Everything posted by OrangeKNight
The Microscale Gundam Wing Project
Alright, thanks are in order Robuko! You helped me to really take the time and look at different ways to bulk out the legs without making them Bulky, and I think I got something pretty awesome here. And of course after I go through all the trouble of getting the pics I discover a better way to do the Leg Misile Pods! xD So theres 1 extra pic showing just the Missile Pods xD All in all, I'm very happy with how its turned out so far, only thing I would want to improve at this point is how the chest opens up, I think tomorrow I'm gonan built a quick physical copy and just try different things to it, its just really rather cramped for smpace at this size! xD Keep the comments coming! Its never too late to try and help out! Mike
The Microscale Gundam Wing Project
I did see back around the time he released it, and from that vid I did some reverse engineering, and honestly its just far to fragile IMO. I don't know what kind of voodoo he used, but when I built parts like he did the joints either didn't work or would fall apart if you looked at them funny, and explode if you had to gall to try and pose them. Might have been something to do with my bricks, or maybe I missed something he did, but they just wouldn't work for me. That said his is still an amazing build for sure, but not quite to my tastes function-wise. Also it shoudl be noted that his build is purely for looking like the RX-78, it wouldn't be very easy to convert his design to match other Gundam designs IMO. tkh's design was done with the assumption he'd be building many different Gundams, which is exactly what he did so it seemed more natural to use his as basis. But anyways, sorry to rattle on, back to Heavyarm's Legs; I agree larger feet might be more stable, but I think 2x3 plate migth make then too large comapred to the rest of the legs, bu tI'll prolly order the extra parts to do so anyways, just in case. As far as leg armor goes, its kinda the same situation, due to it's size/scale(I think they're only about 4-5" high or something) I did only just come up with a couple ideas I will try but even if I add flat tiles to side right below the knee joint, it ends up looking pretty fat, but I'll mess with it today and tomorrow and see. Mike
Which set should I buy?
I don't have either set(yet) unfortunetly myself, but from what research and looking I've done, The Motorized Excavator seems like a great starting point when it comes to getting started in Motorized Technic again, the fact it has 4 M Motors 4 Linear Actuators, 2 Reciever and 2 Remotes is just massive IMO. IF you have the cash at least... If your not as interested in the motorizing stuff, I would go with the Mobile Crane instead. Mike
The Microscale Gundam Wing Project
AAaaaand I just realized I forgot to post the pic with the flaps open! *headdesk* So I'll just post it now xD I also stumbled across the shading options in LDD, wish I had found them sooner xD Mike
BrickLink Shopping Habits?
Put Simply, What are some shopping habits you guys have developped for shopping on Bricklink?I'm mostly curious cause Bricklink is all new to me and I'm curious to see what others think before I dive in myself. I'm mostly concerned about Making fewer Big orders OR Many smaller ones to get eh best pricing and/or locations... But I think everyone can benefit from sharing tips and such! Also sorry if this has been covered recently, I searcha bit but didn't find anything along the same theme. Mike
The Microscale Gundam Wing Project
Revamping this first post now that the project is actually complete! Check back soon! Alright, so some time ago I designed Heavyarms in LDD after seeing tkh's Strike Gundam, and then from there I decided To do the rest too. So here they are; Wing Gundam OZ Designation: 01 Pilot: Heero Yuy Equipment; -Vulcan Gun x2 -MachineCannon x2 -Buster Rifle -Beam Saber x2 -Shield Deathscythe OZ Designation: 02 Pilot: Duo Maxwell Equipment; -Vulcan Guns -Machine Cannons -Beam Scythe -Buster Shield Heavyarms OZ Designation: 01 Pilot: Heero Yuy Equipment; -Machine Cannons -Vulcan Cannons -Homing Missile 6x (Shoulder) -Micro Missile 24x (Leg) -Chest Gatling Cannon -Beam Gatling -Knife (Retractable) Sandrock OZ Designation: 04 Pilot: Quatre Winner Equipment; -Heat Shotel 2x -Vulcan Guns -Homing Missile 2x -Shield -Cross Crusher Shenlong OZ Designation: 05 Pilot: Chang Wufei Equipment; -Beam Glaive -Dragon Fang -Flamethrower -Vulcan Cannon 2x -Shenlong Shield Tallgeese OZ Designation: N/A Pilot: Zechs Marquise Equipment; -Dober Gun -Beam Saber -Shield Mike
[MOC] Starfighters
I like the Green Reaper, its small with just enough detailing to not look cluttered but still give it tons of character. But I feel like I'd like the Wasp much more.......if we could see more of it! I wanna see some 3/4 view pictures! Mike
[MOC] AirType
I like it! It has a nice feel to it and feels liek you could slip it into the R-Type 'verse with no-one being the wiser! But I feel your pain as for as color matching and such, I'm kidna coming out of my own Dark Age, best we can hope for at the time is simply to get it as close as we can and take pictures at angles with you don't notice it as much! xD Mike
Comming out of my own Dark Ages...
I've been kidna mkessing around with my LEGO again over the last 6-ish months with the occaisional MOC and such but now I'm wanting to get more into building Mecha type stuff on top of a bunch of Technic stuff, being incredibly inspired by Mahji and his Awesome MOCs and seeing stuff like THIS, I'm the kinda guy that just really wants to know HOW it all goes together and how he built it so well as to achieve that posability. Anyways, in short I'm hoping to pick you'r guy's brains quite a bit as I get up to speed on all these fancy things you guys have nowaday like Bricklink and LDD xD On top of other things that never concerned me as a kid xD Mike
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