Everything posted by Jump
Your Best Technic Bargains
Had it in my cart yesterday, when I went to the checkout it was gone. Sold out... Now it is 150 again. Waiting for the next opportunity now :)
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
42053 - Volvo EW160E
You lucky bastards No one here has them
42053 - Volvo EW160E
Not a single store near me that has them in stock, and if you ask for them: "don't know about any new toys..."
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
42056 - Porsche Speculation
What is the orange part you can see at 0:40 near the right rear wheel? You can also see it at 0:37 ont he left side.
Technic 2016 Discussion and Speculation
I think he meant numbered bags. Now you can use bag set 1, then bag set 2, ... Using non numbered bags in this set will be hell.
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
42053 - Volvo EW160E
Edit by Hinckley: pictures changed to links. Please reference the Site Guidelines (upper right hand corner of any forum page, under the banner or any staff signature) for the correct dimensions of posted images. These are too large. Thank you. Second model: https://scontent-bru...686988859_o.jpg Source: promobricks on facebook: https://www.facebook...988155491242154
42054 - Claas Xerion 5000 Trac VC
Alternative model seems nice as well: Source: promobricks on facebook:
- 42055 - Bucket Wheel Excavator
42056 - Porsche Speculation
What if you can only get this set if you buy the actual car?
42056 - Porsche Speculation
Seeing the orange in the Volvo and some recent sets, I'm guessing orange as well.
Technic 2016 Discussion and Speculation
I've registered myself today after reading for some time. Rereading the 2015 topic, and this complete topic took some time. The main difference is that last year, all info came in stages (leaked photos etc). Except the description, most of the info we wanted came today. For all the sets. So stuff enough to discuss. I'm more of the collector person and not really into designing my own rides and complex builds. But always wonder this: how far in advance does the Technic team design the new sets? Do they already have MOCs for 2017 and the ideas for the 2018 sets? And probably a lot of ideas got killed before we even see them.
42056 - Porsche Speculation
Is the model screwed to the bottom so that we couldn't lift up the car to see the underside (or theft protection)?
Technic 2016 Discussion and Speculation
Just bought a house. Maybe I can use the BWE for my driveway, and the Volvo for the garden. The CLAAS for tree removal. And the Porsche for in the garage.
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