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Everything posted by OrangeKNight

  1. So I've been making some strides in regards to the shell as I wait for my BrickLink Order; It's really starting to come together. Mike
  2. Posted an update on my Flickr, but the pic is very, very large, so I'll just link it here. Main progress is focused on integrating the turntable stuff, also further re-enforced the Frame as well. Mike
  3. Alright, worked on the turntable a bit, I really like that "gearbox", never knew about that part. I won't be able to test it quite yet, need the turntable and gearboxes first, but I figure I'll inset the turntable down low, and build up the core of the torso from the 'inside' of the turntable's 'prongs'. Mike
  4. I dunno, sure looks like a torso to me; Why do you think I put quotations around "tank" in the thread title? ;p Mike
  5. I dunno, this one is already very strong, considering what I put the weaker prototype throught and it came out just fine, besides, Studs make for a much easier time building the Shell! I'm very happy with how the tracks are atm, none of the Tracked sets have any serious suspension like I have, I did a lot of testing to figure ou the right proportions for this project. ;p I doubt U'll have room in the upper Torso for 2 more turntables, the arms would be linked, I don't really need them to rotate separately, I was just thinking of using a worm gear-to-axle type thing, that way they aren't rorating too fast. I had forgotten about studded turntables, I only have the studless ones, so I'll prolly use that, it will be easier to integrate for sure. I hadn't, frankly I wasn't even aware, I'm pretty out of touch with the technic side of things! xD I'll have to take a look at those. Oh that's fantastic, I'm definetly gonna be pulling that apart to see how it works, I hadn't needed 3 functions......but now I'm thinking if there's anything else I can motorize!(prolly not thought xD) I prolly won't get a chance to rally mess around with it until mid-weekend, but it's certainly a good starting point, thanks for that! Mike
  6. So, I'm working on a bigger(2.5x to be exact) version of this old thing; And I'm making some good progress; I've even started working on fleshing out the shell a bit as well, but I have 1 fairly major roadblock, the Torso. Specifically, I want to have the torso rotate left/right and for the arms to rotate Up/Down via PF. I figure I'll need to use a turntable, as I think I'll have to send an axle up the center to control the arms, I don't think I'll have space in the torso. But, to be honest I'm not very well versed with that level of Technic techniques. Any tips for the basic turntable setup or even just any sets that might act as a good starting point would be a great help. Here's a pic of the basic area I have to work with, the red axle represents the rotation point. Mike
  7. Simon, it's not a poppularity contest, as you said the one of the Right is tougher looking, and that's exactly what it's supposed to be, while the idea of the left on is being lighter/small/faster, check out this updated pic where I fixed the feet amung other things ;p Click Here to view Original Size Moar Progress! Tweaked the legs so they didn't feel as long and build up the weapons as well. right now it stands a bit taller than my first Hawken Mech, but it's not quite as bulky either. It's armed with a TOW Launcher(Basically a non-tracking missile) on the Right arm and an Assault Rifle on the Left Arm. All in all I'm pretty happy with this, I'm excited that I managed to work in the Friction piston, this gives me an excuse to order a lot off Bricklink! xD I'm also overly fond of the greebling I did on the back. Let me know what you guys think! Mike
  8. OrangeKNight replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Oh sure, after I start my Hawken thread >.> Anyways, as far as your ship goes, I dunno, I mean, I think it's a great ship an I'd love to be able to take cretid for something like that, I think you need to better define what you want to a acheive, if you anted something armadillo-ish I'd say the problem is that you have a ship that has more of a ribbed look, while armadillos tend to be a lot more on the smoother side, so maybe it's just a conflict of what you built not quite matching up to your goal? Mike
  9. Had a bit of a flash of an idea as to how I could do the cockpit for this guy(on the left FYI) while at work so I threw that together during lunch and the rest tonight, but I think it's ending up a bit too tall, gonna have to see if I can pull some height from it, I'll also be doing a different set of weapons for it as well later on. still working on the legs as well. Also Features an opening Cockpit(see if you can figure out how ;p) As always C&C is welcome. Mike
  10. While I'm a big fan of Raillery's work, I don't see how a walking mech is supposed to help create a system where all for wheel sets can be powered, while it might be possible to reate PF trains using M or XL motors, it would mean that I'd have to adjust the speed manually for every turn, it's just a lot easier to only power 1 wheel set or 2 motors on the same track like locoworks said. By realistic uses do you mean in Real life or just in the bricks? For Real Life, yeah it's a niche setup, I sure it could be designed and built with today's tech and it could be used for transporting things that might be just too big or a regular train/truck/plane, but there isn't a lot of possible uses. So likely Feasible, just not Practical in a 'big picture' fashion. As far as bricks go, well seeing as I tested it with bricks I'd say it's realistic as far as my testing went, all that's left is to design a train on top of it. Mike
  11. Well it's a little hard to tell, but the actual footprint is abouthte same as a 2x4 plate, with a Tbar in the ankle so I should be able to get the foot flat in most poses, increasing stability, my biggest worry is actually the knee, it's a new joint I'm trying that I've seen Fateheart use, but if that doesn't work I should be able to throw in some click hinges, I sure have enough of them now xD! Mike
