics, steering. A much more considerable technical challenge if we're all honest!! Great MOC by the way! Keep the tractor faith!
  21. ..that reminds me, i need to book the dentist.
  22. Always love seeing a tractor moc!! btw, the real machine doesn't use a central diff.. Looking forward to seeing the progress!
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