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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Just saw the new trailer so disappointed it's not Carrie Kelly. I don't why they would use the likeness and then make it Dick.
  2. Carrie Kellyby far will be the best minifig if they actually do her. Dear God a bigfig Frank Miller dark night to go with it would be nice.
  3. If anyone hasn't seen it just search #legodisney on Instagram looks amazing!
  4. We can pretty much expect a brick built clayface set right that's all I want.
  5. Finally getting a bizarro fig! Wonder if we'll get any other figs that were sdcc exclusives in micro sets maybe as a comprise from Lego.
  6. Groot was always bigger in the comics so the size in Lego doesn't bother me at all. I actually love it.
  7. Anyone modify the ghost rider bike yet? I was thinking of going along the lines of kanan's bike from the Star Wars set cause that seems more to scale. More of a Danny Ketch style ghost rider bike. Can't wait for those sets to be released in the states.
  8. A someone who loves the original teen titans cartoon I love the Raven and Beast Boy figures. The joker land beast boy was ok but never wowed me much happier with the Go! version and the new 52 Raven is way over sexualized and looks terrible to me. I think they would have botched it if they tried doing a raven figure based off that.
  9. Are those trans prices used for floating new? If not I'm about to blow up brick link
  10. I LOVE the combine from this set it's so perfect hopefully the figure will grow on me.
  11. Any thoughts on buying two of these to make one large bridge? Think it'll be pretty easy to modify? My whole plan is to this as a bridge between my modulars daily bugle and Avengers tower for a city scene.
  12. Yeah I got the 2006 scarecrow for a decent price a couple weeks before this one was announced. Was upset until i saw this version glad I picked up the older one.
  13. Am I the only one that doesn't like that scarecrow?
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