  12. OrangeKNight posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Hey everyone! Hawken Just had a big Beta Event for the weekend so I fianlly got off my butt and got some game time in, had a blast! Between this and Mech Warrior Online looks like we'll have lots of Mech goodness for sometime! Hawken has a great Aesthetic so naturally it got my creative juices flowing! I had been having a good run with the Rocketeer mech, so I designed this guy based on it(or at leat it's weapons) Had a lot of fun with this, Hawkens Aesthetic and my Dense Building style meshed really well and I'm really liking hte overall size I got here, big enough for figs but small enough to be able to (relatively) easily build more than one or two! I think I'll try to build something based on the Assault Mech next, I've grown attached to it's big square head! So hit me up with any C&C you guys have, but keep in mind that these won't be you average LDD MOC, these are built and colored with Actual Bricks in mind! There are NO Floating parts, NO iffy connections and NO Parts in un-produced Colors(mistakes still happen thought), just keep it in mind. Mike
  13. So Update! -Most important being that you don't need double pivots as I previously thought, at least not at this scale/in this setup with the tracks running right up against each other. -To couple together multiple double wide train cars you do need to have just a single coupler, with 2 they pop off the track at turns so that's a no go. -The PF Train Motor didn't see to have any issues, inside/outside of the curve and front/back, so that's a good sign, but it might get dicy as more and more weight gets added. - I only have 1 PF Train Motor, so I don't know yet if it'd be possible to get more than one on a double wide setup, my current rough plan is for 2 doublewide 'locomotives' at the front of the train anyways so it might not matter but it's still something I wanna test. -Lastly, I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be any problem with sticking regular train cars behind the double wide sections......I don't have enough sets of Train wheels to test with saddly. As a final note, my resolve is wearing thin, between the free shipping and the double points for Oct I really want to get the 7939 Cargo Train, but that 240$CAD price tag is still hard to swallow..... You were right on both counts here, just doing a single central coupling works between 2 double wide train cars AND the red pivots weren't needed. So now I just need more train parts! xD Mike
  14. Actually I already do; Mike
  15. Never Built any train stuff, but there was a deal on Red Cargo Train and I've wanted to experiment so I picked it up and messing around with it got me thinking, with the new flex track you could make larger curves in the track, or run 2 tracks more or less parralel, and then I got to thinking how could one make a train to run on both tracks at the same time? So far I've only gotten as far as this; I can't test it out right now, still dealing with the influx of parts from my BrickCon Splurge, so I haven't had a chance to build and try it yet, but, from what I think I know this should work........Any one else ever tried something like this before? Mike
  16. I've had to do 90% of my builds in LDD first, simply because I don't have the kind of collection on hand to build anything so I've always built with real bricks in mind, frankly I don't even understand the appeal of building something you couldn't.....well......build! Mike
  17. OrangeKNight posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Sup Eurobricks. I'm here to fish for any C&C for my Gurren Lagann MOC before I get ready to order all the parts and such. To see more Check out My Set with all the WIPs. Let me know what you think. Mike
  18. Mind = Blown Great work! (Again) Mike
  19. OrangeKNight replied to bricked one's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Try the video, I hear they can show things in motion compared to a standard photograph that can not. Mike
  20. OrangeKNight replied to bricked one's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Waaaaaaaaat? You mean you were actually there? Please say you didn't bring anything, cause that'll make feel much better about not noticing if you did bring something! xD Mike
  21. OrangeKNight replied to bricked one's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    What a Fantastic surprise you had waiting for me after getting back From BrickCon! I must say you jumped right to the good stuff eh? ;p Mike
  22. I have a touch more complex view on it. Part of it is just that I don't have much in the way of curve parts, but I can't deny they have their uses, as can be see here; The Orange Curve really brings out all the other angles. It also comes down to the fact that for most/all of the things I design, Angles just make more sense(to me at least). On this hardsuit there are many places I could have stuck in curves of varying sorts; Its a small military hardsuit, and angles make it feel a lot more fierce than curves would. But like almost any topic concerning design, Everything has it's place, and if I were to design some freaky-deeky alien ship, I'd cram in curves and odd shapes everywhere possible. Mike
  23. OrangeKNight replied to Plissken's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    IMO I think the chrome stands out too much and doesn't have the heft/bulk you'd expect form something this big. I think a nice brick-build exhaust in Dark Grey/Dark Bley would be more suitable. Mike
  24. Sigh...... Mike
  25. Wing Zero was the Origainl Gundam, but it was deemed too powerful, Wing, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Shenlong and Sandrock are all derived from the Wing Zero design. It actually wasn't even built until about midway in the series. Mike
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